Shimmying Shamrock
Sometimes, when no one is looking, it does a little dance of joy.
Imported in Patch: Shadowy Spotlight
Tervezte: SkyRider3217
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Hey there, Trovians!Prepare for Snowfest and get ready for a winter wonderland weekend with Luxion! ☃️Cruise on the Musical Mat 🎵 or shoot for the stars with the Shooting Snowfest Star mount ⭐. Make an impactful entrance with the Chromatic Cu...
Trovians, are you feeling unlucky lately? Luxion has you covered as he returns to the Hub with an amazing offer of luck-bringing items! Meet St. Qubeslick and Shimmying Shamrock, two allies who will accompany you on your next adventures and make sure...
Ever wanted to ride on your very own dinosaur? Wonder what it feels like flying through the wonderful world of Trove on a stormy cloud? Luxion has you covered as he returns with two mounts, an ally & much more to the Hub. Don’t miss this chance...
It’s the greenest week of the year in Trove!Some of us will probably celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day on Wednesday and others will try their luck – in all green – in Trove 😉 The four-leaved clover – which is a symbol ...
March 15, 2021 Blog
Luxion is back in our hub with not only mounts and allies, but also a beautiful Unyielding Emblem that grants a brief invulnerability shield when worn.Luxion will be waiting for you in the Light’s Den from January 22nd and will magically disapp...
Luxion the Golden Dragon has returned to the Hub! He’s here to offer you good deals for your precious Dragon Coins! As usual, he will be waiting for you near the Dragon Crucible from April 3rd and will magically disappear on April 6th at 4 AM PDT ...
Luxion of the Golden Hoard is a gorgeous dragon who returns to the Hub twice a month to trade goods for Dragon Coins. You’ll find Luxion near the Dragon Crucible from March 15-18. He’ll vanish at 3AM PDT (11AM UTC) on March 18, so don’t wai...
March 13, 2019 Blog
The Trials of St. Qubeslick introduces 10 new event adventures that will test your mettle while also granting gobs of goodies with two weeks of Daily Login Rewards! Completing the Trials of St. Qubeslick will grant you the Shimmying Shamrock ally to joi...
March 14, 2018 Blog
We've updated the Trovesaurus database with the latest patch, see the article for listed changes to Collections, Items, Deco, Styles and Strings....
February 6, 2018 Database Update