Egypt Themed Dungeon
[Dungeon (1 Star)] [Desert Frontier]

Welcome to my Egypt Themed Dungeon.
I hope you guys like it, critic is always welcome.
Change Log:
- improved jump and run room with traps, deco and better shapes
- added deco to the entrance rooms
Created 5 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Egypt Themed Dungeon status has been set to Added
Ylva 1 year ago
Egypt Themed Dungeon status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Egypt Themed Dungeon status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Egypt Themed Dungeon status has been set to Approved
Ylva 5 years ago
Egypt Themed Dungeon status has been set to Needs Review
4rkeN 5 years ago
Egypt Themed Dungeon status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Egypt Themed Dungeon status has been set to Needs Review
4rkeN 5 years ago
Egypt Themed Dungeon status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Egypt Themed Dungeon status has been set to Needs Review
4rkeN 5 years ago
Egypt Themed Dungeon status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Egypt Themed Dungeon status has been set to Needs Review
4rkeN 5 years ago
Egypt Themed Dungeon status has been set to Active
4rkeN 5 years ago
Egypt Themed Dungeon status has been set to Needs Review
4rkeN 5 years ago
Sphynx status has been set to Active
4rkeN 5 years ago
Sphynx status has been set to Needs Review
4rkeN 5 years ago
Sphynx status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Sphynx status has been set to Needs Review
4rkeN 5 years ago

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Very impressive adjustments, rooms are looking great :D
Boss rooms - all good
Entrances - both rooms could use a bit of natural deco on top, like grass or rock pebbles, just a tiny bit to make it look more alive, but everything else is good
Gameplay_NPC - all good
Gameplay_JNR - really well made, loving wall patterns, but could use some traps and decorations. Also may be making a wall less square would be beneficial too. With some Mimic blocks (/wadd placeable/block/transmute/mimic) you can make quick and easy adjustments directly to blueprints. By 'less square' i mean something like this, since the rest of the room looks natural:
One last push :)
Hello again!
Changes looking good, very nice improvements! Some more adjustments are needed though >_<
You are doing great, but we had couple of cases when dungeon were approved, because they were working correctly, but Devs sent it back to Active instead of Accepting because they were not visually appealing enough. Now i have to push a bit harder so they get more refined designs.
Quick feedback blueprint by blueprint:
- entrance_pyramide - looking much better! Both on the inside and outside. Very nice shading on the inside walls, but because of it floor looks relatively plain. Some floor pattern and may be some floor decorations could make it shine. Entrance is still only 2 blocks tall though, a bit hard to walk through and dont feel like you are hitting your head on the ceiling. If you lower floor level by 1 it would make entrance 3-voxels tall and much easier to pass through. Also the Red plug would be located on top of the floor, and wont create a weird hole.
- entrance_sphynx - this one concerns me the most at the moment. I do understand you were going for Trovian squared-up sphinx, but it doesnt read as Sphinx all too well. From the font its somewhat easier to tell but from sides or back its much harder to identify. may be it would be worth it to move away from square face and body and try other options? Googling stuff like 'sphinx pixel art' or even 'minecraft build sphinx' could provide with inspirational references. Not saying you d need to copy any of those in any case, but seeing how other people approached same task could help.
- The mouth entrance is same 2 voxels tall only, it needs to be at least 3. Same thing with the floor and Red Plug applies to Sphinx = if it was 1 lower a red plug wont be placed in a hole.
- Both entrances could use something around them on the outside to make the land less plain, be that natural decorations or voxel cacti or dead trees or bricks and stones. Plus that natural dirt/grass instead of plain orange.
Gameplay rooms:
- you did great on variations! This is exactly how its meant to work, offering different experience in different rooms :)
- gameplay_npc - is almost perfect. Walls could use a bit of shading, or may be just a different shade of same brown for the floor. Plus, that exposed lava on the bottom will flow to the outside of room/dungeon flooding nearby caves and if players fall in those holes they will escape the dungeon together with lava = there must be at least one layer of solid blocks under the lava.
- gameplay_jnr - would need to be redone. With the way dungeon assembles now, players can walk right under the wall, which makes the layout of room confusing and also lets them skip the room completely without any bombing. Another thing, Trove combat is fast, and we cant expect players to jump from one pile of deco to another. It doesnt have to go, but there need to be some good chinks of solid ground to walk on to provide an alternate route. And if you have that ground, you would also have some place to put mobs :)
- About the big banners - im not quite sure if we are allowed to have them as decorations in dungeons. They sure are beautiful though and i asked Devs if its ok to have them, but till they respond id assume we cant, just in case.
