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Shout your love to everyone online and leave your mark on them for the next 24 hours. Requires Trove Mastery Rank 20.

Imported in Patch: Valentine's Day! - Febuary 14, 2017 Designer: Trove Team

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Preview: Total Blocks Destroyed, Total Fish Caught, Total Heart-A-Phone Hearts Received, and Total Hearts Se Show

Adventures Window
  • The Adventures Window is a consolidated place to view all available Adventures (formerly known as the golden thread). Press the Menu button on XB1, the Options Button on PS4, or the “I” key on PC to access it.
  • Choose what to show in the HUD: Club Adventures, Event Adventures, or Expertise Adventures. Even control whether to see the Star Bar or Tomes Bar.
  • All new players who hit character level 8 will gain a new series of Expertise Adventures teaching them how to build, bomb, collect recipes, craft, place Frameworks, create Workbenches, and more. Older players will also receive these Adventures.
  • The option to hide challenges and objectives has been moved out of settings and can now be found in the Adventures Window.
  • Framework recipes have been added to the Workbench, Forbidden Workbench, Haunted Workbench, Candy Workbench, Store, and Mastery Rewards. These new recipes allow players to craft and place entire structures in their Club World.
  • The Forbidden Workbench now has Advanced Frameworks. These recipes have a rare chance to drop from Forbidden Spires recipe dungeons.
  • The Radiant Watchtower and Shadowy Watchtower can be found in the store, each of which grant one ready to place framework and unlock the recipe.
  • Once placed, these Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into individual blocks and decorations.
  • Blocks that overlap where a Framework are placed are dropped as loot.
Forbidden Spires Biome
  • The Forbidden Spires, a peaceful and ancient place, has been discovered. This biome appears in low-level worlds, and is the featured biome in Uber-6.
  • A new crafting material, Cinnabar, can be found in the Forbidden Spires biome.
  • New Forbidden Spires decoration recipes have been added to the recipe dungeons in the biome.
  • A new workbench, the Forbidden workbench, has been added to the Builder’s Crafting Bench. Craft one to craft Forbidden Spires decorations and frameworks.
  • Monsters in the Forbidden Spires biome will rarely drop Fiery Feathers. Collect 100 along with other materials to craft Onbari, Empress of the Southern Skies on the Forbidden workbench.
  • Panda Mounts can now be crafted on the Adventurer's Crafting Bench using Panda Talismans, which are rarely found in Uber 8 and higher adventure worlds.
  • The Spire Spirits Adventure Box – containing the Frolicksome Fox Spirit and Crimson-Crested Crane mounts – can now drop from any world.
Tethering [Public Evaluation]
  • Tethers are a new way for players to group up and share XP and loot. Each tether gets an icon and name, and by default these appear in nameplates and in the upper left corner of the UI.
  • To create a tether, just use the Tether hotkey and look at another player to automatically invite them to a tether. The same hotkey can be used to leave an existing tether or kick another player. (Only the tether’s leader can kick a member.)
  • By default, the tethering hotkey is Ctrl-E on PC. On Xbox and PS4, tethering actions can be performed by holding down the button used to switch between adventure and build mode.
  • XP and loot from killing NPCs is now distributed only to individual players and members of a tether that have dealt damage to that NPC.
  • Players who move 500 blocks away from the tether’s leader will automatically be kicked after 30 seconds.
  • Options for Tethering can be found under Settings > Social. Tethers can be automatically rejected from all sources, automatically accepted from friends and club members, automatically accepted from anyone, or set to always manually accept or decline. The display of Tethering icons can be set to show only the player’s icon on the nameplate, everyone’s icons, or no one’s icons.
  • We're aware that there may be concerns about how loot (and not experience) is distributed as a result of two different tethers competing over a lair/dungeon boss chest. In some cases, the first tether was able to disarm the chest and collect loot before any members from the secondary tether could damage the chest. Tethering is still in the "Public Evaluation" phase at the release of the Adventures expansion so it's highly likely this will change, or tethering will be removed, as a result of live feedback on this topic.
  • Mastery rewards have been extended past Mastery Rank 300.
  • The mastery tab in the character sheet has been adjusted to make it easier to find relevant information. Mastery is now displayed in chunks of 50 or 100 – complete 1 chunk to unlock the next!
  • Early mastery rewards have been reworked to more clearly call out when Marketplace, Trading Post, and forum posting privileges are unlocked.
  • New mastery rewards have been added at 220 (5 Radiant Sovereigns) and 270 (the Eclipse Key Codex), filling existing gaps. Any player who would have earned these will receive them upon first login.
  • New mastery rewards at 100 (the Dragon Horde Deposition Tome), 250 (a Golden Dragon Effigy), and 260 (Goldwing Falkanzer Cub Ally) replace Chaos Coins or Golden Chaos Chests at these levels. Any player above these Mastery levels will receive the new rewards upon first login.
  • The Mastery Points required to achieve Mastery Rank 0-300 is unchanged. Above 300, players will need half the targeted Mastery Rank in Mastery Points to Progress. For example, 150 Mastery Points are needed to achieve Mastery Rank 301. 300 Mastery Points are required to achieve Mastery Rank 600.
  • Players with enough Mastery Points will jump from 300 to the appropriate Mastery Rank and receive all the benefits immediately.
  • There’s no longer an extra chaos factor granted for being at Mastery cap.
  • The bonus damage from each Mastery level has been reduced from .2% down to .15%
  • New rewards include:
    • Dragon Horde Deposition – a new tome which grants 15 dragon coins and 1 Trove of Wonders once a week
    • Eclipse Key Codex – a new tome which grants 5 Eclipse Keys once a week
    • Several framework recipes, which together can be used to build golden castle walls
    • New tomes that grant gem dust once a week
    • New mounts, allies, fishing rods, boats, auras, and more!
  • The leaderboards now have an entry for the highest PR clubs under Power Rank. Club PR is calculated by adding the club’s 50 highest members’ total Power Ranks.
  • New leaderboards have been added for Flawless runs of every Ultra Shadow Tower boss. To achieve a flawless run, all players must live throughout the boss fight. These leaderboards count flawless victories in a week – lead teams to glory and earn Light Chaos Vaults!
  • A new leaderboard has been added for Weekly World Boss defeats. This tracks defeats of T-Rexes in Jurassic Jungle along with Flakbeard, Thallasion, and Dracocolatl defeats. The top 300 players on this leaderboard each week will each earn 10 Party Animal Pinatas.
  • A new leaderboard has been added for Weekly Club Experience earned. Earn Experience for a Club by completing Adventures, found in that Club’s Club World. The Top 1000 Club Experience earners each week will be rewarded with a Golden Chaos Chest!
