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Chaos Coin


Increases your Chaos Factor by one.

Imported in Patch: Everything Edition Diseñado por: Trove Team

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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Chaos Coin"

Preview: and above. The previous reward of a single Chaos Coin for Rank 1 has been removed. Show

New Class, New Biome
  • The Dino Tamer class is here and it’s dino-mite! Learn more about the latest Trove class in our Dino Tamer preview!
  • Get a blast from the past with the Jurassic Jungle biome. This new biome is loaded with all new enemies.
    • Archeosaurus
    • Therizinosaurus
    • Troglodyte
  • The Tyrannosaurus Rex is a rare spawn with a damage buff and a big health pool so bring some friends if you want to take it on!

  • Inora, Flame of Enlightenment, is now live! Designed by GYNLBart.
  • The Dormant Wisdom Dragon Egg used to craft Inora can be obtained from the Merchant of Wonders for 5,000 Fragments of Wonder.
  • Three new dragons have appeared! Hunt them down in Trove to acquire fragments of their eggs. Use those fragments at the Dragon Crucible to craft your very own dragon mount!
    • Dracocolatl, the Mellower (designed by community member TeeKayM) has been spotted around Candoria!
    • Avast! There be dragons here! The terrible and relentless Flakbeard, the Relentless has been spotted guarding his booty in the Treasure Isles! Yarrrrr!
    • The great and ancient aquatic wyrm Thallasion, Shaper of the Currents now resides within the deep blue sea!
  • Some other legendary dragons can now be obtained using Golden Eggs from Greater Dragon Caches or the Dragon Effigy (found in the Weekly Dragon Deal).
    • Drak-o-Lantern
    • Tysorion, Steward of New Beginnings
    • Tannenbomber, the Harbinger of Tidings
  • You can now craft a Diamond Dragon Egg (used to unlock Primordial Dragons) at the Dragon Crucible using Diamond Dragonite!
  • Diamond Dragonite can be obtained via the new daily contest for total Power Rank, from events, in the Trove Store, and also a very, very rare tradable world drop 'Diamond Dragonite Pouch'.
  • Daily Dragonite rewards will expire after 24 hours if not collected from the Claims menu.
  • The following dragon eggs can now be deconstructed into Dragon Coins: Dormant Siege Dragon Egg, Dormant Dusk Dragon Egg, and Dormant Lunar New Year Dragon Egg.
  • Fixed an issue where Power Rank wasn't correctly counted for Dragons.
  • The Badges for Spirit of Lambent, Spirit of Azorian, and Spirit of Trimach now correctly display info in their Rewards section.

Login Rewards
  • A new crafting bench has been added - the Radiant Dayspring! Each day that you log in to Trove earns a Daily Login Token valid during that month. These tokens can be used at the Radiant Dayspring to craft unique mounts, items, and a special monthly lootbox. Log in daily and discover your rewards!

  • The lower stat value for all minor Gems has been increased by 30%!
  • Lesser Stellar Gems now deconstruct for 500 Gem Dust.
  • Gem Booster Boxes now award Golden Gem keys instead of dust.
  • Gem Booster Boxes now give slightly more of some boosters at uncommon.
  • Gems with a single stat will no longer be found in the world. Instead Gems will always have 2 or 3 stats.
  • There are new recipes in the Gem section of the Adventurer’s Crafting Bench for Lapis Luckbug and Ninth Life.
  • Increased the amount of Lapis Luckbugs that can come from daily chests and Gem Booster Boxes.
  • The Stinging Curse Gem effect now works with the Fae Trickster class.

  • 3 new Power Rank and Mastery sigil levels have been added. For Power Rank sigils they now go up to 20,000 and have been otherwise adjusted slightly at the high end. For Mastery this means more sigils up to 300.
  • Lil Pup has had his Mastery removed.
  • Mastery has been doubled (from 50 to 100) on the Cyclone Skimmer, Squeakers, and Neverending Necrowmancer mounts. Players who have already collected these mounts will receive the incremental 50 Mastery.
  • Disaeon, the Immortal dragon now grants +30 Power Rank and the following stats but does NOT grant Mastery:
    • +1000 Max Health
    • +1 Maximum Energy
    • +1 Energy Regeneration
    • +50 Magic Find
  • Leveling costumes now grant 35 Mastery and other costumes grant 70 Mastery.
  • Mastery is now awarded immediately when an XP Coin is used.

