Desert Pyramid
[Dungeon (1 Star)] [Desert Frontier]

Desert Pyramid status has been set to Draft
OriginalBeast 8 months ago
Desert Pyramid status has been set to Active
Ylva 9 months ago
Pyramid status has been set to Needs Review
OriginalBeast 9 months ago

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Thanks for the heads up @Ylva
I think I will create something completely new :D
(I will keep these blueprint, maybe I will be able to recycle some of them)
The dungeon idea seems pretty good, loving the boss room location changing places!
Most of the functional elements seem to be in order, but there are a few things that could be improved.
General art direction:
First of, we have had another Pyramid dungeon added to the Desert Frontier recently - , if possible, it would be great if your Pyramid looked more unique. Bigger size overall, bigger step size, decorations on the pyramid and around it, texture for actual sandstone blocks etc etc.
Another thing, the UFO does not really fit in the Desert frontier biome - . That said, i perfectly understand the idea behind it being on top of the dungeons - may be it would be possible to make the UFO look more 'arcanium' themed? I mean the Steampunk side of Desert Frontier.
Room-by-room feedback:
As mentioned above, it would be great to make the pyramid itself less plain and a bit more unique.
The Fake Air Roof should be placed above the highest point of the dungeon, meaning it should be above the UFO, not this structure.
The drop down and the corridor are good, but the space should either be a big bigger or have fewer active Traps Desert Frontier is one of the starter biomes, and 4 traps, + ceiling trap, + spikes + lava in such a small place would be deadly for the new players.
It also would not hurt to have a couple of possible NPC spawns on the outside.
Same feedback about visuals, same very narrow space with a lot of hazardous elements as in Entrance_v1.
The corridor on this part feels even more narrow than the one in the v1 though, please make it at least 5 blocks wide and a couple of blocks taller, if possible.
Also this room has no NPC spawns at all - it should have some.
This room plays well! Easy enough to navigate, but hazardous enough to pose a challenge.
It could be good to add some texture to the walls and/or make it match the colors in the Pyramid above.
- The portal used in this room is Purple (GM Quest teleporter) - this one only spawns AFTER the dungeon objective has been completed and gets connected to the Blue portal (GM Quest Teleporter Outside). Please use Red portal (Minigame Teleporter) instead to connect the Gameplay room to Boss room - these are always active.
Loving the jump pads boosting the player up to the portal!
As much as i understand the desire to make this an actual Labyrinth, players should have some idea of where they should go and be able to navigate it without much trouble.
Same feedback about the narrow spaces - please make the corridors a bit wider and a bit taller if possible. Would be good to have some more NPC spawns in this area.
Also, i believe it would make some sense to have this room fit together with the Pyramid colors - same soft yellow/light brown and deep blue on the floor.
- same as in previous room - The portal used in this room is Purple (GM Quest teleporter) - this one only spawns AFTER the dungeon objective has been completed and gets connected to the Blue portal (GM Quest Teleporter Outside). Please use Red portal (Minigame Teleporter) instead to connect the Gameplay room to Boss room - these are always active.
PyramidDungeonUFOBossRoom _v1
The boss room looks and functions good, but it could be good to theme it for Steampunk side of the desert, or make it more obvious in some other way that this belongs to Desert and not to Neon City.
As mentioned previously, the Fake Air Room (placeholder blocks) should be places above this room to ensure that it, and all the blocks below it, would not get obstructed by the terrain.
- the two portals in this room are Purple and Blue - they would spawn and connect to each other when the dungeon objective is completed. You have to have a Red portal here so it would connect to the Red portals in game rooms.
Love this room. It has just right amount of details, traps, space and spawns.
But, same Important!
thing, please make sure there is a Red portal in this room so players could get teleported to it from the Gameplay rooms.
I hope this makes sense! If not - please reach out.
Im going to change the status of this creation to Active for now. Dont forget to set it back to Needs Review if you upload any changes.