  • A new leaderboard has been added that tracks Weekly Dungeon Clears. Rank in the top 30,000 Dungeon Clearers to earn an Empowered Gem Box!
  • The Mastery leaderboard has been redesigned, following changes to the Mastery system. This leaderboard now grants a unique name tint to the top 2000 players for Mastery rating each week. Rewards which used to be available from placing on the Mastery leaderboard are now instead available through the above new leaderboards.
  • Weekly contests for Defeating Enemies and Opening Boxes now occur more frequently.
  • The following leaderboards have been removed from the game: Total Blocks Placed, Total Blocks Destroyed, Total Fish Caught, Total Heart-A-Phone Hearts Received, and Total Hearts Sent.
Trophies, Badges, and Achievements
  • New Badges for the Eclipse Update have been added! Defeat the Shadow Tower bosses, select various sub-classes, and upgrade gems to complete these new Badges!
  • These badges can be found under the Collections menu, but are also achievements for Xbox and Trophies for PS4.
  • (PC only) Steam achievements have now been added to Trove.
  • New additions to the Store:
    • The Infinium Chef Pack is available! Contains 5 tasty mounts, the Delicacy Dealer costume (Knight), 2 nifty styles, the SS Tekka boat with matching sail, and the Infinium Chef ally himself.
    • The Super Starter Pack is available, and the old Starter Pack is retired. This 8x value is a great start for new players, contains the new Chaotic Pinata Mount, and is available to all (new and old!) players for the first week.
    • The Radiant Watchtower and Shadowy Watchtower are now available in the Style tab. Make a Cornerstone auto-impressive with this ready-to-place Framework or use the included recipe to cover a Club World in Watchtowers.
    • The Land Scaper 8000-T has been added for any bulldozing needs. Throw on the (not included) Blastcap Builder costume, get out the Land Scaper 8000-T, and get ready to knock it all down.
    • The G.R.Y.P.H. 3000 is now available, and has moved from the Events section in Collections to the Store section.
    • Wings of the Phoenix for individual purchase (previously this was part of the Essentials Pack)
    • A six-pack of Ninth Lives for all those gem leveling needs
  • Many mounts, wings, magriders, and costumes are now cheaper on the Store!
  • The Essentials Pack will be retiring from the store at the end of November! The Wings of the Phoenix will be available for direct purchase. (The other items will be available again in some other fashion.)
  • The price of patron has been reduced across the board.
  • Patrons now additionally earn 33% extra Adventurine.
  • The Deals tab of the Store has been reordered to better display all the free products first.
  • Two new allies (the Winking Tentabox and the Chaotic Mimic) have been added permanently to the Chaos Chest. Both deconstruct to Chaos Cores.
  • Chaos Coins no longer drop from Chaos Chests.
  • Patron Points have been renamed to Loyalty, but their functionality remains the same.
  • Radiant Sovereigns no longer drop from Boons.
  • The Radiant Sovereigns cost of a Golden Chaos Chest in the Radiant Merchant in the Hub has increased from 3 to 4.
  • Wings sold in the Store are now found under the Store heading for Wings rather than under Rare.
  • Koroki, the Sower of Chaos, and the Contorting Contemplator are now found under the Chaotic heading in collections for Mounts and Pets respectively.
  • (PS4 and Xbox only) 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month Patron is now available.
  • (PS4 and Xbox only) Disaeon is back for console players! Earn a free dragon with the purchase of any pack as an extra thank you. (Note: PC players can earn Disaeon through the Refer-A-Friend program.)
Luxion of the Golden Hoard
  • Luxion of the Golden Hoard has been spotted heading towards the hub.
  • Twice a month he will land and vend his artifacts and curios for a limited time in exchange for Dragon Coins. He will have some new items, some highly-sought items, and some timely goodies. Don't miss him - he will touch down on December 15th for the first time! Look for him in the Hub beside the Dragon Crucible.
  • Chaos Chests will still contain exciting new items, as well as the backlog of previous chaotic items, and very rare “permanent rares”. But they will no longer contain items that had been given out in Events or are otherwise no longer available. Instead, Luxion of the Golden Hoard will occasionally vend such items.
  • 3 new dragons have landed! Recipes for each can be found in the Dragon Crucible, and their egg fragments have been scattered throughout the game.
    • Bubble Dragon Egg Fragments for Sarsaponia, the Pristine can be found fishing in water
    • Blocktron Dragon Egg Fragments for Blocktron, the Guardian Beyond the Sky, can be found at the Market Fixture in Club Worlds
    • Starfire Dragon Egg Fragments for Almakhestia, Host of Starfire, can be found defeating elites in the Shadow Tower
Knight Updates
  • The basic melee attack for the Knight can now hit NPCs one block above or below
  • The Basic Attack for the Knight now does 117% more damage
  • Retribution now causes the Knight's basic attack to reduce target outgoing damage by up to 5%. Additional attacks refresh stacks of the debuff.
  • Smash energy cost has been reduced by 50%
  • Smash no longer has a knockback
  • Smash no longer has a stun effect
  • Smash now has a 3s taunt effect similar to the Empowered Revenant Gem, "Aegis Assault"
  • Charge now does 22% more damage
  • Charge now does damage when passing enemies
  • Charge now applies a taunt to all NPCs effected by the ability
  • Charge now applies a 1s stun to all targets that take damage
  • Iron Will energy cost has been reduced by 50%
  • Iron Will now reduces 50% of all incoming damage to the Knight (versus 75% previously)
  • Iron Will now reduces 10% of all incoming damage for 7 players within 8 blocks of the Knight
  • Iron Will now redirects 10% of all incoming damage to the Knight for up to 7 players within 8 blocks
  • Spirit Squire Class Gem Changes:
    • Cooldown time has been removed
    • No longer slows down the Knight when used, allowing for greater freedom of movement
    • Energy cost has been reduced
Radiant and Stellar Rings
  • Recipes for Radiant and Stellar rings have been added to the Ringcrafting Bench. 250 skill is required to craft these items. If you like a class, you should put a ring on it.
  • New Ringcrafting Recipes:
    • Celestial Diamond – 10 Meteorite Fragments, 25 Crystallized Cloud, Golden Soul, and 1000 Flux
    • Vitality, Power, Wisdom, and Delving Spiral Boxes – 2 Shadow Diamonds, 2 Penta-forged Shadow Souls, and 25 Infinium Ore. Open Spiral Boxes to reveal a random Level 1-5 Shadow Ring with a small chance for a Level 1-2 Radiant Ring.
    • Vitality, Power, Wisdom, and Delving Seal Boxes – 2 Celestial Diamonds, 2 Forged Radiant Souls, and 25 Formicite Ore. Open Seal Boxes to reveal a random Level 1-5 Radiant Ring with a small chance for a Level 1-2 Stellar Ring.
    • Vitality, Power, Wisdom, and Delving Solitaire Boxes – 2 Celestial Diamonds, 2 Forged Stellar Souls, and 25 Cinnabar. Open Solitaire Boxes to reveal a random Level 1-5 Stellar ring.
  • Radiant Rings now loot collect into 1 Celestial Diamond and Flux.
  • Stellar Rings now loot collect into 2 Celestial Diamonds and Flux.
  • Rings can no longer be erroneously added to the forge.
Plasma Fishing
