Popular Guides

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Darknik Dreadnought MK II

Hey Trovians, I'm back today with a new article on the shadow titan, the Darknik Dreadnought. I will as usual, describe the attacks, and how best to avoid them, and the best classes to fight him with....

May 6, 2018

Dungeon Creation 101: Part 1 Rules and Voxels

Dungeons, Lairs and Shadow dungeon are all submission items on TroveCreations. It involves making pieces of a dungeon in a voxel editor, creating blueprints. With this detailed guide, we're trying to set a low entry point for dungeon submissions....

January 18, 2018 Dungeon Creation Lair Creation

Ancient Dragon

The Ancient Dragon Ascension ran from September 1, 2015 culminating in obtaining the Trimach the Ancient legendary dragon and the Spirit of Trimach buff....

September 1, 2014 Dragon

[Spreadsheet] Enemy Health

Interested in knowing the exact amount of health of every enemy in the game? This Spreadhseet will tell you exactly that! With a short Story on how I went on making this Spreadsheet...

September 1, 2015 Spreadsheets

Banner Appearance

Banners are obtained from Battle Boxes which are rewards from participating in the Battle Arena. A banner's appearance is generated with a Banner Pole, a Flag and a Pole....

July 29, 2016 PVP

G.R.Y.P.H. 3000. Snowfestivus second phase mount.

 What is G.R.Y.P.H 3000? Well to put it simply it's a mount that you can craft during the second phase of the Winter event 2016-2017. The mount is made by: TheMafian You will need some Robotic Salvage, so before we go deeper, equip your Cyber...

January 5, 2017 Console Contest Snowfest

Optimal Mining Guide [Gamescom entry]

  This guide teaches the main methods of mining, and the optimal strategies for mining!...

August 16, 2015 Mining

Beginners Guide For The Neon Ninja

Welcome to my guide on starting out as the Neon Ninja. I wanted to help others who just started out in Trove and perhaps like me they picked the coolest looking class available: Neon Ninja. I'm not a professional by any means I literally just started pla...

August 4, 2015 Neon Ninja

Rendering from Qubicle to Blender Chapter 3: Exporting from Qubicle and Importing into Blender

Your model is ready! New let’s get it into Blender for rendering....

February 13, 2017 Art Tutorials Rendering

The Flux Guide ( With steed feed XD )

( Need 10 mastery level ) Flux the most useful item in trove, is easily the most sought after. if you are just starting off 1k flux may be a years worth. You can easily make that 1k in less than 30 minutes. 2 things steed feed and Market. ...

January 2, 2017 Console Contest

Mastery for Dummies

 Hello there! Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Jackson (or in Trove I'm known as NumbahJuan) and I'm a farely newer player to Trove. Today I have sweet and simple guide on ways to gain mastery very quickly on your account in the game that we al...

August 18, 2015 Mastery

Trove CTF 101

Last Updated: 11-23-2015 (New Classes Added: Neon Ninja, Lunar Lancer, Ice Sage) Guide Created: 11-27-2015 This guide will detail on the general aspect of Capture the Flag in Trove and later will delve into the nitty-gritty of this gamemode. Also i...

July 11, 2016

Effectively Using In-Game Chat (custom channels, joining/leaving channels)

Effectively Using In-Game Chat (custom channels, joining/leaving channels) ...

August 16, 2015 Chat

How To Install Mods On Mac(Updated and Working)

Hey everyone, here's a complete guide on how to install mods on mac :D...

January 6, 2018 Content Contest Mac Mods