Let's discuss Trove Creations & Modding

Author: Unknown! , Created: 7-Jul-2016 04:29 PM View on Web Archive


7-Jul-2016 04:29 PM


We've wanted you to give each mod a fair chance and evaluate them equally. Avarem has literally admitted your team feels they don't have the time to look at all the mods people make so they accept...


Quote Originally Posted by Dusty_Mustard View Post
Avarem has literally admitted your team feels they don't have the time to look at all the mods people make
We're grateful to everyone who has helped us build our community of players and modders alike. You've been here since the start, Dusty, and you're contributions are appreciated. Mods are a vital component of the game but Atronos is going to continue working on items internally as well. We're looking to find the right balance.

The end goal for all of us is to have a system that allows modding to be as efficient as possible. What that looks like is yet to be seen but we know where we want to be, and know that we're not there yet. The conversation is happening internally, and we're going to work on the plan with input from creators so we can get creations added to the game at a much higher rate than ever before.

Quote Originally Posted by Matit View Post
I'm pretty new (so i'm not a voice) and i must agree with all of this.
Welcome! Everyone is heard and there's no such thing as too much feedback. Unless you work in music. Maybe other places. There is such thing as too much feedback I guess, but I'm glad to hear from you, so keep it coming!


Thanks for the feedback, TeeKayM! We genuinely do appreciate it. I agree with you that the mod side of things is not where it should be. I know Avarem (and the whole team) agrees.

One of the things we're working on right now is the plan for how to make modding better. Specifically, how to integrate player creations into the game more quickly and efficiently. While we work on the plan internally, we're definitely going to involve the modding community in the discussion.

Making a plan is an important step but it's just as important that we hear from our modders on what they'd like to see.

In the end we'll see the system get much, much better, but it will take time and thoughtful preparation. We're getting to the point now where we can start focusing on this more directly so you'll all be hearing more from us soon.