  • Plasma Fishing has been added to Trove! Craft the new N-0 Depth Scoper fishing pole on the Nautical Assembler workbench in the Hub, grab some lures, and hit the nearest plasma pool.
  • Many of these fish can only be caught under special circumstances – crafty and patient anglers will be rewarded with the rarest catches.
  • All plasma fish can be caught at trophy weights – better have a gold catch to back up your fish story!
  • Fish are now unlocked by default in the Loot Collector.
Early Game Changes
  • There is now a new tutorial – learn all the basics of Trove! Experienced players can check it out using /tutorial.
  • New players can now choose between the Candy Barbarian, Boomeranger, Tomb Raiser, Gunslinger, and Knight classes. Detailed number-crunching shows that new players enjoy these classes the most. The Free Starter Class Coin now reflects these starting classes.
  • The Lunar Lancer, Dracolyte, Boomeranger, and Pirate Captain are now in the ‘Basic Classes” section of the Chaos Crafter, but their crafting costs are unchanged. The Class Coin and Store remain unchanged.
LED Blocks
  • A new type of block has been added - LED blocks. Don’t blink or you’ll miss them!
  • These blocks are available in 15 different colors and have 3 different behaviors. Every block should switch transition when it's looked at and the loot hotkey is used - i.e. if it's a Short Interval block and it's on On/Off, interaction will switch it to Off/On.
  • Persistent LED blocks stay in 1 Y9QW state – persisting On or Off.
  • Short Interval LED blocks transition between On and Off every 1 second.
  • Long Interval LED blocks transition between On and Off every 3 seconds.
  • LED Block Recipes have a rare chance to drop from Recipe Lairs in all Biomes or can be purchased from the Club Merchants for Adventurine.
  • LED blocks can be crafted on the Cube Converter.
Music Note Blocks
  • Extended the range of music note blocks by adding an octave at the upper and lower ends. They now span C2-C7# instead of G3-C6.
  • If an instrument block is equipped on the hotbar, interacting with a note block on the hotbar now uses that instrument instead of the piano sound.
  • When placing a music block below an instrument block, it now uses that instrument instead of the piano sound.
  • Added 7 new instruments to the instrument block: Clarinet, Female Vocal, Sine Wave, Saw Wave, Tubular Bell, Split Chip Bass, and Split Chip Bass 2.
New Dungeons
  • New Shadow Tower dungeon from Frokly!
  • New Frontier Lair from Tobstarrix!
  • New Frontier Lair from Frokly!
  • New Frontier Lair from Xegor!
  • New Radiant Lair from blahblahbal!
  • New Highlands Dungeon from Evilagician!
  • New Treasure Isles Dungeon from Pennry!
Additional Updates
  • Completing the Star bar now grants 500 Flux in addition to 500 Cubits, or 1500 of each when in Patron status!
  • Flux Treasures now have a chance to drop from boss chests that appear after completing a dungeon or lair (not including chests in the shadow tower). They stack, are untradable, and can be deconstructed into flux at a loot collector.
  • Dracolyte's passive now also causes their target to take 2.5% increased damage for 5 seconds after receiving any damage from the Dracolyte.
  • The Dracolyte's Class Gem now has an increased chance to spawn a minion from Burnt Offerings, and those minions' lifetime has been increased from 20 seconds up to 25 seconds.
  • The PVP Portal in the Hub now leads to 5v5 Team Death Match instead of Capture the Flag.
  • Stellar Weapons, Hats, and Face equipment can now be loot collected resulting in a Forged Stellar Soul and some flux.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using /joinme while changing worlds.
  • There is now a short required internal cooldown for emblem equips which is not affected by cooldown reduction.
  • Fixed an issue where the Gunslinger's subclass passive wasn't removed correctly.
  • Subclasses that do damage should no longer trigger effects that trigger when doing damage to enemies.
  • The stats on the Clownish Kicker dev ally have been nerfed. Sorry, Morticus!
  • Attempting to claim an item without inventory space will now display an appropriate error message.
  • Fishing under the influence of Lunacy will no longer leave the player in a bad state.
  • Lunar Lancer's spear now orients correctly when activating Blessing of the Moon while transformed by Lunacy.
  • Five new Stellar Auras have been added to the Prism of Light! The Supermagical Surge, Bubbling Biofield, Dance of the Firefly, Tough Love, and Neon Nemesis auras are now available.
  • Added new costumes to the Chaos Crafting Workbench! There are new costumes for the Boomeranger, Chloromancer, Dinotamer, Gunslinger, Lunar Lancer, Pirate Captain, Shadow Hunter, Revenant and Tomb Raiser!
  • Fixed an issue where the Shadow Tower UI would not display the correct cost when switching difficulties.
  • There’s a new option in Settings to enable or disable visibility of the player’s own name and power rank.
  • Minigames now display a timer before they start rather than a “Waiting for Players” message.
  • Fixed a gem level-up animation bug that could make the maximum HP stat appear to increase more than it actually was.
  • Fixed an issue where the socket gem prompt could display twice and cause the new gem to be deleted.
  • Attempting to equip a second Volatile Velocity empowered gem will now give the appropriate error message.
  • Added /waddtarget to the metaforge. This adds the targeted block to the build inventory.
  • The UI to unlock a class will now correctly say “Unlock” rather than “Buy” on the button.
  • The “Go Shopping” Golden Thread now specifies that any Store purchase - including credits, cubits, or free items - will satisfy the requirements.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Add to your Collection?" popup where the "LEARN" button could be pushed off the bottom of the screen, preventing players from using certain large collection granting items. Which is pretty much the saddest thing ever.
  • Gunslinger Costumes with custom VFX for the M2 ability now use that VFX even if the Gunslinger Class Gem is equipped.
  • The Skysunder Sniper costume for the Shadow Hunter has found the missing part of its leg. (Silly Skysunder Sniper, missing legs are for Pirate Captains!)
  • Revenant’s Spirit Storm VFX should no longer be left behind or obscure the player when descending stairs.
  • Using a class coin now swaps to the newly unlocked class.
  • Purchasing a class in the store will now swap to the newly unlocked class.
  • The description for non-tradable Class Coins now reflects their actual decon value of 3 Double Experience Potions.
  • Added 3 more speed settings for magrails.
  • The Sky-High Pancake Stack ally now has stats.
  • The Frontier Workbench now has unique visuals instead of masquerading as an Adventuring Workbench.
  • Fixed Razer Chroma bug where locked ability keys appeared green instead of red.
  • The skull for the Shadow Hunter’s Shadowmark is now visible when wearing the Skysunder Sniper costume.
  • Repositioned the left wheel VFX of the Blacklight Neon Cycle to align properly with the bike.
  • Fixed an issue where the subclass ability icon in the character sheet would not reset.
  • All heal VFX have been made visually consistent. Heal VFX are now pink with small hearts, regardless of how the heal is applied, or of the class or skin of the player.
  • The Shadow Hunter Anarchy Archer costume now has green and purple VFX.

