Poker Face
[Spear] [Desert Frontier]

"Poker her face, poke his face, poke any face."
Created 4 years ago
Updated 3 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Poker Face status has been set to Added
Ylva 3 years ago
Poker Face status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Poker Face status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Poker Face status has been set to Approved
Ylva 4 years ago
Poker Face status has been set to Needs Review
DakotaSpine 4 years ago
Poker Face status has been set to Active
Ylva 4 years ago
Poker Face status has been set to Needs Review
DakotaSpine 4 years ago
Poker Face status has been set to Active
Ylva 4 years ago
Poker Face status has been set to Needs Review
DakotaSpine 4 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Clubbed Poker!
It can be found in collections under Styles > Spears > Frontier.
Understood! I hadn't uploaded a Blueprint since I didn't see where to put one, but I appreciate your help very much!
Thanks again <3
Hello again!
Spear looks great, thanks for fixing all them things :) Approved!
For future reference, we require a blueprint of creation uploaded to the post so Devs could easily download, check and put player made designs in game. Blueprint should be named styletype_stylename[CreatorsName].blueprint
to match the naming pattern for in-game files, in your case it is spear_poker_face[DakotaSpine].blueprint
. This time ive made a blueprint from your latest Troxel link and uploaded that for you, but it saves me time if creators do that themselves :)
Thanks for the heads up! I'll get on it right away!
I also made the card head metal as you demonstrated in your example. Is this the way you would prefer it?
Hello again!
Spear looks great, loving the 'clubs'.
Two minor moments that would need to be fixed before i could approve this:
- spears must be full 45 voxels long, currently this design is 43. please add missing 2
- material maps on the card overlap eachother. You are using Glowing (type) and Iridescent (specular) on same voxels while game can not render 'glowing iridescent', it will either glow or shine like rainbow. Quick example, top is current set, bottom are material map sets that could work:
Hoping to see this one on review again!
The spear creation guide on wiki is not as strict on a location of AP, but its best to keep it where it is on the image just to be sure. It shouldnt make all too much visual difference since the shaft needs to be 1x1 anyways.
It's good to be back!~
I don't want to glide too close to anything that might go against Trove's terms, but i'll make the card larger and move the attachment point
Is the attachment point shown on the example above always meant to have the same general amount of voxels on both sides? There is plenty of space with the spear head and the handle for me to work with, so i'm just curious about how to space the attachment point before I submit again
Good to see seasoned creators from Reddit here on Trovesaurus :)
While its usually better to avoid 'something-on-a-stick' concepts i think in your case it could work. It references the casino stick for moving chips, right? It might be best to use the blue 'clubs' from whole Clubs building in Hub and other club-themed items instead of Ace of Hearts just to be sure that this doesnt get rejected because of 'gambling promotion in family-friendly game'. Also, may be a card could be a bit bigger?
Please keep an eye on dimensions too, spears must use a full 45 vox length with an attachment point in correct position to ensure that it will not hover nor go through the ground with Lunar Lancers 2 ability. Currently the spear is 47 voxels long and its AP is not quite where it should be.
Going to set the status of your creation to Active for now, set it back to Needs Review if you upload changes to your model :) If you d rather work on something completely different, you could set the status to Draft, that will free up a creation slot for another style.
In any case, good luck!