Infinium Ore
Crafting Material.
A rare, golden ore found in most biomes.
제작자: Trove Team
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This item is used as an ingredient to make recipes on the following benches:
Crafted at 건축가의 제작대
[Builder's Crafting Bench]
Crafted at 제메랄드 가공대
[Gemerald Processing Bench]
Crafted at 아홉 꼬리 상자
[Box o' Nine Tails]
Crafted at 파나티아 가문 태양의 축제 작업대
Crafted at 타이소리온 가문 태양의 축제 작업대
Crafted at 수확소
[Harvesting Station]
Crafted at 원예 작업대
[Gardening Bench]
Crafted at 눈의 축제 제작대
[Snowfest Table]
Crafted at 탈 것 제작대
[Mount Taming Bench]
Crafted at 선박 제작대
[Nautical Assembler]
Crafted at 반지 제작대
[Ringcrafting Bench]
Crafted at 계절의 바퀴
[Wheel of Seasons]
Crafted at 작업대
Crafted at 캔디 작업대
[Candy Workbench]
Crafted at 유령 작업대
[Haunted Workbench]
Crafted at 드래곤 작업대
[Draconic Workbench]
Crafted at 요정 작업대
[Faerie Workbench]
Crafted at 황야 작업대
[Frontier Workbench]
Crafted at 분리된 고지대 작업대
[Sundered Uplands Workbench]
Crafted at 고원지대 작업대
[Highlands Workbench]
Crafted at 섬 작업대
[Island Workbench]
Crafted at 로봇 작업대
[Robotic Workbench]
Crafted at 카오스 코어 제작기
[Chaos Core Crafter]
Crafted at 카오틱 조합대 [Chaotic Combinator]
Crafted at 장비 제작 포지
[Gearcrafting Forge]
Crafted at 타이틀 인증 스탬퍼
[Title Certificate Stamper]
Crafted at 월드스프링