The Dev Dream

Making it's appearance for the first time is [item=The Dev Dream] giveaway, using this box will unlock a random developer ally that you do not own. List of possible Allies.
The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 20
20x The Dev Dream
20 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward
1,517 Signups
1.32% chance to receive 1 reward
Noodlez - The Dev Dream
dragonturtle222 - The Dev Dream
Pandorena2018 - The Dev Dream
ZACHSP8 - The Dev Dream
AShortAsianBoi - The Dev Dream
ABprice_ - The Dev Dream
Zachowsky - The Dev Dream
The_Pug - The Dev Dream
WildCard00 - The Dev Dream
Casey_Langley - The Dev Dream
H_N_T_E_R - The Dev Dream
Mega349 - The Dev Dream
Wurld - The Dev Dream
LeBeaukrapS - The Dev Dream
R3DSP8C3 - The Dev Dream
ShinigamiDaiko - The Dev Dream
CameronW - The Dev Dream
Ecaboo - The Dev Dream
JoppieCraft - The Dev Dream
Mastamalone - The Dev Dream

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o.O all exept one allie looks good in there, my luck is ill win and get the one i dont like FML lol but Good luck to all and marry "cough cough" wrong time of the year um... i'll go to the corner now...
probs have a 12 in 800 chance of winning
which is lower if u guys are talking about mexdxdxdxdxdxd
Good Luck! This is my first giveaway to join so I don't know how hard it is to get but good luck to whoever wins!