  • We've smoothed the experience curve to level 30 and reduced the amount of experience required from level 20-30.
  • Since Dragon Fire Peaks and Jurassic Jungle are restricted to U4 and U5, they will no longer appear as biome Challenges.
  • Invasions and World Bosses will no longer spawn in the first 2 worlds (Medieval Highlands/Novice and Permafrost/Adept). This change allows our newest players to get used to game mechanics a bit before being ROFLstomped by invaders.
  • Mastery Rank 20 is now required to use Trading, Community or Club Chests, and the Marketplace.
  • Starter Classes are now limited to only the 8 most accessible classes. Class Coins and other methods of acquiring Classes work as normal.
  • The introductory quest chain will no longer require players to join a club or enter the Shadow Tower

  • Damage from the Neon Ninja empowered class Gem ability, 'Heuristic Haxstar' should now stack correctly.
  • Fixed the damage reduction of the Tomb Raiser ability, 'Banshee's Boon' to correctly reduce damage by 90% (the tooltip always said 90%, but the ability was previously only reducing by 75%).
  • Corrected certain Revenant Class Gems descriptions to remove the incorrect statement "does not taunt.” Aegis Assault taunts like a boss!
  • Adjusted the cooldown sound for the Ice Sage's Gem power.
  • Updated the description on the Beckon Banshee Tomb Raiser Gems.
  • Updated the description on the Lunar Lancer ability 'Lunacy' to reflect the actual reduced damage.
  • Updated the following abilities to not collide with NPCs (similar to Dino Tamer's Clever Snare)
    • Boomeranger - Big Bomb and Mysterious Urn
    • Shadow Hunter - Sun Snare
    • Fae Trickster- Glitterbomb.
  • Revenant's Wraith passive ability once more applies 50% physical damage and 100% health regen while wraith is on cooldown.
  • Ability cooldowns are now reset to max when switching between classes.
  • Cooldown on dodge has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.8 seconds, because it's just more fun that way.

