Mount: Techno Tortoise
Ride in style to the wub-wub of your favourite soundtracks.
Imported in Patch: May Update Разработал: Trove Team
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How many Dragon coins have you collected lately? Mmmmh, I’m not sure that’s enough for our greedy Luxion! Just kidding! Our favorite Golden Dragon is back in the hub and ready to take your monedas for valuable goods. As usual, he will be ...
July 12, 2019 Blog
We've updated the Trovesaurus DB to the May Update....
May 17, 2018 Database Update
We've updated the Items and Deco database to the Trove - Heroes update. Sorry for the delay in publishing this, we filtered out a large number of minor text edits that didn't need to be shown....
March 27, 2018 Database Update Heroes Items