Out of Date - This mod has been marked as out of date on October 4, 2023. This is likely due to the original file being changed by the Trove Team, it is unlikely to continue working and the mod author will need to submit a new version.
• Fixed emote: "face_with_raised_eyebrow" displaying an egg.
• Config menu will now keep chat open when command is executed.
• /stats now displays thousands seperators
• player-emote now displays a half-space
• Whisper color authorcolor can be changed
• Emotes will no longer go out of bounds in emote-menu
• block-primelevel-msg now works
• Following commands were changed:
- /chat clear -> /clear
- /chat purge -> /purge
- /chat purgeat -> /removemsg
• Added 2 config options:
- block-world-chat
- input-replace
• Added 8 emotes.
Completely customizable chatmod with many features including:
- In-Game config menu (Accessable via /cfg, /config or /settings)
- 48 Config options (as of v1.0.1)
- Emotes & Emote menu.
- In-Depth tootip shown when left-clicking on messages.
- Small file-size to reduce on-launch crashes.
- Custom Commands such as:
- /cstats - Displays chat stats for current session such as: Uptime, Hearts-Sent, Total-Messages, Emotes-Sent
- //who, //chatlist - Will only show player amount instead of all messages.
- /stats stat1, stat2 - Will only show stats that were defined.
- /clear - Clears chat.
- /purge <amount> - Clears X amount of messages from chat.
- /removemsg <messageID> - Clears the message at the defined ID.
- /playsound sound_name - Plays sound/music based on string
- Future plans for upcoming versions:
- Fully customizable colors for all UI elements for chat.
- New config options.
- New Emotes.
NOTE: Certain things such as club-tags will never be a thing due to mod file size, increased size only causes more issues.
Direct message me on trovesaurus if you would like a Emote added, or you encounter any bugs/issues. 🐒
Created: August 2, 2022
Updated: November 22, 2022
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 6,721
Downloads: 1,212
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Mod inspired by TheSymbols Chat Mod
Visible on TroveTools