Chaos Chests
  • Chaos Chests and Golden Chaos Chests now drop sometimes from dungeon chests. There are advantages to farming fast for these, but even more casual players will be able to earn them at a reasonable rate!
  • Any Chaos Chests acquired following this patch cannot be traded. Existing chests are still tradable. Tradable and non-tradable chests have separate karma bars.
  • Chaos Chest common and uncommon tables have been randomized and the uncommon table now includes Chaos Cores (a lootbox containing many Chaos Cores).
  • One week out of every 4 will now have a Chaos Mega-core as the top loot for the week.
  • The Chaos Chest rare table has been expanded to always include all previous “Chaos Chest only” collectibles at a low rate.
  • Shadow Pinatas now have a very rare chance to drop from Chaos Chests!
  • Chest-specific collectibles gained from opening chests can no longer be traded and will loot collect into Chaos Cores. Collectibles acquired prior to this patch remain tradable but cannot be loot collected.
  • Added the new Chaos Core Crafter workbench to the Novice Crafting Bench.
  • Crafting at this bench unlocks directly into Collections and prevent you from crafting anything you already have collected.
  • At the Chaos Core Crafter bench you can use Chaos Cores, along with other resources, to craft classes and Chaos Chest specific collectibles.
  • The Chaos Core Crafter also includes the following awesome new costumes:
  • Blastcap Builder (Boomeranger) by Evilagician
  • Chimeric Cubist (Candy Barbarian) by Dusty_Mustard
  • Bathys Barbarian (Candy Barbarian) by Mew2ian
  • Darkheart Destroyer (Candy Barbarian) by LippyLapras
  • Daybreak Daimyo (Candy Barbarian) by TeeKayM
  • Frigid Fiend (Candy Barbarian)
  • Shaggy Yeti (Candy Barbarian)
  • Alchemancer (Chloromancer) by Jusiv
  • Crystal Cultivator (Chloromancer) by 3motions
  • Plaguepurge Pollinator (Chloromancer) by Galeneos
  • Rosy Ravisher (Chloromancer)
  • Jeweled Jaeger (Dino Tamer) by Anibaal
  • Dominating Dracomaster (Dino Tamer) by KawaiiCaretaker
  • Pinata Protector (Dino Tamer) by Anibaal
  • Shadow Sauromancer (Dino Tamer) by Zeptimus
  • Macedoine Master (Dracolyte) by Ainogommon
  • Partisan Pinatrician (Dracolyte) by 3motions and gaugekelley1
  • Chaos Cultist (Fae Trickster) by SkyRider3217
  • Shining Sidhe (Fae Trickster) by Anibaal
  • ATMOS C-TAC Armor (Gunslinger) by B_Y3LL0W
  • Jet Jammer (Gunslinger) by Ainogommon
  • Mesozoic Meteomancer (Ice Sage) by Evilagician
  • Strife Sage (Ice Sage) by Celeress
  • Dashing Duelist (Knight) by Galeneos
  • Steel Sultan (Knight) by Anibaal
  • Shadowscorn Saboteur (Lunar Lancer) by Screamheart
  • Demersal Marine (Lunar Lancer) by 3motions
  • Golden Glaivesinger (Lunar Lancer) by Galeneos
  • Inferno Infiltrator (Neon Ninja) by Flowey
  • Anubian Assassin (Neon Ninja) by Galeneos
  • Bushin Beatmaster (Neon Ninja) by CryoGX
  • Arcanium Admiral (Pirate Captain) by MagicMate
  • Star Skipper (Pirate Captain) by Ainogommon
  • A.M.O.K. Aimbot (Shadow Hunter) by NTwarrior
  • Modish Marksman (Shadow Hunter) by TeeKayM
  • Royal Ranger (Shadow Hunter) by Rosain
  • Photon Phantom (Shadow Hunter) by Jusiv
  • Rosewood Huntress (Shadow Hunter) by MoonPetals
  • Guardian Golem (Revenant) by Evilagician
  • Workshop Watcher (Revenant)
  • Super Magical (Revenant) by GadgetCAT
  • Chrono Construct (Revenant) by 3motions
  • Everdark Emissary (Tomb Raiser) by FriedSushi
  • Winter Waker (Tomb Raiser)
  • Heart Eater (Tomb Raiser)

  • Removed Chaos Chests, Eyes of Q’bthulhu, and Glim from accepted Marketplace currency.
  • Increased the # of items on the Marketplace drop downs.
  • Since we're increasing how much Flux you can store, we figured we should increase how much Flux you can charge for your Marketplace listings! The new maximum is 25 million Flux.
  • In Collections, the Marketplace search button now only appears on items that can be listed in the Marketplace.
  • Updated Marketplace comparison to show values < 1.
  • Fixed Marketplace bug where no results appeared when Item Type was set to Blocks, Building, Crafting, Decoration, or Items.
  • Fixed a bug that could allow creation of Marketplace listings with larger than 9999 quantity.
  • Fixed very rare issue where the Marketplace could get into a state where it took currency for listings but never handed over the purchased items.

  • Leaderboards and Contests now grant rewards to everyone who is tied.
  • The Mastery contest now gives 300 pinatas to each of the top 10 instead of 999 to top 1.
  • Class Power Rank Weeklies now reward 50 Shadow Pinatas to anyone Rank 10 and above. The previous reward of a single Chaos Coin for Rank 1 has been removed.
  • New Weekly Contests have been added. They are Infinium Mined This Week, Glim Collected This Week, Fish Caught This Week, Weekly Battle Arenas Won, and Loot Collected This Week.
  • Experience Earned contest leaderboard now tracks only XP earned during the contest week instead of all-time XP. This will reset the leaderboard. Any progress made on Monday, June 26, 2017 will not be counted. Good news Kubrt23! The code should arrive in your Twitch inbox shortly! I appreciate you posting here so I could get this all sorted out....

