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Quest Steps
Fae Vs Undead 2021
1/9 Talk to the Undead Envoy
Fae Vs Undead 2021 1/9: Trovian!!! I need your help. For some reason, this time of year brings conflict. This year it seems that the Fae from the Fae forest and the Undead from Cursed Vale are having a feud. Can you talk to that friendly Skeleton under the Giant Mushroom in the hub and see what is going on.
Zeichen der Feenehre 1
2/9 Defeat Enemies in the Cursed Vale Tombs (10)
Fae Vs Undead 2021 2/9: Hey boyo how ya doin’ I’m Skullerd nice to meet ya. Anywho, you should know that even though we undead are spooky, scary skeletons, we have heart. Granted, cold ones. Those Fae invaded our lands, and we could use some help. In the Cursed Vale there are tombs now filled with an army of Fae. Please go knock some skulls, and help us poor undead before we're dead undead.
Zeichen der Feenehre 5
3/9 Talk to the Fae Prince
Fae Vs Undead 2021 3/9: Trovian, I thought I should let you know that there's a very angry Fae prince here. Can you swing by the hub and handle this situation. He is on top of the Giant Mushroom in the hub, and I’m worried that if he has to wait any longer, the hub will be in a much more distressed state.
Zeichen der Feenehre 1
4/9 Fight Enemies in the Fae Forest Tombs (10)
Fae Vs Undead 2021 4/9: Are you the one attacking my Fae servants in the Cursed Vale!? I Fabio Fae La Fearso IV, Prince to the Fae kingdom, will not stand for this. Yes, yes, I fly everywhere, but I still won't stand for it. The Undead invaded us first with their tombs. You will right this wrong, go to the Fae Forest and remove those spooky skeletons from my lands!
Zeichen der Feenehre 5
5/9 Defeat Invaders (5)
Fae Vs Undead 2021 5/9: Wow, Trovian! You're caught in the middle of an all-out war. To think that both the Fae and Undead had the ability to create tombs. I’m still not sure why they are fighting, but it seems like they are getting more invasive. Look for invaders in the adventure worlds and smash 'em.
Flux 5,000
6/9 Fight Fae Bosses in the Cursed Vale tombs (4)
Fae Vs Undead 2021 6/9: Hey, boyo… why are ya going out there and busting up my boys. Not cool.... You know I could forgive this if ya go take out one of the Fae Big Baddies in the Tombs. Head over to Cursed Vale and do that for me and maybe we can forgive this inconvenience.
Zeichen der Untotenehre 10
7/9 Find Buried Treasure in the Tombs
Fae Vs Undead 2021 7/9: Hey Trovian, I thought you could use a break from this silly conflict between the Fae and the Undead. You know I noticed that the buried chests from the feud last year are scattered in the tombs of both sides. Why don’t you go searching for some and see what’s in them?
Untote Zielpuppe 1
8/9 Fight Undead Bosses in the Fae Forest tombs (4)
Fae Vs Undead 2021 8/9: Trovian. Trovian! TROVIAN!!! The nerve… I have been trying to get you to apologize for fighting Fae in the tombs. I order you to go and destroy the undead making a mockery of our Fae Forest. Go and put an end to them! That’s an order!
Zeichen der Feenehre 10
9/9 Craft Tombs Terraformer
Fae Vs Undead 2021 9/9: Well Trovian, I guess its not really fair for us to make you pick sides. How about this? The Undead have a crafting Cauldron and the Prince has a crafting Hookah. Why don't you go make a terraformer and terraform your very own Tombs? Whichever one you craft will be the winner, for you at least! Just saying, Undead for life (or death, you get it?!). Just go make one. Oh, and you'll need those Honor Tokens to craft them. See ya around boyo.
Feen-Zielpuppe 1