Usages Download

Fire Gem Dust


Crafting Material. Used to Level Up Fire Gems.

Gained from Loot Collecting Fire Gems.

Imported in Patch: Faster Fish and Double Dragon 设计者为: Trove Team


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Punches & Potions - Mysticism

With the Punches & Potions patch now available on the Public Test Server (PTS) we are continuing our series previewing some of the content. This article focuses on Mysticism and the Potions and Buffs that are involved with it. While our last article ...

November 11, 2023 PTS

PTS: Crystal Combat Update - New Items

We've updated the Trovesaurus Database with the PTS client Crystal Combat Update....

November 30, 2018 PTS Items

PTS: Crystal Combat Update - New Strings

New and changed strings detected in the PTS client....

November 30, 2018 PTS Strings

Eclipse Patch Notes - 22 août 2017

Les patch notes d'Eclipse introduisent le système d'amélioration et reroll de Gemmes, les Sous-Classes, le Foyer Shadow Tower, le Shadow Hydrakken, le Darknik Dreadnought, de nouveaux Dragons, l'Atlas Trovien, les améliorations de la ...

August 20, 2017 Eclipse FR Patch

Eclipse Notas del Parche - 22 de Agosto, 2017

Las notas de parche de Eclipse presenta aumento de estadísticas de Gema y sistema de "reroll" , Subclases, vestíbulo de la Torre de Sombra, "Shadow Hydrakken" (boss de Torre de las Sombras), "Darknik Dreadnought" (boss de Torre de las Sombra...

August 19, 2017 CL ES

Notas da Atualização Eclipse - 22 de agosto de 2017

Notas da atualização Eclipse, que introduz novo sistema de Melhoria e Troca de Atributos em Gemas, Subclasses, Saguão da Shadow Tower (Torre Sombria), Shadow Hydrakken, Darknik Dreadnought, Novos Dragões, Atlas Troviano, mudan&...

August 18, 2017 BR Portuguese

Eclipse Patch Notes - August 22, 2017

Eclipse patch notes introduces Gem Stat Augment and Reroll System, Subclasses, Shadow Tower Foyer, Shadow Hydrakken, Darknik Dreadnought, New Dragons, Trovian Atlas updates to the Fae Trickster and more. This page was created automatically from http://fo...

August 18, 2017 Patch

PTS Patch Notes

PTS is planned to be up this long weekend, due to be shut down Wednesday morning. Test the new Trovian Atlas and Sub Classes....

June 30, 2017 Patch