Popular Guides

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Dungeon and Lair Creation (pro-tips)

Creating dungeons and lairs is one of the most interesting parts of Trove. This guide will give you a basic understanding of things to keep in mind. Qubicle is used as the voxel editor for this guide, all supplied templates are also for Qubicle. Dungeon c...

August 19, 2017 Dungeons Lairs


A quick glance on badges and how to get them....

August 2, 2016 Badges Collection

Shadow Tower your way to Flux, Clubits, Leaderboard rewards and Loot.

No RNG way to earn FLUX, get on the leader board and earn clubits.  Selling Shadow Cashes or Hearts of Darkness is how you earn flux.   ...

January 12, 2018 clubits flux shadow tower


The realms of Trove are varied, from the fiery fields of Dragonfire Peaks to the (chocolate-) dipped cupcake canyons of Candoria. Traverse every Trovian terrain in style with these tried-and-true tricks! Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/20...

June 30, 2015 Basics

Effectively Using The In-Game Chat (Everything you need to know to get started)

This guide aims to demostrate in a brief, but comprehensive, manner the extensive methods to use the in-game chat in the most effective way....

August 14, 2015 Chat

PROFIT From Forging(Spreadsheet Calculator)

Forging Calculator is all you need to know abount profiting from FORGING!! You can change the prices of the items under the price chart if you download the chart into a excel or google spreadsheet !! I have worked really hard on it[like 20 hours] so i...

July 11, 2016 Spreadsheets

Multiple Cornerstones

Picking the class that best suits your playstyle is a piece of cake! Or maybe it’s easy as pie. Either way, it’s definitely dessert related – especially if you’re a Candy Barbarian (we’ll get to that later). Source: This art...

July 11, 2016 Basics

How The Trove Market Works

This guide will (hopefully) help you to better understand how the Trove Market works, as well as provide some tips and tricks to make lots of flux with it....

July 11, 2016 Market

Sun Goddess Metaforge Trials - Dungeon Creators

The sun goddess noticed fewer people entering /mf. At first, a confirmation screen prevented random visitors from entering, but with the slow down on Reddit, the realms of forging remain silent. To increase or test knowledge on plugs, sockets, blocke...

August 19, 2017 Knowlegde Metaforge Trials

The Symbol's Progression Sheet - All kinds of usefull data

This spreadsheet helps you calculate how much resources you have left to get full stellar on a class (there are a field for each class and i will try and keep it updated when new classes are released).  There is also data for potential stats on...

July 11, 2016 Spreadsheets

The Quest for Dragons - Guide

This informative guide will step you through getting either Auzilian or Neon Dragons....

August 4, 2015 Azulian & Neon Dragons Dragons

Neon Dragon

The Neon Dragon Ascension was available from July 22, 2015 and culminated in the obtaining of the Lambent, the Neonlord legendary dragon. Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/2015/07/22/new-neon-dragon-soars-into-trove/ ...

July 22, 2015 Dragon

Modding with Prefabs/Binfabs

If you're looking to mod an ally/mount rig that isn't available through normal means, try using prefabs!...

July 5, 2017 Modding

Modding 101 Chapter X-1: Costume Parts List (Accepted Mods)

When Trion accepts your costume mod as a submission, you'll have to rename your modded blueprints. These lists contain all the required pieces per class. You can prepare these before acceptance, though it is extra work, so just wait for a PM. This list ...

February 9, 2017 Acceptance blueprints Costume Modding