Questions Fasti / Trove Forums

Preview: the chance for opening a tradible or non-tradible chaos coin? Point in fact, I opened my ganda befo Show

Quote Originally Posted by Knowpain View Post
Maybe the community can help me or the devs.
I am looking for dates, actual times on when things or items are coming out, not just "it's coming".

1. Mastery rank 400, is there a date or has it already passed?
2. What is the chance for opening a tradible or non-tradible chaos coin? Point in fact, I opened my ganda before I got a chaos coin from a chaos chest or a golden chaos chest.
3. Big updates are coming, Trion is extremely bad at actually setting dates on when something will happen. Don't say "it's coming or will happen" but give a date.

R, Knowpain

Let's have a little chat here. I'm going to let you in on some secrets, but don't tell anyone.

We'd love to give you dates for when things are coming. Dates are awesome. As the Community Manager I'm going to be the source for most of this kind of info. The issue is that it's a complex world and game systems are even more complex.

Changing one small thing can impact things you'd never expect. We want to bring a bunch of content all at once but we need to make sure all of it works together without causing too many headaches. As it stands we'll always have some bugs - that's just a reality of building an ever-changing MMO.

We don't want to even ballpark a date for something that isn't already complete because when we do that we are told that we "promised" a date that has slipped.

You'll always get answers from me that I believe to be true. Sometimes I'm wrong. I'm 42% human (58% Bulldog) so I can screw up sometimes. I try not to, and when I do, I learn from it - always.
  • Mastery rank update is going to be above 400. We're not going to give you a date on it.
  • Chaos Chests drop Chaos Coins very rarely. It's in the neighborhood of Ganda rarity.
  • This Tuesday, January 31st, PS4 beta testers are getting the stability patch (which is a massive quality of life improvement). I just dropped some date knowledge on you.

Have a great night!

Hey there,

I'll follow up with Morgana. She's handling livestream prizes for all games. Please bear with me.

Preview: Portrait Badge (new!) Trove: A Chaos Coin & Essentials Pack D Show

Hello, Trion Gamers!

Join us on November 5th at 9am PT for a 24 hour stream, featuring all Trion games! You can support us by joining us on Trion Team to help our fundraising! Friends and familycan sponsor your day of marathon gaming, and any money you raise goes to the Children's Miracle Network hospital of YOUR choosing.

Of course, no good deed goes unrewarded: checkout our Extra Life page to see a list of goodies you can get for your hard work, also featured below!

Extra Life 2016 Rewards

$25 in Fundraising:

RIFT: Dimension Items: Banners (x2, new!), Minion Card: Sera (new!)
Trove: Arcade Helm
Devilian: Charitable Devil Title (new!)
Atlas Reactor: Extra Life Banner (new!)
ArcheAge: Loyalty Tokens x30
Defiance: A Dodge Challenger RT Sublime Pearl Coat Black Stripe vehicle

$75 in Fundraising:

RIFT: Companion Pet: Sera (new!), Dimension Item: halo (new!)
Trove: Extra Life Pack
Atlas Reactor: Emblem (new!)
ArcheAge: Legacy Hero Costume

$150 in Fundraising:

RIFT: Cape, Portrait Badge (new!)
Trove: A Chaos Coin & Essentials Pack
Devilian: Soldier's Fortune Pack Fortune
Atlas Reactor: 25 Loot Matrices, 40 GG Boosts
ArcheAge: Archeum Pack
Defiance: T.I.T.A.N. Augment Bundle

$500 in Fundraising:

RIFT: Two Starfall Prophecy Deluxe packs OR 1 Year of Patron Time
ArcheAge: Housing items: Hot Tub, Fishing Pond
Trove: 25,000 Credits
Devilian: Devilian Complete Pack
Defiance: Obliterator T.I.T.A.N. Bundle

1 hour played of the listed game:

RIFT: Title: The Angelic(new!)
Devilian: Halo (new!)
Atlas Reactor: Title: Unyielding(new!)

