Llama Escape Giveaway

To celebrate our third anniversary we're releasing our remaining herd of llamas all 418 of them. Sign up for a chance to win [collection=Scary Mary], [collection=Kami Llami], [collection=Anachronistic Antoine]. [collection=Changeling Channing] and [collection=Fiery Kiely] YAMAS!

Thanks to Milambit and Stedms for the llamas.

Starts - December 1, 2017, 3:00 pm UTC (7 years ago)
Ends - December 15, 2017, 3:00 pm UTC (7 years ago)
Giveaway Finished

The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 418


418x Llama

418 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward


2,799 Signups

14.93% chance to receive 1 reward

Comments and Likes Comments 97

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did i win

How do I redeem it?

[Deleted User]

This comment has been removed by Etaew (PC)

i am so unlucky... :/

I finaly won one

I don’t win anything



i failed XD


Thx a lot ^^

really i dont win nothing?

good luck


good luck


Good luck

let's go


Good luck :D

the Kami llami looks so cool! xD be epic riding on that


If i win this i would be glad

[Deleted User]

This comment has been removed by sugar_chef (PC)

15.39% if i dont win something im actually saying this is rigged

true but dont whine

Good luck!

Im Going to name my llama Llamasaur

[Deleted User]

This comment has been removed by sugar_chef (PC)

Well goodluck everyone! i'm a newbie and i hope to get one

4 more days =D

Good luck you guys hope you or me win them but you its alright if you dont

about every 1 in 6 people will win this giveaway, I hope I'm one of them. gl all


good luck

Good luck all!!!


GL my friends



Good luck everyone!

Kami Llama loks amazing <3 <3 too poor on trove to get it lol

kami lami and dont use more than one heart please.

Who sh!t in your cereal happyoryx?

Dont touch the llama!!!!

Good luck :%

20% de chance de gagner,sa descend de jour en jour ,j'espère quand même en recevoir au moins 1,bonne chance à tous !


=D so Excited getting closer gl all!


Oh man, do want! Llama = Love

i hope i win this and gl to all


lol 418 liam, and i don't get one... :c

Thank you for doing this. Merry Christmas  to you all.


418 Llamas ...  if I don't get one I'll get really sad :(

gl peeps

OHHH yeah 22.9% chance of reward I like those odds. Good luck everyone!

23.2% chance at getting a llama?! Oh boy! hopefully my luck in this giveaway is better than my RNG in trove lol. Good luck to everyone!

Actually a chance on this one

Oh god i hope i get one please


wish me win good luck guys!


GL Every1 ^^ have fun 

Good luck ya all


Gl *---*

good luck everyone!

Good Luck every one

i like this

Are you from Hong Kong?

GL everyone

I don't usually win but worth a try, my friend is the lucky one usually, good luck to all

[Deleted User]

This comment has been removed by B2097 (PC)

boa sorte a todos :)

418 llamas.... i might acytauly have a chance to win this


GL....also...random....but any tips on how to get the hub hugger? I need ancient scales

fishing in hub + patience



61% chance so good luck all


Hopefully it stays at 500... 5 hours later... 9000 signed up for it...

Good luck fellow trovians!!!

This is my best chance at getting something, gl all!

Holy llama! 418 codes, thank you so much Trovesaurus and have a good anniversary!