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T-41: [Delves] Fell through the wall

No Description





Acknowledged by The Trove Team as a bug






Apr 19, 2021

May 13, 2022



Tomdok 4 years ago Ticket T-41 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 833688624855253012
    [type] => 0
    [content] => **IGN:** Tomdok
**Platform :** PC - Live
**Context : **Pushing delves depth, wanted to gather more with depth charges
**Observed :** Went through texture 🤷‍♂️ 
**Expected :** I guess, not to go through texture? 
**Time:** shown in name of vid, but -> 19.4.2021 , 14:49:50 , but I did that lot of times in there.
**media:** Video, but sorry for the mark, free soft 😄
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 325961250901327874
            [username] => Tomdok
            [avatar] => a6c2c87616b8e30bdad57ebe291a6cb6
            [discriminator] => 7500
            [public_flags] => 0

    [attachments] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [id] => 833688620887572540
                    [filename] => 2021-04-19_at_14-49-50.mp4
                    [size] => 2862220
                    [url] =>
                    [proxy_url] =>
                    [width] => 1920
                    [height] => 1048
                    [content_type] => video/mp4


    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2021-04-19T13:00:57.351000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 2021-04-19T13:09:48.185000+00:00
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array


**IGN:** Tomdok
**Platform :** PC - Live
**Context : **Pushing delves depth, wanted to gather more with depth charges
**Observed :** Went through texture 🤷‍♂️
**Expected :** I guess, not to go through texture?
**Time:** shown in name of vid, but -> 19.4.2021 , 14:49:50 , but I did that lot of times in there.
**media:** Video, but sorry for the mark, free soft 😄

ab 3 years ago Ticket T-41 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 974438542698758194
    [type] => 0
    [content] => rounding error that happens when you walk in the direction of a high world coordinate value. it starts becoming a disruptive issue at coordinates higher than 16,383, equivalent to running 20 delve depths in a single run. if you run into a wall facing east with high velocity at this point you will probably get pushed through a wall. this problem will get worse at coordinates >32,767 (41 delve depths)
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 89918356290797568
            [username] => ab
            [avatar] => 9c94de986f0a1059f79ca4a9db570457
            [avatar_decoration] => 
            [discriminator] => 3772
            [public_flags] => 512

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-05-12T22:30:52.772000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array

    [message_reference] => Array
            [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
            [guild_id] => 118027756075220992
            [message_id] => 974394265654411344

    [referenced_message] => Array
            [id] => 974394265654411344
            [type] => 0
            [content] => *[Delves] Fell through the wall*
**Reported** -> **Can't Reproduce**
            [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
            [author] => Array
                    [bot] => 1
                    [id] => 934122459144278067
                    [username] => Heckbug
                    [avatar] => 46ff6122d7741a2e8257b02f366c5808
                    [discriminator] => 0000

            [attachments] => Array

            [embeds] => Array

            [mentions] => Array

            [mention_roles] => Array

            [pinned] => 
            [mention_everyone] => 
            [tts] => 
            [timestamp] => 2022-05-12T19:34:56.302000+00:00
            [edited_timestamp] => 
            [flags] => 0
            [components] => Array

            [webhook_id] => 934122459144278067


rounding error that happens when you walk in the direction of a high world coordinate value. it starts becoming a disruptive issue at coordinates higher than 16,383, equivalent to running 20 delve depths in a single run. if you run into a wall facing east with high velocity at this point you will probably get pushed through a wall. this problem will get worse at coordinates >32,767 (41 delve depths)

ab 3 years ago Ticket T-41 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 974444477542432808
    [type] => 0
    [content] => my recommendation of how depths could be generated to vastly mitigate the problem
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 89918356290797568
            [username] => ab
            [avatar] => 9c94de986f0a1059f79ca4a9db570457
            [avatar_decoration] => 
            [discriminator] => 3772
            [public_flags] => 512

    [attachments] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [id] => 974444476737159188
                    [filename] => unknown.png
                    [size] => 113504
                    [url] =>
                    [proxy_url] =>
                    [width] => 1378
                    [height] => 1134
                    [content_type] => image/png


    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-05-12T22:54:27.749000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array

image/png (110.84 KB)

my recommendation of how depths could be generated to vastly mitigate the problem

Issue Details

3 years ago MeanMug changed status from Can't Reproduce to Acknowledged
3 years ago MeanMug changed status from Reported to Can't Reproduce

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Updated with some additional information from ab.