Statistical Tuesday Patch - 7AM PDT (2PM GMT) July 26, 2016
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Unknown Date!
what about the "LS: Received user acknowledgement" stuck thing? why is it not on the list?
Unknown Date!
4 days have passed and i still can't log in bcs of that error. I can connect with my friend's account but not with mine. Lost 20 chaos chests, ~10 golden ticket box, patron and more... Ty
Unknown Date!
i hope this fixes the LS: RUA bug
i find it strange that it isnt in notes and fasti's choice to reply as if unaware stings
Unknown Date!
LOL I know that message does always pop up everytime I login but, how long the "delay" did you mean here? The "stuck" that I mentioned is like endless, I've already waited for more than 1 hour...
Unknown Date!
@Fasti are we gonna get patron and stuff we've had the past 2 weeks for 2 year anniversary?
Unknown Date!
Unknown Date!
We'll see if this theory is correct, but many times Fasti tells us the patch will take 2 hours then he usually has to ask us to be patient for 1 more hour. This time he's doing what people have asked...
Unknown Date!
Unknown Date!
And everyone who complained about the error still complains about it? You siriously thought it was fixed?
Unknown Date!
We still have roughly an hour left. Fasti said 3 hours, only been just over 2 now...