Preview: Total Blocks Destroyed, Total Fish Caught, Total Heart-A-Phone Hearts Received, and Total Hearts Se Show

Adventures Window
  • The Adventures Window is a consolidated place to view all available Adventures (formerly known as the golden thread). Press the Menu button on XB1, the Options Button on PS4, or the “I” key on PC to access it.
  • Choose what to show in the HUD: Club Adventures, Event Adventures, or Expertise Adventures. Even control whether to see the Star Bar or Tomes Bar.
  • All new players who hit character level 8 will gain a new series of Expertise Adventures teaching them how to build, bomb, collect recipes, craft, place Frameworks, create Workbenches, and more. Older players will also receive these Adventures.
  • The option to hide challenges and objectives has been moved out of settings and can now be found in the Adventures Window.
  • Framework recipes have been added to the Workbench, Forbidden Workbench, Haunted Workbench, Candy Workbench, Store, and Mastery Rewards. These new recipes allow players to craft and place entire structures in their Club World.
  • The Forbidden Workbench now has Advanced Frameworks. These recipes have a rare chance to drop from Forbidden Spires recipe dungeons.
  • The Radiant Watchtower and Shadowy Watchtower can be found in the store, each of which grant one ready to place framework and unlock the recipe.
  • Once placed, these Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into individual blocks and decorations.
  • Blocks that overlap where a Framework are placed are dropped as loot.
    Forbidden Spires Biome
  • The Forbidden Spires, a peaceful and ancient place, has been discovered. This biome appears in low-level worlds, and is the featured biome in Uber-6.
  • A new crafting material, Cinnabar, can be found in the Forbidden Spires biome.
  • New Forbidden Spires decoration recipes have been added to the recipe dungeons in the biome.
  • A new workbench, the Forbidden workbench, has been added to the Builder’s Crafting Bench. Craft one to craft Forbidden Spires decorations and frameworks.
  • Monsters in the Forbidden Spires biome will rarely drop Fiery Feathers. Collect 100 along with other materials to craft Onbari, Empress of the Southern Skies on the Forbidden workbench.
  • Panda Mounts can now be crafted on the Adventurer's Crafting Bench using Panda Talismans, which are rarely found in Uber 8 and higher adventure worlds.
  • The Spire Spirits Adventure Box – containing the Frolicksome Fox Spirit and Crimson-Crested Crane mounts – can now drop from any world.
Tethering [Public Evaluation]
  • Tethers are a new way for players to group up and share XP and loot. Each tether gets an icon and name, and by default these appear in nameplates and in the upper left corner of the UI.
  • To create a tether, just use the Tether hotkey and look at another player to automatically invite them to a tether. The same hotkey can be used to leave an existing tether or kick another player. (Only the tether’s leader can kick a member.)
  • By default, the tethering hotkey is Ctrl-E on PC. On Xbox and PS4, tethering actions can be performed by holding down the button used to switch between adventure and build mode.
  • XP and loot from killing NPCs is now distributed only to individual players and members of a tether that have dealt damage to that NPC.
  • Players who move 500 blocks away from the tether’s leader will automatically be kicked after 30 seconds.
  • Options for Tethering can be found under Settings > Social. Tethers can be automatically rejected from all sources, automatically accepted from friends and club members, automatically accepted from anyone, or set to always manually accept or decline. The display of Tethering icons can be set to show only the player’s icon on the nameplate, everyone’s icons, or no one’s icons.
  • Mastery rewards have been extended past Mastery Rank 300.
  • The mastery tab in the character sheet has been adjusted to make it easier to find relevant information. Mastery is now displayed in chunks of 50 or 100 – complete 1 chunk to unlock the next!
  • Early mastery rewards have been reworked to more clearly call out when Marketplace, Trading Post, and forum posting privileges are unlocked.
  • New mastery rewards have been added at 220 (5 Radiant Sovereigns) and 270 (the Eclipse Key Codex), filling existing gaps. Any player who would have earned these will receive them upon first login.
  • New mastery rewards at 100 (the Dragon Horde Deposition Tome), 250 (a Golden Dragon Effigy), and 260 (Goldwing Falkanzer Cub Ally) replace Chaos Coins or Golden Chaos Chests at these levels. Any player above these Mastery levels will receive the new rewards upon first login.
  • The Mastery Points required to achieve Mastery Rank 0-300 is unchanged. Above 300, players will need half the targeted Mastery Rank in Mastery Points to Progress. For example, 150 Mastery Points are needed to achieve Mastery Rank 301. 300 Mastery Points are required to achieve Mastery Rank 600.
  • Players with enough Mastery Points will jump from 300 to the appropriate Mastery Rank and receive all the benefits immediately.
  • There’s no longer an extra chaos factor granted for being at Mastery cap.
  • The bonus damage from each Mastery level has been reduced from .2% down to .15%
  • New rewards include:
    • Dragon Horde Deposition – a new tome which grants 15 dragon coins and 1 Trove of Wonders once a week
    • Eclipse Key Codex – a new tome which grants 5 Eclipse Keys once a week
    • Several framework recipes, which together can be used to build golden castle walls
    • New tomes that grant gem dust once a week
    • New mounts, allies, fishing rods, boats, auras, and more!
  • The leaderboards now have an entry for the highest PR clubs under Power Rank. Club PR is calculated by adding the club’s 50 highest members’ total Power Ranks. Club Presidents of Clubs in the Top 200 Clubs will unlock a unique name tint.
  • New leaderboards have been added for Flawless runs of every Ultra Shadow Tower boss. To achieve a flawless run, all players must live throughout the boss fight. These leaderboards count flawless victories in a week – lead teams to glory and earn Light Chaos Vaults!
  • A new leaderboard has been added for Weekly World Boss defeats. This tracks defeats of T-Rexes in Jurassic Jungle along with Flakbeard, Thallasion, and Dracocolatl defeats. The top 300 players on this leaderboard each week will each earn 10 Party Animal Pinatas.
  • A new leaderboard has been added for Weekly Club Experience earned. Earn Experience for a Club by completing Adventures, found in that Club’s Club World. The Top 1000 Club Experience earners each week will be rewarded with a Golden Chaos Chest!
  • A new leaderboard has been added that tracks Weekly Dungeon Clears. Rank in the top 30,000 Dungeon Clearers to earn an Empowered Gem Box!
  • The Mastery leaderboard has been redesigned, following changes to the Mastery system. This leaderboard now grants a unique name tint to the top 2000 players for Mastery rating each week. Rewards which used to be available from placing on the Mastery leaderboard are now instead available through the above new leaderboards.
  • Weekly contests for Defeating Enemies and Opening Boxes now occur more frequently.
  • The following leaderboards have been removed from the game: Total Blocks Placed, Total Blocks Destroyed, Total Fish Caught, Total Heart-A-Phone Hearts Received, and Total Hearts Sent.
Trophies, Badges, and Achievements
  • New Badges for the Eclipse Update have been added! Defeat the Shadow Tower bosses, select various sub-classes, and upgrade gems to complete these new Badges!
  • These badges can be found under the Collections menu, but are also achievements for Xbox and Trophies for PS4.
  • (PC only) Steam achievements have now been added to Trove.
  • New additions to the Store:
    • The Infinium Chef Pack is available! Contains 5 tasty mounts, the Delicacy Dealer costume (Knight), 2 nifty styles, the SS Tekka boat with matching sail, and the Infinium Chef ally himself.
    • The Super Starter Pack is available, and the old Starter Pack is retired. This 8x value is a great start for new players, contains the new Chaotic Pinata Mount, and is available to all (new and old!) players for the first week.
    • The Radiant Watchtower and Shadowy Watchtower are now available in the Style tab. Make a Cornerstone auto-impressive with this ready-to-place Framework or use the included recipe to cover a Club World in Watchtowers.
    • The Land Scaper 8000-T has been added for any bulldozing needs. Throw on the (not included) Blastcap Builder costume, get out the Land Scaper 8000-T, and get ready to knock it all down.
    • The G.R.Y.P.H. 3000 is now available, and has moved from the Events section in Collections to the Store section.
    • Wings of the Phoenix for individual purchase (previously this was part of the Essentials Pack)
    • A six-pack of Ninth Lives for all those gem leveling needs
  • Many mounts, wings, magriders, and costumes are now cheaper on the Store!
  • The Essentials Pack has been retired from the store! The Wings of the Phoenix are available for direct purchase. (The other items will be available again in some other fashion.)
  • The price of patron has been reduced across the board. Please keep this price adjustment in mind if you plan to purchase a multi-month patron product in the next P7FF month.
  • Patrons now additionally earn 33% extra Adventurine.
  • The Deals tab of the Store has been reordered to better display all the free products first.
  • Two new allies (the Winking Tentabox and the Chaotic Mimic) have been added permanently to the Chaos Chest. Both deconstruct to Chaos Cores.
  • Chaos Coins no longer drop from Chaos Chests.
  • Patron Points have been renamed to Loyalty, but their functionality remains the same.
  • Radiant Sovereigns no longer drop from Boons.
  • The Radiant Sovereigns cost of a Golden Chaos Chest in the Radiant Merchant in the Hub has increased from 3 to 4.
  • Wings sold in the Store are now found under the Store heading for Wings rather than under Rare.
  • Koroki, the Sower of Chaos, and the Contorting Contemplator are now found under the Chaotic heading in collections for Mounts and Pets respectively.
  • (PS4 and Xbox only) 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month Patron is now available.
  • (PS4 and Xbox only) Disaeon is back for console players! Earn a free dragon with the purchase of any pack as an extra thank you. (Note: PC players can earn Disaeon through the Refer-A-Friend program.)
Luxion of the Golden Hoard
  • Luxion of the Golden Hoard has been spotted heading towards the hub.
  • Twice a month he will land and vend his artifacts and curios for a limited time in exchange for Dragon Coins. He will have some new items, some highly-sought items, and some timely goodies. Don't miss him - he will touch down on December 15th for the first time! Look for him in the Hub beside the Dragon Crucible.