Boss rooms:
- bossrom_sarcophage - looks great! Blue portal would need to be replaced with Purple portal (GM_Quest_Teleporter). Purple is used to spawn an exit portal next to Boss, and Blue is used to spawn a portal on the Outside, they are connected to eachother. Warning! this room has 2 plugs, be sure to remove one.
- bossroom_pillar - same thing with portals, boss room needs to have a Purple one. Plus it still looks rather plain, some shading on the walls/floor and/or tiny bit of decorations could improve the impression.
Dungeons is getting better and better, hoping to see it finished!
Hello again!
Whoa, nice progress! Good to see you ve got variations and other things figured out :)
While its correct and working from technical side, there are still some design elements that would need to be somewhat more brushed.
You barely using any shading on the models. On a dungeon-scale it is very noticeable (and boring) when everything is 1-colored. Some slight color change or 'drawn' elements (like images on walls in sarcophagus boss room) can really help to make a model less plain.
Another thing, it would be good to refine modes of 'entrance' rooms. Pyramid could be so much more interesting than just a pile and Sphinx could at least use some back legs/tail :) Adding some extra elements to spice up the landscape could also work nicely.
I made a quick edit on your pyramid just to throw some ideas in:
Very important: on every Biome page you can find natural colors and natural deco links.
You can add those natural blocks to your inventory while you are in metaforge. Chat command /wadd placeable/block/natural/frontiergrass.binfab
for example would give you a stack of Frontier 'Grass' - top layer of land. You can use that to /floodfill
those orange squares (bases) of your dungeon. That will create nice natural gradient, and your dungeon will fit right into the biome.
Few other things:
- now that you ve removed jump pads from the Sphinx there is no way to reach the entrance with 2 jumps, please make sure everything is new-player friendly.
- some passages are very narrow, camera can go very weird in rooms/passages with low ceilings. having something like 3-4 (both wide and tall) would be much more preferable.
- there should be possible mob spawners throughout whole dungeon. Randombly placing 3-4 GM NPC thingies in every room should work. But do be careful with placing too many mobs in one place. your gameplay_npc room for exmaple would be really crowded if all 4 manage to spawn, and what if one of them would be an elite mob?
- with Pyramid its not obvious from which side a player must approach the dungeon to enter it. Something to indicate it would be good, and i dont mean decorational Arrows, its not possible to see them from afar
- portals that are 'obstructed' (have voxels in very close proximity) tend to push players above the ground instead of working as intended. Red portals in both gameplay rooms would need to have some space around them, exit portal on Sphinx too. Also, for the sake of variations, one of the gameplay rooms could have portal on left instead of right side :P
- lava gameplay room could use some floor blocks that are not lava and that stay there after first player runs through.
(as a personal opinion, im not that fond of tiny gameplay rooms, id rather have some stairs going down through pyramid and sphinx, and bigger gameplay rooms on the bottom of that, but its up to you if you want to make your dungeon fast and easy to walk through)
- boss rooms are looking good! But may be a sarcophagus room could have some gold (voxel) pillars/walls and no scaffolding? To make it look more royal and contrasting with 'pillar' room. And yes, portals could use some more space around them again.
Im sure this dungeon can be just amazing with a bit more work done :) Hoping to see it again on review!
Huge yay for dungeon creation :) Its somewhat more complicated than one blueprint, and im going to try my best and explain but please dont let the text scare you. Creating dungeons is easy once you get a hang of it.
Every dungeon has to consist of multiple rooms and their variations that can be assembled together. With that, it takes longer for players to get used to the dungeon > makes gameplay less repetitive.
Lets say you have 2 top variations - Sphinx and a Pyramid, then 2 gameplay room variations - room with deadly traps and corridor with poisonous water, and 2 boss room variations - room with sarcophagus room and 'decoy' room with more traps and no 'treasure' (lore wise ofc, there always will be a boss and reward chest).
With that, your lair can spawn in variations of Sphinx > trap room > sarcophagus, or Sphinx > water > sarcophagus, or Sphinx > trap room > decoy room, or Pyramid > water > sarcophagus and so on, you get the idea. More room variations you have = more variations your lair can spawn in = more unpredictable experience can it provide to players.
Each of those rooms needs to be a separate blueprint. Then, using plugs and sockets they can be connected to each other. Thats why we need the .dungeon file, to tell rooms how to assemble.
You could download some dungeons that were Approved (and already Added to the game) from the site to look at their blueprints and ways they are constructed.
There are also some minor things like monsters have to be able to spawn all over the dungeon, not just in boss room, or exit portal has to be using GM Quest Teleporter Outside (blue) instead of second red one but those can be easily fixed at any point of time. Getting the layout and room assembly correct takes most time and is most important.
Going to set this one to Active, but really hoping you ll continue with dungeons :)