List Contents
Legendary Tome
- Equip to charge by completing dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches
- When fully charged it produces [Chaos Chest; 10]
- This effect can only trigger once a week.
This item can be purchased at the in-game store for credits.
- 90 Movement Speed
Can be unlocked from:
[ Super Mount Stash]
Abenteuerkiste der Gipfelgeister
Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game marketplace.
- 90 Movement Speed
- 90 Movement Speed
- 100 Glide
Can be obtained from [item=Dark Chaos Vault] as a rare drop
- 90 Movement Speed
- 90 Movement Speed
- 100 Glide
Obtained as a Very Rare drop from a [item=Light Chaos Vault].
- 140 Movement Speed
- 40 Turning Rate
- 12 Acceleration
Crafted from the [item=Radiant Dayspring] using [item=Cygnus's Token 2018].
Golden Aevis
Pets (Mastery)
- 15.0% Magic Damage
- 15.0% Physical Damage
Gain a movement speed boost when a nearby enemy dies.
Can be purchased from the Cranny NPC merchant in the Hub for 500 Credits, when Rooster Allies set is in rotation.
- 7 Jump
- 4.0% Attack Speed
Exclusively purchased through the Eclipse Pack for $ 19.99 USD, from the Trove Store.
This costume can be crafted at the Chaotic Combinator using the item
Chaos Core and other varying materials.
This costume can be crafted at the Chaotic Combinator using the item
Chaos Core and other varying materials.
- 90 Movement Speed
Crafted through the [item=Shadowy Station].
Berri Blue
Pets (Promo)
When purchasing a credit pack with a minimum value of 29,99 EUR/USD between September 24, 2021 at 4:00 PST/6:00 CST/11:00 UTC/13:00 CEST until October 1st, 2021 at 4:00 PST/6:00 CST/11:00 UTC/13:00 CEST
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