24 hours of played Trion games, combined:

RIFT: Title: The Charitable
Defiance: Title: The Charitable

Don't miss out: the count for these played time rewards starts at 9am PT on 11/5 and ends at 9am PT on 11/7!

Extra Goodness

Like years past, if you donate via the Extra Life page of game designer Kumar 'Atronos' Daryanan you can help design items that will be added to Trove! Check out his page for the details.

Of course, we've always got more up our sleeves, waiting to be seen. We hope to see you on November 5th!

The Trion Extra Lifers

Preview: rize Winner IT'S A TIE!! Prize: 1 Chaos Coin, 5 Drumstick Griffon Mount codes Show

To view original contest thread, use this link.

Such great entries everyone! Again, the hardest part was getting all the votes in and ultimately choosing the winners.

DRUM ROLL. . . . Here are the winners for the Griffon Art Contest!!

Grand Prize Winner IT'S A TIE!!
Prize: 1 Chaos Coin, 5 Drumstick Griffon Mount codes and a rendition of their concept in game with codes.

Top 5(+1) “Runner-Up” Winners
Prize: 1 chaos coin and 5 Drumstick Griffon Mount codes each.

10 “Runner-Runner-Up” Winners

Prize: 1 Drumstick Griffon Mount code each.

Honorable Mentions
Prize: One drawing by Twixler.
Prize: One drawing by Junebug.

*The codes for the Drumstick the Griffon will be given out when available and I will keep you updated as to when. As of now the mount is still in the pipeline and receiving some polish. We will contact you all soon.

**The two top winners will get their concept added to the game at a later date, some time will be needed for modeling and implementation.


Preview: and above. The previous reward of a single Chaos Coin for Rank 1 has been removed. Show

Additional Updates
  • Class Power Rank Weeklies now reward 50 Shadow Pinatas to anyone Rank 10 and above. The previous reward of a single Chaos Coin for Rank 1 has been removed.
  • Panatea the Partifier no longer requires a Party Animal to craft.
  • Adjusted the reward requirements on some race minigames.
  • 3 new power rank and mastery sigil levels have been added. For power rank sigils they now go up to 20,000 and have been otherwise adjusted slightly at the high end. For mastery this means more sigils up to 300.

Preview: and above. The previous reward of a single Chaos Coin for Rank 1 has been removed. Show

Depth Charge
  • Mysterious Mining robots are suddenly everywhere underground, and it's up to you to uncover their plans and liberate a plucky little companion: the Minerbot Qubesley!
  • This event will run from 4/18 through 5/2.

Credit Pouches
  • In order to target marketplace price manipulation of credit pouches and reduce fraud we're making a small change to how they function:
    • Credit pouches are now automatically consumed when purchased from the player marketplace.
    • Credit pouches can now only be listed in the marketplace and not traded in other locations.

Minigame Changes
  • Updated minigame scoreboard to keep player scores displayed after they've left a completed game.
  • Updated minigames to scale all mounts to the same speed.
  • Updated minigames to scale all run speed to the same speed.
  • Updated minigames to scale all wings to the same speed.
  • The new Minigame 'Target Destruction' can be built in the Worldspring crafting bench and played in individual Club Worlds. It will come to the challenge rotation in the future once we've improve the hit detection further.
  • Added a new Minigame Class block which can be placed and used to force a class to be selected (even if it's not yet unlocked for someone participating).
  • There is now a recipe on the Worldspring crafting bench for a teleporter placeable.
  • Fixed a bug where mini game and club portals could spawn on top of each other.
  • Fixed racing minigame exploit.
  • Adjusted the reward requirements on some race minigames.