  • Chaos Chests will still contain exciting new items, as well as the backlog of previous chaotic items, and very rare “permanent rares”. But they will no longer contain items that had been given out in Events or are otherwise no longer available. Instead, Luxion of the Golden Hoard will occasionally vend such items.
  • 3 new dragons have landed! Recipes for each can be found in the Dragon Crucible, and their egg fragments have been scattered throughout the game.
    • Bubble Dragon Egg Fragments for Sarsaponia, the Pristine can be found fishing in water
    • Blocktron Dragon Egg Fragments for Blocktron, the Guardian Beyond the Sky, can be found at the Market Fixture in Club Worlds
    • Starfire Dragon Egg Fragments for Almakhestia, Host of Starfire, can be found defeating elites in the Shadow Tower
Knight Updates
  • The basic melee attack for the Knight can now hit NPCs one block above or below
  • The Basic Attack for the Knight now does 117% more damage
  • Retribution now causes the Knight's basic attack to reduce target outgoing damage by up to 5%. Additional attacks refresh stacks of the debuff.
  • Smash energy cost has been reduced by 50%
  • Smash no longer has a knockback
  • Smash no longer has a stun effect
  • Smash now has a 3s taunt effect similar to the Empowered Revenant Gem, "Aegis Assault"
  • Charge now does 22% more damage
  • Charge now does damage when passing enemies
  • Charge now applies a taunt to all NPCs effected by the ability
  • Charge now applies a 1s stun to all targets that take damage
  • Iron Will energy cost has been reduced by 50%
  • Iron Will now reduces 50% of all incoming damage to the Knight (versus 75% previously)
  • Iron Will now reduces 10% of all incoming damage for 7 players within 8 blocks of the Knight
  • Iron Will now redirects 10% of all incoming damage to the Knight for up to 7 players within 8 blocks
  • Spirit Squire Class Gem Changes:
    • Cooldown time has been removed
    • No longer slows down the Knight when used, allowing for greater freedom of movement
    • Energy cost has been reduced
Radiant and Stellar Rings
  • Recipes for Radiant and Stellar rings have been added to the Ringcrafting Bench. 250 skill is required to craft these items. If you like a class, you should put a ring on it.
  • New Ringcrafting Recipes:
    • Celestial Diamond – 10 Meteorite Fragments, 25 Crystallized Cloud, Golden Soul, and 1000 Flux
    • Vitality, Power, Wisdom, and Delving Spiral Boxes – 2 Shadow Diamonds, 2 Penta-forged Shadow Souls, and 25 Infinium Ore. Open Spiral Boxes to reveal a random Level 1-5 Shadow Ring with a small chance for a Level 1-2 Radiant Ring.
    • Vitality, Power, Wisdom, and Delving Seal Boxes – 2 Celestial Diamonds, 2 Forged Radiant Souls, and 25 Formicite Ore. Open Seal Boxes to reveal a random Level 1-5 Radiant Ring with a small chance for a Level 1-2 Stellar Ring.
    • Vitality, Power, Wisdom, and Delving Solitaire Boxes – 2 Celestial Diamonds, 2 Forged Stellar Souls, and 25 Cinnabar. Open Solitaire Boxes to reveal a random Level 1-5 Stellar ring.
  • Radiant Rings now loot collect into 1 Celestial Diamond and Flux.
  • Stellar Rings now loot collect into 2 Celestial Diamonds and Flux.
Plasma Fishing
  • Plasma Fishing has been added to Trove! Craft the new N-0 Depth Scoper fishing pole on the Nautical Assembler workbench in the Hub, grab some lures, and hit the nearest plasma pool.
  • Many of these fish can only be caught under special circumstances – crafty and patient anglers will be rewarded with the rarest catches.
  • All plasma fish can be caught at trophy weights – better have a gold catch to back up your fish story!
  • Fish are now unlocked by default in the Loot Collector.
Early Game Changes
  • There is now a new tutorial – learn all the basics of Trove! Experienced players can check it out using /tutorial.
  • New players can now choose between the Candy Barbarian, Boomeranger, Tomb Raiser, Gunslinger, and Knight classes. Detailed number-crunching shows that new players enjoy these classes the most. The Free Starter Class Coin now reflects these starting classes.
  • The Lunar Lancer, Dracolyte, Boomeranger, and Pirate Captain are now in the ‘Basic Classes” section of the Chaos Crafter, but their crafting costs are unchanged. The Class Coin and Store remain unchanged.
LED Blocks
  • A new type of block has been added - LED blocks. Don’t blink or you’ll miss them!
  • These blocks are available in 15 different colors and have 3 different behaviors. Every block should switch transition when it's looked at and the loot hotkey is used - i.e. if it's a Short Interval block and it's on On/Off, interaction will switch it to Off/On.
  • Persistent LED blocks stay in 1 Y9QW state – persisting On or Off.
  • Short Interval LED blocks transition between On and Off every 1 second.
  • Long Interval LED blocks transition between On and Off every 3 seconds.
  • LED Block Recipes have a rare chance to drop from Recipe Lairs in all Biomes or can be purchased from the Club Merchants for Adventurine.
  • LED blocks can be crafted on the Cube Converter.
Music Note Blocks
  • Extended the range of music note blocks by adding an octave at the upper and lower ends. They now span C2-C7# instead of G3-C6.
  • If an instrument block is equipped on the hotbar, interacting with a note block on the hotbar now uses that instrument instead of the piano sound.
  • When placing a music block below an instrument block, it now uses that instrument instead of the piano sound.
  • Added 7 new instruments to the instrument block: Clarinet, Female Vocal, Sine Wave, Saw Wave, Tubular Bell, Split Chip Bass, and Split Chip Bass 2.
New Dungeons
  • New Shadow Tower dungeon from Frokly!
  • New Frontier Lair from Tobstarrix!
  • New Frontier Lair from Frokly!
  • New Frontier Lair from Xegor!
  • New Radiant Lair from blahblahbal!
  • New Highlands Dungeon from Evilagician!
  • New Treasure Isles Dungeon from Pennry!
Additional Updates
  • Completing the Star bar now grants 500 Flux in addition to 500 Cubits, or 1500 of each when in Patron status!
  • Flux Treasures now have a chance to drop from boss chests that appear after completing a dungeon or lair (not including chests in the shadow tower). They stack, are untradable, and can be deconstructed into flux at a loot collector.
  • Dracolyte's passive now also causes their target to take 2.5% increased damage for 5 seconds after receiving any damage from the Dracolyte.
  • The Dracolyte's Class Gem now has an increased chance to spawn a minion from Burnt Offerings, and those minions' lifetime has been increased from 20 seconds up to 25 seconds.
  • The PVP Portal in the Hub now leads to 5v5 Team Death Match instead of Capture the Flag.
  • Stellar Weapons, Hats, and Face equipment can now be loot collected resulting in a Forged Stellar Soul and some flux.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using /joinme while changing worlds.
  • There is now a short required internal cooldown for emblem equips which is not affected by cooldown reduction.
  • Fixed an issue where the Gunslinger's subclass passive wasn't removed correctly.
  • Subclasses that do damage should no longer trigger effects that trigger when doing damage to enemies.
  • Attempting to claim an item without inventory space will now display an appropriate error message.
  • Fishing under the influence of Lunacy will no longer leave the player in a bad state.
  • Lunar Lancer's spear now orients correctly when activating Blessing of the Moon while transformed by Lunacy.
  • Five new Stellar Auras have been added to the Prism of Light! The Supermagical Surge, Bubbling Biofield, Dance of the Firefly, Tough Love, and Neon Nemesis auras are now available.
  • Added new costumes to the Chaos Crafting Workbench! There are new costumes for the Boomeranger, Chloromancer, Dinotamer, Gunslinger, Lunar Lancer, Pirate Captain, Shadow Hunter, Revenant and Tomb Raiser!
  • Fixed an issue where the Shadow Tower UI would not display the correct cost when switching difficulties.
  • There’s a new option in Settings to enable or disable visibility of the player’s own name and power rank.
  • Minigames now display a timer before they start rather than a “Waiting for Players” message.
  • Fixed a gem level-up animation bug that could make the maximum HP stat appear to increase more than it actually was.
  • Fixed an issue where the socket gem prompt could display twice and cause the new gem to be deleted.
  • Attempting to equip a second Volatile Velocity empowered gem will now give the appropriate error message.
  • Added /waddtarget to the metaforge. This adds the targeted block to the build inventory.
  • The UI to unlock a class will now correctly say “Unlock” rather than “Buy” on the button.
  • The “Go Shopping” Golden Thread now specifies that any Store purchase - including credits, cubits, or free items - will satisfy the requirements.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Add to your Collection?" popup where the "LEARN" button could be pushed off the bottom of the screen, preventing players from using certain large collection granting items. Which is pretty much the saddest thing ever.
  • Gunslinger Costumes with custom VFX for the M2 ability now use that VFX even if the Gunslinger Class Gem is equipped.
  • The Skysunder Sniper costume for the Shadow Hunter has found the missing part of its leg. (Silly Skysunder Sniper, missing legs are for Pirate Captains!)
  • Revenant’s Spirit Storm VFX should no longer be left behind or obscure the player when descending stairs.
  • Using a class coin now swaps to the newly unlocked class.
  • Purchasing a class in the store will now swap to the newly unlocked class.
  • The description for non-tradable Class Coins now reflects their actual decon value of 3 Double Experience Potions.
  • Added 3 more speed settings for magrails.
  • The Sky-High Pancake Stack ally now has stats.
  • The Frontier Workbench now has unique visuals instead of masquerading as an Adventuring Workbench.
  • Fixed Razer Chroma bug where locked ability keys appeared green instead of red.
  • The skull for the Shadow Hunter’s Shadowmark is now visible when wearing the Skysunder Sniper costume.
  • Repositioned the left wheel VFX of the Blacklight Neon Cycle to align properly with the bike.
  • Fixed an issue where the subclass ability icon in the character sheet would not reset.
  • All heal VFX have been made visually consistent. Heal VFX are now pink with small hearts, regardless of how the heal is applied, or of the class or skin of the player.
  • The Shadow Hunter Anarchy Archer costume now has green and purple VFX.
  • GF6Q - If you didn't find the hidden treat, start at the top AND DO IT AGAIN!

