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Is it possible to do a version of this for loot drops? Particularly crystals. Your take on this mod,
funny enough, I'm working on something for that already, it won't be like this but will fit better
Is it possible to add a button to turn it on/off at will? Like for screenshots or something like that.
only through entering on the mod files themselves and modifying them, there's no such thing as custom settings for VFX
So, can you give an example of where I should change in the mod file?
colors are set on the spawner script of each layer inside each .pkfx, some has only Color and others Color2, those are equal to float4(Red,Green,Blue,Alpha) each going from 0 to 1, I can't be more specific
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r
Notes: Makes a trail going from your camera to bosses, cursed skulls, chests and 5-star activators. As extras it includes a distance-to-mark
Mod FilesShow
- pkfx 35+
- character_mount_dragon_deepsea_headglow_02
- character_npc_affix_aoeheal_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_beam_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_beam_magic_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_bee_01
- character_npc_affix_clone_01
- character_npc_affix_clone_01-gold
- character_npc_affix_gravitypylon_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_gravitywell_01
- character_npc_affix_iceaura_01
- character_npc_affix_iceaura_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_icebomb_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_meteor_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_meteor_ice_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_mirrorimage_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_mushrooms_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_nova_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_sawblade_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_shadowchick_01
- character_npc_affix_shadowchick_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_shadrone_01
- character_npc_affix_spiders_01
- character_npc_affix_spikes_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_stinky_01
- character_npc_affix_teleport_01
- character_npc_affix_teleport_summon_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_turret_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_turret_flamethrower_ambient_01
- character_npc_affix_vortex_ambient_01
- character_npc_dragon_egg_keeper_pirate_breath_01
- environment_ominous_totem_active_01
- environment_ominous_totem_idle_01
- item_atlas_light_01
- item_treasurechest_aura_02
- item_treasurechest_aura_shadow
- png 1+
- radaradvanced
Boss' buffs VFX, cursed skulls VFX, chests' VFX and atlas VFX
Extra information for this mod.
Created: July 10, 2022
Updated: July 11, 2022
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 26,096
Steam Workshop Views: 14,735
Downloads: 8,531
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