Huyldirjr, Singer for the Silent Giveaway

Thanks to TechnoShyft, we are giving away 20x [collection=Huyldirjr, Singer for the Silent].

Starts - November 9, 2017, 3:00 pm UTC (7 years ago)
Ends - November 16, 2017, 3:00 pm UTC (7 years ago)
Giveaway Finished

The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 20


20x Huyldirjr, Singer for the Silent

20 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward


1,825 Signups

1.1% chance to receive 1 reward

Comments and Likes Comments 50

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T_Ttururu tututu tuuuuu tu tututututotuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ooooooo Naruto bad song


did anyone get anything? says 0 rewards have been distributed 


hope i get one XD


[Deleted User]

This comment by Arcane_ has been removed by Arcane_

Good luck everyone! :D

Feeling down. Lol I hope if I win i'll maybe feel better.

these giveaways are not rigged but it is a less than 1% chance at winning with 1k people for only 20 or so items


i still dont understand how it works, the mount isnt tradeable

they give you it via code


i think this giveaways are rigged AF,i've been entering giveaways for a year now,do you think i got any of this stuff...exactly,none!

i wish i can win this haha haven't won in any of these giveaways yet hahaha


I want one win havent won anyth from this site after 20 giveaways

I wonder if it will have cool video effects

Yeah, it has like brown particles coming from it ^^

Good luck to anyone that gets one 

any one else kinda wanna be a bee?

GL! everyone

[Deleted User]

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thank you for chance


The mount please

Thank you for this chance :)

Love all Dead themed items.fav. things


Good luck all

GL all

nuhh my fave mount D:::::

GL everybody

just this pls....GL everybody


Hope I Get it.

Boa sorte a todos voceis

This looks awsome hope I get it!

best mount, hope i get it

I'm early... good luck!

R.I.P. Mjolnir

May the force be with you. giggity.

I know I won't win , but hey! A try won't hurt ! Good luck to everyone! I want to see one of you guys with this cool mount!

need bad for my gunslinger t.t

Hope i can gethis im collecting all the deer mounts o-o

i still think an entery cap would be nice

Good luck all

i think its going to be from 28% chance of winning at the time i post this, to 0,1% chance of winning...