Preview: e players Added "Sales" tag to the Heart-a-Phone and Name Change Tag Show

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a client memory leak when fighting certain NPCs
  • Fixed bug where wireframe meshes appear in the world for some players
  • Added "Sales" tag to the Heart-a-Phone and Name Change Tag
  • Fishing now works again!

Extended double fishing speed event by 2 days
Added missing player-submitted items which we had erroneously included in previous patch notes:
  • New decor pieces by Player214, Xmarksit, MonsterAnt, Karrut, Ocgineer, Narwiff, mikeasfr, Knightlock, SkyRider3217, SkyTheVirus, Woofbottoms, jokerr77, and Rajeeb have been added to the game
  • New staff styles by MrWhiteee, Diefco, Jusiv, Cytorax, Toxidious, StoneWallJackson, Gaeden, KsykenV1, Gemric, Jorrit, Cosmodictator, Qoaleth, LordKyky, Narku, Martinez67, Iszalix, Deimondou, F4Bi, Jimbolul, PolacekX3, Rosemourne, Cozrator, 5p3x, ClovisAlfonso, DcaveDerps, xXTerminatorXx, and Grisildor have been added to the game!

Preview: ts on the store. Fixed a bug where Heart-a-Phone sometimes didn't have keyboar Show

It's been about one year since we officially went live! To thank you for your ongoing support, we've set up a number of amazing bonuses for the next two weeks!
  • All classes are 66% off
  • Gem Packs are 25% off
  • If you log in between July 12 and July 25th, you will get a Trovian Tumbler mount (created by Screamheart)
  • If you log in between July 12 and July 25th, you will get a Minor Experience Coin! Using this coin will grant you enough experience to take a class from level 1 to 10!
  • All Daily bonuses are active every day!
  • A special log in bonus every day, with an additional bonus every other day for players with Mastery Rank 20 or higher!

