Feather Hair


5 years ago

by Erythra Home Files Download ZIP


Changes from last review:

  • rectangular spaces removed

Check done:

  • Different colors to illustrate the hair cut
  • Check done with hat/face style on
  • Naming convention followed  c_p_hair_feather[Erythra] (i hope this time it is the proper one :P)
  • Blueprint c_p_hair_feather[Erythra]_m added 

Can you please review this new hair? thank you :D 




Created 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Approved 5 years ago
This Creation was Approved by Creation Moderators and is waiting to be considered by Trove Developers for Acceptance.

Feather Hair status has been set to Approved

Ylva 5 years ago

Feather Hair status has been set to Needs Review

Erythra 5 years ago

Feather Hair status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Feather Hair status has been set to Needs Review

Erythra 5 years ago

Feather Hair status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Feather Hair status has been set to Needs Review

Erythra 5 years ago

Comments and Likes Comments 10

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Feather Hair status has been set to Approved


So sorry for the delay.

Changes looking awesome! Loving those glowing bits on curls ends :D Glad you were able to fill the holes but keep the overall shape, nicely done.


Feather Hair status has been set to Needs Review

liked this!


Feather Hair status has been set to Active

Hello again!

Oh i see, yeah this way it reads better as hairstyle with few feathers :) That tiara looks really unusual too! (might not be a tiara, im not a specialist on head/hair decorations)

Overall, the hairstyle does look interesting! Although im not quite sold on all the long rectangular spaces between curls, are those meant to be this way? Being scaled down in game makes those gaps really thin and i cant really say that they contribute well to the design, sorry.

If you were going for 'separate locks of hair' id rather suggest to still have it all connected by voxels and separated by color. Pretty much anything that doesnt leave unexpected gaps will work :)

Hoping to see this one on review again!

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liked this!


Feather Hair status has been set to Needs Review



Thank you for your feed-back, the intention was not to have something messy 😭 , but obviously i have miss my target 😋 . 

The intention was more to have light feather on the top and a cover of feathers on the sides. But i understand why you think it is like Big Messy 😄

Nevermind i will come up with something else 😄


Feather Hair status has been set to Active


Hair looks good and shading is just remarkable :D However, im not sure if it is quite unique as a concept, sorry.

All your previous hairs had something special and not yet available in game, curls, special tiara, unique combination of braid, bun and earrings. This current design does look good, but also seems to share the idea of Big Messy.

Also it looks very very square and big from the back side, but thats not a bad thing.

May be you could come up with something that would make this hairstyle really stand out? Not saying it should be any sort of jewelry, just something to catch the eye.

Feather Hair status has been set to Needs Review