Sword of the simple pure ice

[Melee] [Permafrost]

4 years ago

by Boomeranger_21 Home Files

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Created 4 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

Draft Creation

This Creation does not take up a Creation Slot, set it as Active if you have a free slot and wish to work on it again.


Sword of the simple pure ice status has been set to Draft

Boomeranger_21 4 years ago

Sword of the simple pure ice status has been set to Active

Ylva 4 years ago

Sword of the simple pure ice status has been set to Needs Review

Boomeranger_21 4 years ago

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Sword of the simple pure ice status has been set to Active


The sword could look promising but there are over 900 various melee designs in game so all the new swords that can get approved now must be unique and have some wow-factor about them.

Another very important moment, all submitted styles do need to work in game. At the moment your sword is missing an Attachment Point - pink colored voxel that tells the game where to place your model and the overall dimensions of the sword seem to be off. Please be sure to read and follow Melee Creation Guide.

I am going to change the status of your creation to Active for now, change it back to Needs Review if you upload changes. If you d rather create something completely different, set this one to Draft, that will hide it from the list and free up a creation slot. You can find guides and tips for other types of creations here: https://trovesaurus.com/creations/guides

In any case, good luck!

Sword of the simple pure ice status has been set to Needs Review