Golden Ticket Lootboxes!
Available through contests, login bonuses, and attached to some products, these chests rarely contain some AMAZING prizes!
  • It's Raining Mounts - Use this item to unlock a HUGE number of mounts, including all mounts in the following categories: Adventure Box, Rare, Store, Extra Life, Crafted, Fishing, Shadow Tower, Treasure Isles, Corgi, Cat, Shmeep, Centaur, Fancy, and Seasonal.
  • Dragon Force - Use this item to unlock SIX dragons: Panatea, Ludini, Erimatra, Selene, Yorin, and Erel!
  • 1 Year Patron Pass - Use this item to grant your account patron status for a whole year!

Anniversary Login Bonuses
  • Log in any time during the Anniversary party (July 12 07:00 - July 26 07:00 PT) to receive the Trovian Tumbler mount (designed by Screamheart!) as well as a Minor Experience Coin, which grants enough experience to take a class from level 1 to 10!
  • Each day during the Anniversary party, log in to receive two Golden Ticket Lootboxes!

Daily Bonuses
  • July 12 07:00 - July 13 07:00 PT - 2 Days of Patron Pass! (Requires Mastery Rank 20+)
  • July 13 07:00 - July 14 07:00 PT - 1 Streamer Dream!
  • July 14 07:00 - July 15 07:00 PT - 2 Days of Patron Pass! (Requires Mastery Rank 20+)
  • July 15 07:00 - July 16 07:00 PT - 5 Booster boxes!
  • July 16 07:00 - July 17 07:00 PT - 2 Days of Patron Pass! (Requires Mastery Rank 20+)
  • July 17 07:00 - July 18 07:00 PT - 10 Dragon Coins!
  • July 18 07:00 - July 19 07:00 PT - 2 Days of Patron Pass! (Requires Mastery Rank 20+)
  • July 19 07:00 - July 20 07:00 PT - 1 Empowered gem box!
  • July 20 07:00 - July 21 07:00 PT - 2 Days of Patron Pass! (Requires Mastery Rank 20+)
  • July 21 07:00 - July 22 07:00 PT - 10 Omni-Style Unlockers!
  • July 22 07:00 - July 23 07:00 PT - 2 Days of Patron Pass! (Requires Mastery Rank 20+)
  • July 23 07:00 - July 24 07:00 PT - 1 Ninth Life booster!
  • July 24 07:00 - July 25 07:00 PT - 2 Days of Patron Pass! (Requires Mastery Rank 20+)
  • July 25 07:00 - July 26 07:00 PT - 10 Golden Ticket Lootboxes!
Weekly Updates
The Chaos Chest has been updated! Grab Drumsticks, the majestic (and hungry) flying griffon mount!

Misc Updates/Fixes
  • When looking at Stats in the Character Sheet, you can now mouse over individual stats to see more of a breakdown on how the stat is calculated.
  • In Collections, Dragon Ascension Badges now show how many Mastery Points are granted by the reward items at each level.
  • Fixed a Collections UI bug where sometimes the green selection circle wouldn't update when changing mounts.
  • Reduced the block damage done by the Knight Empowered Gem ability.
  • Fixed bug where air currents remain in the world after moving a cornerstone that contains a Side Draft block.
  • Un-invisibled the Obsidian Total Days badge.
  • Fixed dragon mount's front and back left feet, while in epic pose.
  • Dragons now leave proper footprints after landing.
  • Bull Dozer has been optimized and should no longer tank framerates while in use.
  • Fixed bug where items that are collected while Collections is open appear to still be uncollected.
  • Fixed description for Eye of Q'Bthulu products on the store.
  • Fixed a bug where Heart-a-Phone sometimes didn't have keyboard focus when it should.
  • Stellar and Radiant loot drops now have their own special VFX to distinguish them from Shadow loot drops.

Community Content
  • New Frontier Lair from MrsMeowsifer!

PTS Patch - July 7 Mr. E / Trove Forums

Preview: ts on the store. Fixed a bug where Heart-a-Phone sometimes didn't have keyboar Show

Misc Updates/Fixes
  • When looking at Stats in the Character Sheet, you can now mouse over individual stats to see more of a breakdown on how the stat is calculated.
  • In Collections, Dragon Ascension Badges now show how many Mastery Points are granted by the reward items at each level.
  • Fixed a Collections UI bug where sometimes the green selection circle wouldn't update when changing mounts.
  • Reduced the block damage done by the Knight Empowered Gem ability.
  • Fixed bug where air currents remain in the world after moving a cornerstone that contains a Side Draft block.
  • Un-invisibled the Obsidian Total Days badge.
  • Fixed dragon mount's front and back left feet, while in epic pose.
  • Dragons now leave proper footprints after landing.
  • Bull Dozer has been optimized and should no longer tank framerates while in use.
  • Fixed bug where items that are collected while Collections is open appear to still be uncollected.
  • Fixed description for Eye of Q'Bthulu products on the store.
  • Fixed a bug where Heart-a-Phone sometimes didn't have keyboard focus when it should.
  • Stellar and Radiant loot drops now have their own special VFX to distinguish them from Shadow loot drops.

Community Content
  • New Frontier Lair from MrsMeowsifer!

Dance Off Edition Morgana / Trove Forums

Preview: ding some new store preview items. * Heart-a-Phone now costs 2500 Credits. Anyon Show

Arriving on 2/17/15!


Every class has found its groove: you can now /dance!


* Reduce trade safety delay from 2.5s to 1.5s.
* Spikes can once again be lasered in cornerstones.
* Regrettably, fixed bugs where your tombstone continues gliding and mag riding after dying.
* All non-global chat channels have had their capacity significantly increased! This should make it easier to find someone to trade with.

* Chaos Chests have been randomized! Now including some new store preview items.
* Heart-a-Phone now costs 2500 Credits. Anyone who purchased it before will have 500 Credits returned to them.


* Neon Ninja's Final Technique projectiles now pierce through NPCs.

* Reduced passive cooldown by 1.5 seconds.
* Now charges up another Radiant Arrow faster after the previous Radiant Arrow.
* Now recovers faster after using Arrow of the Goddess.


* Fixed a bug causing players to fall forever after falling to their death. An invisible ceiling now blocks you from getting too far above the world instead of killing you.
* Radiant Giant item drops are now at least Relic-quality, and they now drop more Radiant Shards.

* Vault Style recipes now cost 10 Crystallized Clouds up from 5.

* Shadow Arena and Shadow Dungeon NPCs now have more stability.
* The Undead Hills dungeon King's Tomb has received some updates, and can now spawn more non-boss quests.
* Some older lairs have had their traps and spikes reduced in quantity.

* All 'raptor' mount footprints now appear on the correct feet.
* Fixed a bug that caused enemies to foot-slide when walking immediately after spawning.
* Liquid terrain should now fade in correctly when loading.
* Terrain fade-in is now smoother.
* Terrain now loads based on cylindrical distance - you should be able to see farther while flying now!

* Spawn sounds for mounts added.
* Ore now has a distinct sound when breaking it during mining.

* Friends List now properly displays Mastery Ranks.
* Windowed Fullscreen is now available in Settings -> Video

* New Undead Hills lair from Talitayn.
* New Medieval Highlands lair from Lamafao.
* New Candoria lair from OreoKirby.
* New Neon City lair from Joshato.
* New Medieval Highlands dungeon from Markec1983.

