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Astral Echoes


Scooped from dust clouds floating in space. These Echoes can now be found all over the world of Trove. Can be used purchase items from The Celestial in the HUB

Imported in Patch: Reeling in the Stars 제작자: Trove Team

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PTS Update 11/17/2022

Additional Updates: Fixed an issue that was preventing mob trophies from being compostable. Reduced the number of Special Orders available each day and increased their cost and rewards. Players should be able to get the same rewards as before, while c...

November 17, 2022 Patch PTS

PTS Update 11/11/2022

Additional Updates: Please be aware that this change is still under evaluation and may need further adjustments, up to and including changing the way Gathering Day affects fishing: The speed of fishing has been drastically reduced. As a result, man...

November 12, 2022 PTS Patch

Reeling in the Stars - PTS Patch Notes

We’re pleased to introduce the Reeling in the Stars patch for all of you, including the new Star Chart system and a rework of Fishing as some of you have already guessed. When introducing these systems, we wanted to create one that would reward inv...

November 10, 2022 Patch PTS