2nd Anniversary Giveaway

Join us from Saturday, 17 December to Sunday, 25 December in celebrating 2 years of Trovesaurus. Enter the giveaway for a chance at one of several yummy prizes.
The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 18
18x Goodies
18 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward
- 1x Collectors pack
- 1x Creator's pack
- 1x Essentials pack
- 1x Class pack
- 1x Battle pack
- 1x Mantle of Power Sampler pack
- 1x Prehistoric pack
- 1x Spooky Swag Bag pack
- 1x Raving Revenant pack
- 1x Flower Power pack
- 1x Lunacy pack
- 1x Necrofancy pack
- 1x Block Beard's Pirate pack
- 1x Adventure pack
- 1x Shadow's Eve pack
- 1x To the Nines Costume pack
- 1x Blitz and Glitz Costume pack
- 1x Extra Life 2015 pack
894 Signups
2.01% chance to receive 1 reward
SteelZo_ - Raving Revenant pack
Ollnozz - Flower Power pack
XxXPAINKILLERXxX - Lunacy pack
InsaneD - Necrofancy pack
TqLxQuanZ - Block Beard's Pirate pack
Mario583 - Adventure pack
mesphisterix - Shadow's Eve pack
Rosain - To the Nines Costume pack
Jodoc - Blitz and Glitz Costume pack
ONE_PUNCH - Extra Life 2015 pack
Pellesaxon - Collectors pack
leonchang - Creator's pack
HikaruHana - Essentials pack
Sabersky - Class pack
Gatau - Battle pack
KraytBlood - Mantle of Power Sampler pack
Gozhuxonix - Prehistoric pack
Hexaspherical - Spooky Swag Bag pack

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WOW, been a member about a month now,got the game and searched how tos on how to play for ps4 console and found this forum,got hooked with all the info here..meaning database-although seriously unmanned and out dated most is relevant yet all forums and even TRION WORLDS still PC geared forums 99% of it at least.
Just seems to me if you launched on other systems ie. Consoles all of this should have previously been changed or give us out own up to date forum or something..
And to top it off, after us console player members in this forum been trying to get a promotional mount to no avail,i just read that the 2nd anniversary mounts for this console roll out are not available for console players. Does this go for all the giveaways and contests we entered and senti n via this forum???? Which means anything that can be gotten her is for PC PLAYERS ONLY????
Geeze trovesaurus that literally takes the second anniversary cake right there..I love this game and this forum,i just wish us console players felt that love back.. So happy birthday and thanks for nothing.
P.s. i do have a legendary dragon mount..but that's only because I paid real world cash.
Thanks - Disgruntled Trovian
Good luck everyone. Lets get 1000 if we can! Hoping for a good pack, but more hoping for any win. If there is a comment below this and its gibberish disregard it, that was an accident.
lunacy pack is one of my favourite packs. it comtains (i think) 2 costumes and the lunar lancer class itself. it also has 2 mounts and 2 tomes (chaos codex and dragon coin digest) I JUST WANT!
I joined 2 days ago which was December 20 after hearing from a friend that this website offers a lot of help to starting players... He wasn't wrong.
Hi I don't know whats to say I dont remeber how i even got on this site. But anyways hope i win something. No hopes tho
Happy Anniversary Trove! It's been two years and I am sure that we will continue growing!
I'm new to trovesaurus and I've only been here for about almost the day but so far I've enjoyed what has been offered and if I don't win I hope you guys do.
First time I visit this was like 2 months ago I pretty newin trove and I start playing that time I remember that I was so lost I didnt know what to the and the googling I found "giudes" a page from trovesaurus then I saw they have a full like forum thing with guides comments even in that time the free mount and I get the class coin I was so happy I found a guide for my shadow hunter(I was looking for that) and then I found the rest contests info about the game this web really help me now Im just struggling trying to get the CG for my shadow hunter I already opened like 40 gem empower boxes and I only get 1 fragments ._. well Thnx for all that you are :)
I hope you guys had great two years and are going to do this for a long time. Happy Birthday Trovesaurus!
Started play Trove a year ago and couldn't get into it. But a week or two ago, I started playing again and fell in love with it. This site has been a huge help for me to get back into the game and feel less lost. Thank you so much!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TROVESAURUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love you guys you always informed me about whats new in trove (i checked everyday your website) the trovesaurus mount was my first mount if trovesaurus didn't exist i was now riding slow sebastian :) thank you guys for the good years!!!
greetings from belgium
Happy birthday/anniversary Trovesaurus,even though I just signed up today.I've been following guides on this site for entirety of my Trove playtime and it was worth it.I'm a newbie with lots of information thanks to this website.Your gargantuan deed was not repayable by me so I can just say 'I Love Trovesaurus'. :D
Happy happy Birtday Etaew, and thanks for all the good info u have given us over these 2 years. I hope as long as u are loving what u are doing here, we will have the opportunity to enjoy your site.