Ghouls Gravedigger

[Staff] [Cursed Vale]

2 years ago

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#1953 staff_ghouls_gravedigger[TipHat].blueprint October 27, 2022 Download




Created 2 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Rewarded 2 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 2 years ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Added

ActualPostCard 2 years ago

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 2 years ago

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 2 years ago

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Approved

Ylva 2 years ago

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Needs Review

TipHat 2 years ago

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Active

TipHat 2 years ago


Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Needs Review

TipHat 2 years ago

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Active

Ylva 2 years ago

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Needs Review

TipHat 2 years ago

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Active

TipHat 2 years ago

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Needs Review

TipHat 2 years ago

Comments and Likes Comments 16

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Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Added

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Rewarded

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Accepted


Not to ruin your day, but just to be clear here: Approved (by moderator) doesnt mean that creation gets in game (which is Accepted status for).

I do honestly believe that your design is really well made and has good chances for getting in, but i can not guarantee that.

Developers pick creations from Approved and Accept the ones they decide to put in game every half a year or so. Last wave was around the beginning of September i believe.


Oh my gosh thank you so much! I'm insanely happy to see my first ever creation be accepted! Also apologies for not including the blueprint file, didn't think it was required. I'll take note for future submissions and once again thank you, I nearly jumped out of my seat when I refreshed this page hah!

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Approved

The new version looks just marvelous, good job :)


For future reference, we also require a blueprint of the creation uploaded to the Files tab (next to Home, Edit and others). That allows developers to quickly download, check and add creations to the game. The blueprint should be named according to a pattern of styletype_stylename[CreatorsName].blueprint, so in your case - staff_ghouls_gravedigger[TipHat].blueprint  . No worries, this time i ve uploaded one for you, made from the files in the latest Troxel link :)

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Needs Review

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Active

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Needs Review


Hey thanks for the reply, glad to hear that's of of decent quality. I'll get to work on modifying the model today and uploading an improved version that take your suggestions into account. Thank you!

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Active


My oh my, what a staff :D I absolutely love those asymmetrical double 'blades', the colors work so well together and the material maps are right on point. Seriously, well done! 

There are a couple of moments that i would like to mention before i could approve it though:

- You are using the 255.0.0 (color for the Glowing on Type material map) as a color for the two most red blocks on the main qb. Could you please adjust that to be anything else that isnt used as a map? Even the 250.0.0 would work. Having the material map colors on the main qb should not cause any serious issues, but its better to be safe.

- It might be reasonable to give more space to the area around the Attachment Point. Some costumes use bulkier hand models, and allowing for more room would ensure that they look good too. Costumes that have noticeable overlap in that area: Bee Trickster, Tricksy Bat, Sakura Sage, Partisan Pinatrician (this one has worst clipping, but in all honesty i doubt someone would purposely use these two together), Woeful Wisdom and Nefarious Nekomancer

- A very minor detail, but one of the blades has a very fragile connection. It could be good to add an extra voxel or two to make it look supported:

Im going to change to status of this one to Active for now. Set it back to Needs Review once you upload an updated model. Hoping to see it again soon!

In case you would prefer to create something completely different - you could set Active creation to Draft - that would free up a slot for something else.

Good luck!

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Needs Review

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Active

Ghouls Gravedigger status has been set to Needs Review