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Quest Steps
Heckbugs In Love 2023
1/7 Craft a Hecky Bag of Hecky Chow at the Radiant Dayspring
Heckbugs In Love 2023 1/7: Hi Trovian! It's Qubesly again and it's that time of year again. Heckbugs, why is it always heckbugs. If you're gonna be around some heckbugs you should carry some Hecky Chow around. Better they eat that than, well, you.
Cave Hybrid's Trove 1
Go to Radiant Dayspring workbench in Hub and craft one
Hecky Bag of Hecky Chow. You only ever need ONE!
2/7 Throw the Hecky Chow
Heckbugs In Love 2023 2/7: Great job Trovian. This stuff is great! You throw it and a heckbug shows up immediately. Try it!
Cave Hybrid's Trove 1
Put your Hecky Bag of Hecky Chow on your hotbar and use it.
3/7 Heckbug Infestation in Dragonfire Peaks (10)
Heckbugs In Love 2023 3/7: Trove has an infestation that needs dealing with. The heckbugs are overrunning Dragonfire Peaks again, you should head over and deal with them. Don't forget to throw the Bowl of Hecky Chow to summon a heckbug, you'll need it to get through their defenses.
Cave Hybrid's Trove 1
Head to Dragonfire Peaks biome and use your Hecky Bag of Hecky Chow next to Red, Blue or Yellow Heckbug monsters with pink heart-shaped VFX around them.
Your heckbug from the Hecky Bag will 'interact' with those wild heckbugs and cause broken heart VFX to appear on them most of the time. Once that happens you should be able to damage them.
Kill 10 of them to complete this quest step.
4/7 Help Heckbugs find love (10)
Heckbugs In Love 2023 4/7: Oh shoot, Trovian! I forgot that Cupidsly asked me to keep a tally this year of the Heckbugs that pair up together. Could you do me a solid and pair up ten more of them? I know you probably already paired some of them but I need an exact guaranteed count. Just use the Bowl of Hecky Chow and walk them near other heckbugs, if they're a pair you’ll know.
Cave Hybrid's Trove 1
Just like in a previous step - use your Hecky Bag of Hecky Chow on big heckbugs in Dragonfire Peaks biome - rarely their hearts wont be broken, but instead they will shrink in size, show a VFX of multiple small pink hearts and become non-agressive.
This happens rarely, so have a bit of patience. Make 10 Heckbugs 'fall in love' to complete this quest step.
5/7 Defend against Heckbug Invaders (3)
Heckbugs In Love 2023 5/7: Wonderful, Trovian! You really are good at this. By the way, I promise I didn’t forget to tell you to keep track of the invading Heckbugs at all. Yep Patrolsly definitely didn't ask me to make sure that you took care of exactly 3 of them. Nope not at all. You really are the best by the way.
Cave Hybrid's Trove 1
Kill the invaders - these spawn about every 10 minutes.
Creatures from the Everdark count for this quest step too!
6/7 Help Heckbugs in the Geode Caves (10)
Heckbugs In Love 2023 6/7: Thanks buddy! So guess what? Apparently heckbugs have found their way to Geode. They love the heat, so they've made a home in the Sunken Sunvault, and now they've spread to the Verdant Veins. How about you hop over there and check on all the little guys, and help out any that are in need?
Heckbug-Hybrid Egg 1
Head to the Geode Hub and enter the Verdant Veins cave system - these caves have Heckbug companions from THIS year. Sunken Sunvault caves have Heckbug companions from the PREVIOUS year.
Helping both new and old companions works for this step, but they give different lootboxes.
7/7 Hatch a Heckbug Egg
Heckbugs In Love 2023 7/7: Wow, they are so different over there, so calm and peaceful. Did you find one of their eggs by chance? I sent you some, you should head over to an Egg Incubator and hatch it to see what pops out!
Cave Hybrid's Trove 1
Return back to Geode Hub or Trove Hub and use the 孵蛋器. The Heckbug eggs are located in your Geode Inventory tabs.
You can hatch either a Heckbug Egg from the previous year or a
Heckbug-Hybrid Egg from this year to complete this quest step.
You can get more eggs from Geode Caves.
Heckbug-Hybrid Egg hatches into
Four Faced Heckbug-Hybrid, [Heckbug-Hybrid Hopper] or
Angler Heckbug-Hybrid.
Get more Heckbug-Hybrid Eggs from helping Heckbug critters in the Verdant Veins geode caves, or from unboxing Cave Hybrid's Trove lootboxes obtained from same critters or just pick them up, they spawn on the main path of Verdant Veins sometimes.
Heckbug Egg hatches into
Abhorrent Heckbug,
Zippin' Heckbug or
Growing Heckbug.
Get more Heckbug Eggs from helping Heckbug critters in the Sunken Sunvault geode caves, or from unboxing [Cave Skitter's Trove] lootboxes obtained from same critters or just pick them up, they spawn on the main path of Sunken Sunvault sometimes. These eggs can also be rarely found in the new Cave Hybrid's Trove lootboxes.

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