Formigon's Token 2018
Used to craft special items and mounts at the Radiant Dayspring.
Previousy earned by logging into Trove each day, these coins may not last forever.
Imported in Patch: Megalithic Criado por: Trove Team
Não pode ser trocado
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Hey Trovians. Here's a friendly neighborhood reminder that the [Shadowy Seal 2019] and [Candy Corn] (tradeable) collectible currency items will be removed at 11:00 UTC on November 12th, 2019.Many old event collectible currency items have been removed, as ...
November 7, 2019 Announcement
The PTS is online with the following notes adjusting Gardening....
We've updated the Trovesaurus Database to the Megalithic Update, and list the changes we have detected in the client....
June 27, 2017 Database Update