
[Bow] [Cursed Vale]

3 years ago

by Sqwyt Home Files Download ZIP

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#1337 bow_arachnophobia[Sqwyt].blueprint July 7, 2021 Download




Created 4 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

Rewarded 4 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 3 years ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Arachnophobia status has been set to Added

Ylva 3 years ago

Arachnophobia status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 4 years ago

Arachnophobia status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 4 years ago

Arachnophobia status has been set to Approved

Ylva 4 years ago

Arachnophobia status has been set to Needs Review

Sqwyt 4 years ago

Arachnophobia status has been set to Active

Ylva 4 years ago


Arachnophobia status has been set to Needs Review

Sqwyt 4 years ago

Comments and Likes Comments 11

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Arachnophobia status has been set to Added

Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Six-legged Buddy!

It can be found in collections under Styles > Bows > Undead.

Arachnophobia status has been set to Rewarded

Arachnophobia status has been set to Accepted

Arachnophobia status has been set to Approved

Bow looks much cleaner and solid! Good job :) It has a very fun leg-wiggle animation impression in the end of charged shot.

Thank you for uploading a blueprint :) Happy to approve!

I did add an image of most recent version. It is alright to keep images of older versions but please dont forget to add an up-to-date version too.

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Arachnophobia status has been set to Needs Review


Hello there,

Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it! As mentioned and expected I went for the 'second' version. 
Also, I took your advise and made the shape a bit cleaner. And I do believe it looks better overall now. 😆

I've changed the troxel link with the latest version now. Looking forward to hear your thoughts! 😊

Arachnophobia status has been set to Active

Hello and welcome (back!) :)

I really like the idea, very fun and Trovian! I bet a lot of trovians would be happy to use Fae or other spider as a bow :D

You are absolutely right about corner connected voxels, those do need to be fixed. I can only officially review the latest uploaded Troxel link so if you could upload that V2 it would be great :) However, there also needs a bit more room for the hand around AP and the front should be disconnected as well. That will ensure that there will not be clipping on the back of the Trovians hand on costumes that use more than default 3x3x3 hand and that the front will not look weirdly broken during attack animations.

Also i believe it would be worth it to clean up the shape a bit to make the legs less busy. I made a quick edit to show what i mean, you dont need to copy it, its only meant to hopefully inspire you :)

Im going to set status of your creation to Active for now, set it back to Needs Review if you upload changes to your model. If you d rather work on something completely different, you could set status to Draft, that will free up a creation slot for another style.

 I am hoping to see this one back on review, but good luck in any case!

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Arachnophobia status has been set to Needs Review