[Pistol] [Medieval Highlands]
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#1951 pistol_bugzapper[Therrad].blueprint September 17, 2022 Download
Created 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Bugzapper status has been set to Added
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Bugzapper status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Bugzapper status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Bugzapper status has been set to Approved
Ylva 2 years ago
Bugzapper status has been set to Needs Review
Therrad 3 years ago
Bugzapper status has been set to Active
Ylva 3 years ago

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Oh sorry, totally forgot to mention this in a reply to the Creation.
Please make sure to update your nickname on the Website if you do change it in game! Developers accept creations and send rewards for them to the name that the account has at the time of acceptance. The name on the creation would also be same that account has at the moment of Acceptance, meaning if your blueprint has one name, but account has different name - the blueprint name will get updated to match the account name.
I dont think there has ever been the case of changing the authors name on creation after it got in game (live PC) though.
Since we just had a wave of acceptances, i would not expect any creations to get accepted within the next few months. Meaning, please dont worry about having to get that rename tag asap :)
Hello again!
Thank you for fixing that metal mapping on the glassy scope :)
There seems to be a rogue alpha map on parts of the gun that are not mapped on Type as any kind of glass? Alpha is only needed for glass blocks, it wont add any transparency to solid blocks, and since those are all mapped Metal im assuming they are not meant to be glass.
Im going to approve this one (without those extra blocks on alpha), hope this time around your design actually makes its way in to the game.
For the future occasions, please keep in mind that uploaded blueprint needs to be named according to a pattern of styletype_stylename[CreatorsName].blueprint
, which in your case would be pistol_bugzapper[Therrad].blueprint
, gun_ works just as fine, but there does need to be a mention of the Type. Dont worry, on this creation the blueprint is already renamed.
Hello! Always good to see creators return :)
The gun looks alright, but i do have to ask - are you absolutely sure that this creation did not get in game? Styles were getting in pretty frequently when Kungfuquickness was around. Have you been using the same in-game name back then? Please let me know so i could check the files.
Also, the two glass blocks seem to be also mapped on Specular map as Metal. Trove does not know how to render 'transparent metal' or 'glowing iridescent' or any other combination of Type+Specular maps. If voxel is specified as something other than Rough on Specular - it can not be anything but default on Type. Other way around works the same way - if you mapped a voxel as Glass on Type, it can only be Rough on Specular.
The visual Material Maps guide from the wiki is a bit misleading in terms of Mapping, but you can always use Troxel Lint and Export function to double check. I would need you to update the Troxel link and the blueprint to use proper mapping before i could approve this one.
Im going to change the status of your creation to Active for now. Set it back to Needs Review if you upload changes to the model. If you would rather create something completely different - set the status of this one to Draft, it will free up a Creation Slot for something else.
In any case, good luck!