Online: We're back, folks! Thanks for your patience!

Update 3: This update is coming a couple minutes later than planned while I was waiting to see our progress after the most recent patch update. We're doing our last checks to make sure the in game systems are up and running and waiting for the Leaderboards to come online. We should be online in under 60 minutes but if that changes at all I'll update you here. (Posted 10:07AM PDT)

Update 2: We've pinpointed and resolved the underlying issue and are running the updated patch now. If we're not back online in 60 minutes I'll post another update. (Posted 9AM PDT)

Update 1: We still have about 30 minutes left on our expected downtime, but we have spotted an issue we're working to address now. While we may get it knocked out very quickly and be back online soon, we wanted to let you know that there's a good chance we'll need to extend downtime.

Until the issue is resolved I can't give a good estimate of when we'll be back online, but I will post an update every hour starting at 9AM PDT (30 minutes from this post) with regular updates. Thanks all!

Hi folks,

We'll be bringing the servers down for two hours on the morning of July 19th at 7:00 AM PDT (2:00 PM GMT).

Get your patch notes hot off the presses.