Nothing for Vday? Avarem / Trove Forums

Preview: te class="postcontent restore"> The Heart-a-Phone is our Valentine's addition ( Show

The Heart-a-Phone is our Valentine's addition (although we intend to keep it year round).

We had some great ideas like heart wings, cupid Shadow Hunter, and a love boat mag rider - but this year they just weren't to be. Too much going on with this monster update to split our attention with a holiday event. I think Valentine's is a holiday that matches up with Trove perfectly and I know we'll shoot to do something next year.

Take Flight Update Morgana / Trove Forums

Preview: > * Prisms are now 1000 Credits. * Heart-a-Phone is now in the store and now t Show

Arriving on 2/10/15!


* Shadow Hunter is now live! This class uses a bow to do massive damage to enemy targets with charged shots, while the shadow trapped in their gem whispers about who to kill.

* You can now craft a portal to the Sky Realms!
* Mine Crystallized Clouds, harvest Radiant Shards, but you'd best come prepared with wings, or it's going to be tough to keep up!
* A new rare mount, the Nimble Nimbus, can now be found rarely in the Sky Realms!
* Updraft blocks are now craftable in the Fun Factory!

* Wings are now obtainable in game!
* Mastery Rank 20 and 100 now grant wings!
* Stormcaller's Wings are now in the store!
* Wings of Darkest Night now drop incredibly rarely from Shadow Arenas.

* Runecrafting is now live! Obtain some radiant shards from the Radiant Ruins, then learn a whole bunch of new block recipes to build to your heart's content! As your runecrafting skill increases, you'll unlock a variety of colored, metal, glass, and glowing block recipes.
* At the higher levels, you'll be able to craft vault style unlockers that will unlock a Vault style, as well as tomes that you can equip to grant yourself additional resources of a specific type as you adventure!
* A new mount, the Floating Formula, can now be crafted by Runic Masters at the Runecrafting bench!


* Added 101 new colors of colored blocks (split between standard, glass, metal, and glow).
* Added emotes! You can now /wave hello or goodbye or take a nap with /zzz. Characters with no input for 2 minutes will also now automatically start snoozing.
* Fixed the dreaded "Received user acknowledgement" login bug.
* Mastery rank now goes to 100!
* The Magic Find tooltip now has correct text.
* Fixed a bug where players who are loaded in while already in flight appear to fall and teleport back up repeatedly.
* Fixed a bug where being hit by an enemy could cancel jumps and other movement.
* Chests now take fewer hits to destroy.
* Spikes can now be destroyed by bombs.

* The Mount, Mag Rider, Flask, Wings, and Ally slots are now class specific.
* As a result of this change the Mount, Mag Rider, Flask, and Ally slots will be empty on log in and will need to be re-equipped.

* Chaos Chests have been randomized!
* Uberman, a new costume for the Gunslinger, is live!
* Prisms are now 1000 Credits.
* Heart-a-Phone is now in the store and now turns your target's name red for 24 hours.
* You can no longer purchase the textured block recipe in the store for bordered blocks. You now earn these through Runecrafting.
You now gain 2 no-trade flask coins instead of the fixed flasks in the Power Pack.


* Gunslinger's Blast Jump ability now increases height less but gives you a temporary slow fall effect
* The Gunslinger now slowfalls after hitting with a basic attack
* Fixed bug where Gunslinger's passive instant charge shot couldn't be fired at zero energy.

* Mining Troves, Party Animals, and Recipe Blocks will now drop the new type of block recipe that teaches you a random block recipe that you don't already know.
* You can now deconstruct stacks of the same item.
* Red equipment can now be deconstructed for flux plus 1 eye.

* Magic Carpet drops are now more common in Uber 4 and 5, and are otherwise less common.
* Uber 4 and 5 worlds are slightly harder.
* The King's Tomb dungeon will no longer spawn in Undead Hills.
* The Haunted Mansion dungeon will now spawn properly in the Undead Hills.

* Shadow Arenas and Dungeons are now slightly harder.

* Improved cloud distribution, especially while moving. Clouds now respond immediately to lighting changes.
* Fixed a bug where the knight could lose Iron Will shield VFX upon being hit.
* Significantly reduced CPU cost of camera-based player opacity.
* Fixed a bug where exiting gliding by jumping put the player into the wrong animation.
* Resource blocks now blend into the terrain better.

* Accesories on hairstyles will now, for the most part, ignore hair color and retain their own coloring
* New decor by Tribe, MajorTom, Qoaleth and Screamheart has been added to the game!
* New hairstyles by Dragoes, GadgetCAT, and Subtitles have been added to the game!
* New mask styles by TigerLove, Ixion, chocobag, and Claire have been added to the game New hat styles by Kukui, Ranen, TheZoobler, Aviarei, Shyster, MCfan567, Turtlenade, Dusty_Mustard, Floretha, Agent_41, and Phoenix have been added to the game!
* New staff styles by Zeeg, MediocrityGoggles, Smorph, nolanvoid, KtlavskoX, FedoraTip, and FriedSushi have been added to the game!
* New melee weapon styles by Karokendo, Sentium, Zeeg, Zodriac, ForJagler, Turtlenade, AllieCat, RoflGofl, Blindside, Miredirex, Seral, Enthropy, ElMexicano, LETAL1TY, LippyLapras, Hypatech, Smearg and Fhilian have been added to the game! New pistol styles by Zipperumpazoo, BlueMango, and Voodoo have been added to the game!
* New bows by Tribe, Aodahn, Jonny_Spikey, Screamheart, nolanvoid, Floretha, Greenitthe, PinkNekoGirl, Tyhler, Riptide, FriedSushi, GadgetCAT, Stedms, Ixion, RutilusFalx, EdgeG, Cougarkillz, Solipso, MapletXD, LinguisticallyInept, Drakfyre, MiszterSoul, TehRedReaper, MysticLugia, LippyLapras, Ranen, TheGiv32, miopiIV, watermellonduke, JumpyBunny, Dragoes, Leeman, CloBunny, _Protichsx_, Qoaleth, GinnyBinny, Bahamuth, Quedifuv, Linker, FrozenCross, Taiboi, Uniquisher, Jallafish, Wallow75, Aspis, Sephyr, Shyster, MajorTom, Buckerneir, Dirkalo, MrTuffnStuff, TomixD, Rhylight, PsicoVoxeL, Leeon, Nomeneta, Caspersaur, tmahwk, Prototype, Rade_Dobison, pasi123567, GreyRellik, demosito, Stedms, Aodahn, TheZoobler, FriedSushi, PinkNekoGirl, HandofGod, Tribe, Khali, Eriri, Mirage, Ecky, Kiyomi, Kyiro, Zimanta, Nomeneta, CassIV, TeeKayM, Soulrenor, Dave203, Kopandazavr, TheGiv32, Robotik, Ginkgo, Lucifuge, Prototype, cczeus, Tresette, taelg, AshtonGrey, Byoo, and Kane8066 have been added to the game!
* New Neon City dungeons from Khastiel and Lamafao.
* New Undead Hills dungeon from Screamheart.
* New Treasure Isles dungeon from FriedSushi.
* New Candoria lairs from Habosbabafos, Thresio, Markec1983.
RN: New Undead Hills lairs from Tribe and WINRAR-exe.
RN: New Highlands lair from Condorspark.