Class Coin
Use to unlock a class for free. Or loot collect it for 3 Double Experience Potions.
Cannot be used to unlock the Solarion, Bard, or Vanguardian.
Imported in Patch: Class Coin Edition 设计者为: Trove Team
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The Ashyen Lobber and Irradiant Gearbox allies are now tradable when obtained from Greater Sundered Uplands Caches. All Obsidian scrolls from the Sundered Uplands can now be traded. Allies and minions will now attack Blastflowers. The Clam Chow recip...
June 30, 2022 Patch
Trovians, We’re pleased to introduce the Sunrise patch, introducing a new class, Solarion, a new biome, Sundered Uplands, a new difficulty rank, Uber-11, to challenge everyone, and, of course, new rewards in the form of Crystal Gems. Wh...
We’re pleased to introduce the Sunrise patch to all of our players, introducing a new class (Solarion), a new biome (Sundered Uplands), a new difficulty rank (Uber-11) to challenge everyone, and, of course, new rewards in the form of Crystal Gems. &...
Dear Trovians, We are happy to present to you a new chapter in Trove: the incredible “Tune Up” update (PC)! Celebrate the start of summer in Trove with amazing music and welcome our new character class – the Bard!Our little mu...
June 15, 2021 Blog
Dear Trovians,We are happy to present to you a new chapter in Trove: the incredible "Tune Up" update (PC)!Celebrate the start of summer in Trove with amazing music and welcome our new character class - the Bard! Our little musician - with his elegant move...
June 15, 2021 Patch
The Tune Up! update brings the new Bard class. Bards embellish with relish, singing their song to assist their allies' abilities and enfeeble their enemies. Unleash a mighty kabong with your lute fist or cultivate a crowd with your cadence - playing to p...
June 8, 2021
Bard Bards weave together stylish moves and powerful songs in order to buff allies and dish out magic damage. Bards use fist weapons to power up the strums of their lute. They have the ability to convert the physical damage on fist weapons into m...
These are the new and changed items we've detected on Trove - Geode PTS....
June 9, 2018 Database Update PTS Items
We've updated the Items and Deco database to the Trove - Heroes update. Sorry for the delay in publishing this, we filtered out a large number of minor text edits that didn't need to be shown....
March 27, 2018 Database Update Heroes Items