Trading Material. Exchange for items from the pirates of Treasure Isles.
Obtained by Loot Collecting fish and breaking plants in the world.
Разработал: Trove Team
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The best way to make glim now is to loot collect adventurine. To earn adventurine = Pirate quest farming. Each adventurine worth 100 glims, a pirate quest gives 36 for non-patron user and 47 for patron user. So each pirate quest gives 3600/...
January 11, 2018 Flux making Glim making
A special mod previewing utility that can preview up to 20 NPCs. Read the guide on how to use it. ...
November 30, 2017 Advanced Modding Metaforge Modding NPC
Это руководство для получения всех редких рыб в Trove. (Update[8/8/15]: Добавлено цветовое обозначение жидкостей и добавлено еще одно возможное ме�...
August 24, 2017 RU
Tous les dragons sont listés ici. Notez que les prix estimés n'incluent que les matéraiux échangeables ! Les prix sont basés sur les prix du marché en juillet 2017...
Fast ways to farm flux. you will see fpu in a lot of ways; fpu means flux per unit; fs means flux solo credit to the maker of this: for making number XII a thing An Current versio...
August 13, 2017 Flux Flux farming
Running out of items to trade and enchanted wood is low click here....
May 15, 2017
TIP 1 - Items Save your flux because you will need it later to buy better items, mounts, wings, etc. Save marketable items for sale(need mastery 20+) Try to mine well for craft items Save glim to b...
( Need 10 mastery level ) Flux the most useful item in trove, is easily the most sought after. if you are just starting off 1k flux may be a years worth. You can easily make that 1k in less than 30 minutes. 2 things steed feed and Market. ...
January 2, 2017 Console Contest