Trovian Tumbler Giveaway

Thanks to Screamheart we are giving away 9x [collection=Trovian Tumbler] mounts.
Note: Please note that these codes are PC ONLY!
The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 9
9x Trovian Tumbler mount (PC ONLY)
9 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward
1,669 Signups
0.54% chance to receive 1 reward
Salad - Trovian Tumbler (PC ONLY)
Thawfoot - Trovian Tumbler (PC ONLY)
snowpow - Trovian Tumbler (PC ONLY)
SM_SlimShady - Trovian Tumbler (PC ONLY)
AlphaDrak - Trovian Tumbler (PC ONLY)
RaulSheik - Trovian Tumbler (PC ONLY)
Clyfer16 - Trovian Tumbler (PC ONLY)
MegaDoge - Trovian Tumbler (PC ONLY)
Tigerlordz - Trovian Tumbler (PC ONLY)

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Already got this Mount on Xbox for playing beta, hope I get another one to sell, good luck guys!
-_- Hmmm with my luck ill lose but if i do how will i get the mount from an code or ingame
é uma merda q porra é essa essa merda mal feita do caralho ve se morre desgraça riquinho da porra
First To Enter!!!
For A Glimpse Of A Second, I Saw The 100% Chance Of Winning Thing... I Have Been Enlightened!!!