Amberine Geode Caves Expertise Quest

Shield Sparker

Used to craft the Barrier Generator, a module helpful to cave exploration.

Obtained from Amberine's Geode Caves Expertise Quest.

GAS Enhancer

Used to forge stronger versions of the Geodian Acclimation System. Emits a curious scent.

Obtained from Amberine's Geode Caves Expertise Quest.


Used to craft the Pathpainter, a module helpful to cave exploration.

Obtained from Amberine's Geode Caves Expertise Quest.

Rocket Thrusters

Used to craft Rocket Boots, a module helpful to cave exploration.

Obtained from Amberine's Geode Caves Expertise Quest.

Thumper Core

Used to craft the Thumper, a module helpful to cave exploration.

Obtained from Amberine's Geode Caves Expertise Quest.