Popular Guides
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Hello fellow Flux-Hunters, This is my little Guide on market flipping and manipulation....
"The unlife of the party! Animate minions, then heal them and damage enemies with your basic attack's piercing beam. Enhance your attack and defence with Banshee's Boon, and combine your Bonetourage into a Grave Goliath!" - In-Game Description So if you'...
August 7, 2015 Tomb Raiser
An overview of the Radiant Ruins biome, added with the Take Flight update. Source: http://www.shapestonejournal.net/radiant-ruins-guide/...
March 8, 2015
View information on options for Forge and Advanced Forge. Increase Forge Level Add a New Stat Reduce Required Level Upgrade Rarity ...
November 12, 2014 Gear
My own opinion about Lunar Lancer...
September 16, 2015 Lunar Lancer
Early Endgame - Level 30 and Beyond Eth31's Guide to Exceeding past Mastery 200+, fully utilizing the Mantle of Power and Level 30, the complete guide! ...
July 11, 2016
Introduced in Welcoming Edition update, Daily bonuses in Trove change by the day of the week and offer bonuses to different parts of the game. Daily bonuses reset at 3AM PST - Check when that is...
June 5, 2015 Mechanics
Hello, and today I'm gonna show how you can get radiant gear by forging. This is going to be very, VERY expensive so make sure you have a lot of flux, eyes (not the ones on your head :P), 9 Pearls, Two Twice Forged Shadow Souls, Two Thrice Forged Shadow S...
August 4, 2015 Gear
To streamline and update all modding guides for Trove, all available parts will be rewritten and split into multiple Chapters. This to done to ease the maintenance of guides and provide opportunity for multiple authors and/or transfer ownership....
November 3, 2016 modding
Trove is an exciting land filled with endless dungeons and expansive, procedurally-generated environments – basically, it means no matter how far your journeys take you, you’ll always find new terrain, new enemies, and new loot! But with the...
July 6, 2015 Basics