Pretty in pink.
Imported in Patch: Polished Paragon 设计者为: Trove Team
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Luxion lands in the Hub – Until August 5, 2024!
Hello Trovians,Luxion’s got some amazing summer treats for you! ☀️Hop around on Flopsy, the cutest bunny around 🐰, or ride in style with the majestic Ancient Cubits 🏺. Bring along Q’berus’ly, the loyal ally you didn’t...
Load up on Luxion Loot – Until April 4, 2022!
Luxion lands for the first tiMe in spring to spend some time with you in the hub.Among other itemS, he has Flopsy and Bunsly in store to set the mood for the upcoming Bunfest celebrations!Luxion will be waiting for you in the Light’s Den from April...