The community bug tracker is now in read-only mode - Please see the gamigo knowledge base for Bug Reports for Trove. Links to this page will be removed March 1, 2025.
Needs More Info
Needs more information so we can understand it.

Apr 15, 2021
Mar 31, 2022
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Anything more to go on with this issue? A screenshot or a more detailed explanation would be helpful understanding the problem. Does a particular player in 5 different clubs have different "Last Login" times? Or is this what others see about you?
<Does a particular player in 5 different clubs have different "Last Login" times?> Yes, both myself and other club members see different last login times across clubs. Me and club1 member will see same time in club1. But in another club(s), player from club1 will see different login time in club2. It does match in some clubs but Im not sure why