Old Storage invaded by young leviathan

[Dungeon (3 Star)] [Geode Topside]

2 years ago

by Erythra Home Files Download ZIP



Thank you for your support! :D

Changes since the last review
  1. Boss_room_VARa, b and c - 1 monster spawn added
  2. Storage_01, 02 and 03 -  light sources added
  3. Storage_destroyed_01, 02 and 03 - monster spawn added
  4. Geode_topside_outside_storage_layout_VARa, b and c 
    -monster spawn added
    -decorations/plants added
    -entrance in the fallen tower fixed
    -entrance highlighted by decoration , lights, traps and plants to guide players
  5. Geode_topside_underground_storage_layout_VARa, b and c
       - no more dead-end 
       - walls brushed-up 
              i think i have used 5000 blocks in the 3 layout to fill all the holes i was able to see :P
              thank you for the information about mimic :D

By advance thank you for reviewing it again :D




Created 5 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Rewarded 2 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 2 years ago
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Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Added

Ylva 2 years ago

Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 2 years ago

Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 2 years ago

Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Approved

Ylva 5 years ago

Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Needs Review

Erythra 5 years ago

Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago


Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Needs Review

Erythra 5 years ago

Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Needs Review

Erythra 5 years ago

Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Active

Erythra 5 years ago

[Hair] braided half ponytail status has been set to Draft

Erythra 5 years ago

[Hair] braided half ponytail status has been set to Active

Erythra 5 years ago

[Hair] braided half ponytail status has been set to Needs Review

Erythra 5 years ago

[Hair] braided half ponytail status has been set to Active

Erythra 5 years ago

[Hair] braided half ponytail status has been set to Draft

Erythra 5 years ago

[Hair] braided half ponytail status has been set to Active

Erythra 5 years ago

[Hair] braided half ponytail status has been set to Needs Review

Erythra 5 years ago

[Hair] braided half ponytail status has been set to Active

Erythra 5 years ago

[Hair] braided half ponytail status has been set to Draft

Erythra 5 years ago

Comments and Likes Comments 23

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Congratulations! Your dungeon has been added to Trove! 

It can be found in the Geode Topside worlds!

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Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Approved


Nice touch with grass and decorations! And caves are looking so much better :D

Seriously good job, dungeons are a lot of effort and im so happy you you had enough patience to finalize this one. Happy to approve and hoping to see it in game :)

Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Needs Review

Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Active

Hello again!

This dungeon is shaping up nicely :D I admire your dedication :)

Quick feedback room by room:

Boss_room_VARa, b and c - absolutely great looks and layouts, but i cant find any monster spawn points. Just a few of those in each room and they would be just perfect :)

Geode_topside_outside_storage_layout_VARa, b and c - good job on changes! few monster spawns and may be some decorations/plants to make it more alive would be great. Also, entrances to the underground storage part could be more noticeable/brushed up. Entrances is crescent rock and in the standing destroyed tower look clean and intended, but could use some pointers, something to make it easier for players to understand they have to go that way. Entrance in the fallen destroyed tower does look accidental.

Geode_topside_underground_storage_layout_VARa, b and c - whoa, i did not expect to see that! Very curious change :D I do very much like the idea, and this way Quantity would not have effect indeed. Although it would be really good to see some more smooth and cleaned-up walls. Examples of walls that seem out of place/not finished/misleading:

Good thing, you can use Mimic blocks to fix those elements right in Metaforge, /wadd placeable/block/transmute/mimic is a chat command to add some to your inventory. They work exactly same way as in normal Trove, can copy any solid block. However they will not work on voxels mapped glass or glowing.

Monster_building_01VARa, b and c - all good :D

Storage_01, 02 and 03 - all good :) (Optional - some decorations, at least light sources around boss fighting place)

Storage_destroyed_01, 02 and 03 - really good, but needs just a couple of possible monster spawns near the cursed skulls/boss location.

Overall - really good progress, hoping to see it again on review :)

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Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Needs Review

Old Storage invaded by young leviathan status has been set to Active


Oh my, the dungeon looks amazing :O Loving the idea and architecture, very well done!

Few moments:

- all 3 version are indeed different, but its quite hard to tell if im looking at one or another. May be each of them could have some unique feature? For example, one variation would have tall tower that survived the destruction, other could have fewer 'destroyed buildings' (atm all have 4 pieces) but more/bigger natural things?

- all monster buildings (especially shrimp room) seem to have rather small platform for combat, monsters could easily fall off and players would need to search for them. Could be good to make sure there is more space. Loving the design of manta ray and jellyfish rooms!

- all storage rooms - same thing, very little room to fight the boss if it spawns there. May be these could serve decorational/gameplay only purpose? As, have mobs but no bosses?

- boss rooms B and C are great, but Boss_room_VARa has very little space to fight the boss. Also Boss_room_VARb seem to be missing the purple plug and so it doesnt spawn.

- overall - lacking possible monster spawns. Its alright to have corridors in Layout rooms populated with npcs, but they should have a chance to spawn in the rooms themselves too.

I understand the dungeon is designed to have a chance to spawn the boss in almost every location of the underground part, but it does feel very crowded and its quite hard to navigate down there. Players on PC have helpful mods, but on consoles it would be a nightmare to find bosses. Would be really great to have some empty 'cells' that could fill in instead of rooms. For example, each layout could have 2-4 possible miniboss spawn places and rest would be just filled with empty or gameplay rooms.

About the .dungeon file. its quite tricky actually, with the way its written it shouldnt be working and yet it does. According to your dungeon file, basement Layout rooms should not be able to fill all their sockets with plugged rooms because there are not enough rooms = a dungeon should not be able to spawn.

For example, in this layout you have 6 Green Sockets, so to fill all those you would need a total of at least 6 possible Quantity (amount of times a room can spawn) for rooms with Green plugs. You only have 3 of those, Storage Destroyed 1,2 and 3 each with quantity of 1 = 3 possible Quantity total. But for some reason Metaforge spawns duplicates of those Destroyed Storage rooms allowing dungeon to assemble.

I contacted Devs and they confirmed something weird is going on there, but they didnt say what or when its going to be fixed. For now im told to avoid approving dungeons that rely on proper Quantity to be assembled, because i cant really confirm that they will be working in game.

Id suggest to either put it on a shelf till things are fixed one way or another, or adjust plugs and sockets in a way that Quantity wouldnt matter. As in, every storage layout would only have one socket for every color used, not multiple.

You ve made a great dungeon, really hoping things will work out nicely for it.

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