Forum Archive
Trove Dev Q & A Thread - July 17 - 21
Author: Fasti , Created: 17-Jul-2017 06:12 PM View on Web Archive
We don't have any immediate plans but it's possible that we'd add it via other means down the road. It's has no Mastery attached to it so finding the right way to unlock it is important if we do decide to add additional methods down the road.
What update specifically? Gem stat reforging is coming up in our next free expansion. We're you looking for something else?
No plans to make that change but the release of dragons via code before they are accessible in game was a very rare circumstance.
We track PTS feedback constantly so if you gave feedback we'll take it into account.
We haven't announced a release date or a new cap for the Mastery changes. Once we do we'll make noise about it.
Hey everyone!
Happy Monday and we hope you have a great week.
Go ahead and post your questions for this week and we'll try to get answers to as many as possible. Some answers will be posted in this thread and we may cover some on the livestream this week as well.
Thanks for the questions, everyone. Closing up the thread for this week. We'll see you next week!
Hi Index, Generally, worlds clean themselves up after the last player has left. Thanks for the comment. Din O
Hi FiannaTiger, Dragon Effigies will unlock Legendary Dragons. In the shadow tower update we’ll have a new category for Ancestral Dragons. The majority of the 8 soon-to-be-added dragons are...
Hi Spandex, I will think about it. Obviously, you can get a rough idea of someone's PR from the symbol above their head. Din O
Hi Ibita, So I do want to add another round of class gems at some point, but I felt the sub-classing system will support a wider range of lower to mid level players and the gem augmentation for...
Hi Renisjebus, Currently no plans to add in a harmless version of plasma and lava blocks. Din O
Hi Rosain, Currently I have no plans to add battles that involve boats. Din O
Well Hello Chronozilla, We're conservative in our distribution of BB due to the large benefits of gem Augmentation.We're committed to adding more sources in the future, but there will always be...
Hello Spar13, The Team is working on a system like grouping, but we aren't ready to discuss yet, so stay tuned. Din O