Usages Download

Blueberry Pie-ranha


Rare fish. Caught from any flow of chocolate like those in Candoria

Imported in Patch: Fish 'N' Ships 设计者为: Trove Team

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Fat Fish & Flashy FX Edition - Database Update

We have updated the Trovesaurus database to the Fat Fish & Flashy FX Edition. The changes listed have been detected in the client and may not be obtainable in this patch or representative of their final form if they are ever added....

August 11, 2015 Database Update

Meownt and Candy Fishing Edition - Database Update

We've updated the Trovesaurus database from the Meownt and Candy Fishing Edition client files....

April 14, 2015 Database Update

Fish 'N' Ships - Database Update

  The Trovesaurus database has been updated with the Fish 'N' Ships Update client files and the following changes have been made....

March 31, 2015 Database Update