Queen's Wrath Art and Modding Challenge by Ainogommon

For the next 4 weeks Ainogommon is challenging the art and modding community to create Helldivers inspired creations for a chance to win a code for the dragon
Alyxthesius, the Vile Martriarch, fanart or a mod from Ainogommon.
...Summoned for the depth below, Alyxthesius is back and as vicious as ever. The Vile Matriarch wished to sow chaos upon the lands with her unholy creations from the Depth.
Unless someone puts a stop to her...
- Create art or a mod featuring the following theme:
- Vile - Creature with elements of bone and insect. The dominant colors are green and purple. Alyxthesius likeness.
- Depth diver - Helldiver inspired themed creation or design, sci-fi-themed alien killer, exterminator.
- Submit your art to the Trovesaurus Gallery and enter into the Queen's Wrath challenge
- You can submit multiple art
- AI art is not permitted
- Submit your mod to the Trovesaurus Mods page and add it to the Queen's Wrath Mod Pack
- You can submit multiple mods
- Friday, February 7 to Monday, March 10, 2025
Art Challenge
- Valid entries receive 2x Reward Tokens
- Up to 5 selected winners will receive a code for Alyxthesius
- One highlighted winner design will receive a mod creation version from Ainogommon with design credit.
Mod Challenge
- Valid entries receive 2x Reward Tokens
- Up to 5 selected winners will receive a code for Alyxthesius
- One highlighted winner design will receive a fanart version from Ainogommon.
New modders can Learn to Mod using our guides
The Vile-themed inspirations see the mods in the following pack - https://trovesaurus.com/modpack=357/the-vile
or the images below
Example design entry
Style 1 (Formatting is optional)
Example design entry
Style 2 (Formatting is optional)
Vile theme example color pallets
Queen's Wrath Mod Challenge List
Created by Etaew 1 month ago