Crafting Material.
Gain Flux from using the Loot Collector on equipment.
デザイン者: Trove Team
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This week's Chaos Chest rotation is as follows: What is a Chaos Chest ? Chaos Chests are low-cost chests which have a lot of possible loot from both the past, present, and future of Trove. You never know what you’re going to get and what is availa...
August 16, 2016 Chaos Chest
Tradução do patch notes de 16/08 "Daily Loot" Os servidores devem ficar offline por 90 minutos, a partir das 11 da manhã horário de Brasília....
August 16, 2016 BR Patch Portuguese
This patch changes the unsocketing cost of gems and adds daily login chests as well as other fixes. Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?107243-Patch-Daily-Loot-August-16-2016...
August 16, 2016 Patch
Tradução das notas da livestream de 12 de agosto, feitas por HeroOfPeace originalmente no fórum Fonte: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?107086-Trove-Livestream-Notes-AUG-12 ...
August 13, 2016 BR Livestream Portuguese
The Public Test Server has been updated with a change that will affect how higher end players swap out their Standard and Empowered Gems. This change will reach the live servers on Tuesday, 16 August....
August 13, 2016 Preview
Thanks to HeroOfPeace who has written up notes from the developer livestream on Friday. This stream featured information on Server Status, New Login Rewards and Gems & Class Contest Changes. Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?107...
August 13, 2016 Livestream
This week's Chaos Chest rotation is as follows: What is a Chaos Chest ? Chaos Chests are low-cost chests which have a lot of possible loot from both the past, present, and future of Trove. You never know what you’re going to get and what i...
August 9, 2016 Chaos Chest
Tradução em português das informações do Patch de 02 de Agosto "Draco Iluminado"...
August 2, 2016 Patch Portuguese
This week's Chaos Chest rotation is as follows: What is a Chaos Chest ? Chaos Chests are low-cost chests which have a lot of possible loot from both the past, present, and future of Trove. You never know what you’re going to get and what i...
August 2, 2016 Chaos Chest