Trove of Wonders
Contains all manner of wondrous treasures. What will you find inside?
Imported in Patch: Faster Fish and Double Dragon Designer: Trove Team
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Community Links
gamigo is turning 20 years old! 20 years of memories, ups and downs, friendships, soulmates, enemies and kinship. We would like to share our happiness with you all in the form of events, challenges, social media and forum activities, and much more! T...
October 1, 2020 Blog
Greeting Trovians, The Trove team is absolutely delighted to share the latest major update, Delves, on PC and are eager to launch on all our platforms. The console release date for Delves has not been announced yet, as we await further the testing...
June 3, 2020 Blog
Yar Har Matey! Talk like a Pirate, Walk like a Pirate and Roam the Seas in this new event from Tuesday, September 10, 2019 to Monday, September 24, 2019 on PC's and Consoles....
September 10, 2019
[Aurym, Keeper of Histories] has been tracking down some of the main questions that you Trovians have been dying to know. Big thanks to Atronos and the Trove Team for helping us put together, please be aware that this list isn't considered an offic...
March 6, 2019
Thanks for taking part in our Lore Week, where we asked for questions you would like answered, and suggestions on presenting lore. The notes I have taken are presented below: Rewards for participating have gone out, I noticed a period of comments where t...
February 23, 2019
Featuring Geode Topside Adventure Worlds, 5-Star Dungeons, Light and Dark, Gems, Cosmic Gems, Crystal Rarity, New Expertise Threads, Atlas, Store, Star Bar, Dragons, New Styles and Additional Updates....
December 17, 2018 Patch
Hey folks. Please be aware that we are currently moving offices, so the dev team will not be able to respond as quickly to issues on PTS as we usually try to do. We didn't want to hold back PTS any longer, but we likely will not be able to patch for ...
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Trove - Heroes update and detected the following new client strings....
March 27, 2018 Database Update Heroes Strings