Ability Changes
  • Updated the following abilities to not collide with NPCs (similar to Dino Tamer's Clever Snare), Boomeranger - Big Bomb and Mysterious Urn, Shadow Hunter - Sun Snare, Fae Trickster- Glitterbomb.
  • Revenant's Wraith passive ability once more applies 50% physical damage and 100% health regen while wraith is on cooldown.
  • Ability cooldowns are now reset to max when switching to a recently used class.
  • Cooldown on dodge is now 1.8 seconds, because it's more fun that way.

Leaderboard Changes
  • Leaderboards and contests now grants rewards to everyone who is tied.
  • Class Power Rank Weeklies now reward 50 Shadow Pinatas to anyone Rank 10 and above. The previous reward of a single Chaos Coin for Rank 1 has been removed.
  • New Weekly Contests have been added to the schedule beginning April 17th. They are Infinium Mined This Week, Glim Collected This Week, Fish Caught This Week, Weekly Battle Arenas Won, and Loot Collected This Week.

New Dungeons
  • New Frontier Lair from stedms!
  • New Candoria Lair from Evilagician!
  • New Jurassic Jungle Lair from FiannaTiger!
  • New Dragonfire Peaks Dungeon from Zungryware!
  • New Shadow Tower Dungeon from Keyser95!
  • New Candoria Dungeon from Pupshies!

Additional Updates
  • Added 25 new costumes to the Chaos Crafting Workbench! There are new costumes for the Candy Barbarian, Chloromancer, Dino Tamer, Dracolyte, Fae Trickster, Gunslinger, Knight, Lunar Lancer, Neon Ninja, Pirate Captain, Shadow Hunter and Revenant!
  • The claims icon in the lower left of the screen will now show up for new claims that you haven't seen, even if they were automatically claimed. Most notably, whenever we do giveaways, you'll have that icon to notify you. And if you buy something from the store it will also appear.
  • Flasks now have a brief cooldown when emblems or flasks are changed.
  • The Double Experience Potion now displays a buff icon in the upper left to indicate it's running and how much time is remaining.
  • The Golden Dragon Effigy now deconstructs to 300 Dragon Coins.
  • In Collections, added a new dropdown option: Show Favorites. This will make it easier to narrow down your search to just your favorited Tomes/Mounts/Allies/etc.
  • In Collections:Tomes, added an icon to indicate when a tome is "sleeping" and can't earn any more experience this week.
  • Fixed some behavior with the Twinkling Tomes and Golden Gem Keys - the tradable versions should appear in the Adventure Inventory, and the non-tradable versions used for crafting and gem boxes should appear in the Crafting Inventory.
  • The following dragon eggs can now be deconstructed into Dragon Coins: Dormant Seige Dragon Egg, Dormant Dusk Dragon Egg, and Dormant Lunar New Year Dragon Egg.
  • The Chaos Crafter will now display "This is already in your collection" for costumes and collectables you've already crafted.
  • Fixed a bug with the way the Dino Tamer Max Health and Health Regen values were being calculated. This has been fixed and as such, all Dino Tamers across the board should now have more Max Health and Health Regen!
  • Fixed bug where weapon is sometimes replaced with fishing pole.
  • 3 new power rank and mastery sigil levels have been added. For power rank sigils they now go up to 20,000 and have been otherwise adjusted slightly at the high end. For mastery this means more sigils up to 300.
  • Fixed bug where boats couldn't be used in minigames when a boat block had been placed for the map.
  • Squeakers is now worth 100 Mastery, up from 50. His loyalty has finally been rewarded.
  • Updated Power Rank for St. Qubeslick, Tranquil Tentacle, and the new Streamer Dream allies.
  • Fixed bug where some plant tooltips didn't show what season they grew in.
  • The Starter Class Coin has a new look, to differentiate it against the regular Class Coin.
  • Changing your name no longer blocks you from logging back in.
  • Improved projectile collision.
  • Panatea the Partifier no longer requires a Party Animal to craft.
  • Panatea the Partifier now uses the original multi-colored effect again for the impact vfx.
  • Invasions and World Bosses removed from the first 2 worlds (Medieval Highlands/Novice and Permafrost/Adept). Our newest players should not be terrorized so suddenly.
  • Updated descriptions for the following crafting materials to be more specific: Blank Scroll, Diamond, Shadow Diamond, and Ancient Scale.
  • Fix camera shaking visible during movement.
  • Changing Auras on Stellar gear will now cause it to be non-tradable.
  • Old account names are properly cleaned up after a character rename.
  • Fixed bug where client exited if a duplicate player name was chosen upon character creation.
  • The Badges for Spirit of Lambent, Spirit of Azorian, and Spirit of Trimach no longer have nothing listed in their Rewards section.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in spacing and punctuation for Costume descriptions.
  • Fixed the Fractal Fighting Fork flavor text.
  • Fixed cut off text in German and French versions of EULA screen.
  • Fixed an issue with the alignment of French and German text on the Store's Patron tab.

Chaos Coin Code Fasti / Trove Forums

Preview: >Hello I'm Shadow_Mindset. I recently won a Chaos Coin code on the latest TrionWorlds t Show

Quote Originally Posted by Beheaded_Shadow1 View Post
Hello I'm Shadow_Mindset. I recently won a Chaos Coin code on the latest TrionWorlds trove stream on friday, but I have yet to receive my code. Is there anything I should be aware of?
All the codes have been sent so be sure to check the inbox in Twitch labelled as "Other" because codes tend to be routed there.

Preview: der lvl 30? Also i haven't gotten my chaos coin code from last Friday's stream: Show

Quote Originally Posted by StormySkull View Post
Why I can't see the experience on my lvl bar anymore with any class under lvl 30?

Also i haven't gotten my chaos coin code from last Friday's stream: and I checked my other tab on my twitch messages.
Hi StormySkull,

Sounds like a bug in the level bar. I have forwarded it to our QA to take a look, as it seems to work in some cases and not in others.

Ping Fasti about the Chaos Coin Code.

Din O

I'll ask Morgana to follow up.

To weigh in again, I definitely think the most compelling idea to come out of this is the idea of a bundle that includes a coin and a few other one-time unlocks. We could price this at a premium...

Preview: Show

Quote Originally Posted by Mitzarin View Post
The only thing I am worried about is this; I can buy 1K into the game, and spend all of that on the coins and get 11 chaos factor...

It's hard to balance the 1K free coin vs. the input of cash into it though. The numbers... I don't know how many people would realistically pay 100$ for one gamble box a day forever though.
The thought crossed my mind on this too, but then I considered how many immediate chests that would be equivalent to (and again, we have so many players and relatively few go in even for the chests) that the impact in either case is relatively minor from the wider view.

Preview: haos Factor went live about adding a non-tradable chaos coin to the store for credits. Now that Chao Show

Hey all,

While we can't stop by and discuss every change we're planning on making with you guys, I do like to from time to time open up a conversation about something we're thinking about doing.

We had a thread before Chaos Factor went live about adding a non-tradable chaos coin to the store for credits. Now that Chaos Factor has been live I want to bring this up again.

The idea here is that you can make a bet: if you want to drop some credits on a purchase now of a coin and stick around longer than it takes to 'pay off' then you're getting a discount, potentially a deep one, on chaos chests.

The argument against that I've heard has been that we're 'giving away' too many game resources for cheap or that we're trying to make a quick buck. However, I think that since the chests are entering the economy over a longer period of time it balances out, and it strikes me as a fun way to let people who want to commit to the game do so.

What do you guys think? Is there interest in this? If we do it - what should we cost it at to make it compelling but also balanced?

Preview: on Twitch and reply? If so, you'll get the Chaos Coin on Monday, I promise. Thanks for Show

Quote Originally Posted by Dor View Post
so anyway I won a coin in july 2nd live stream , you can see here at 33:37 :

Im dorgross but i didnt get that coin.

what should i do?
Hey there!

I'll check this out for you. Did you get a message on Twitch and reply? If so, you'll get the Chaos Coin on Monday, I promise. Thanks for your patience!