Qubeslytron 3000
[Decoration] [Neon City]

The lastest on technology of qubeslys conservation including a brain jar a wi fi antenna an a flashlight moustache
Created 5 years ago
Updated 3 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Qubeslytron 3000 status has been set to Added
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Qubeslytron 3000 status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Qubeslytron 3000 status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Qubeslytron 3000 status has been set to Approved
Ylva 5 years ago
Qubeslytron 3000 status has been set to Needs Review
FranLugo123 5 years ago
Qubeslytron 3000 status has been set to Active
FranLugo123 5 years ago
Qubeslytron 3000 status has been set to Draft
FranLugo123 5 years ago
Qubeslytron 3000 status has been set to Active
FranLugo123 5 years ago
Qubeslytron 3000 status has been set to Needs Review
FranLugo123 5 years ago
Qubeslytron 3000 status has been set to Active
FranLugo123 5 years ago
Qubeslytron 3000 status has been set to Draft
FranLugo123 5 years ago
Qubeslytron 3000 status has been set to Active
FranLugo123 5 years ago
Qubeslytron 3000 status has been set to Needs Review
FranLugo123 5 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Digital Qubesly Plushie!
It can be unlocked with Neon Recipe and crafted at the
Robotic Workbench.
its done this one is a fusion of version 1 and 2 because also changing the brain glass i moved one light and changed the oppacity of the mustache glass.
thanks for your quick answer :D
Quick reply, thats a fun design, and would fit nicely with all them other Qubesly plushies :D Although i do think version 1 looked better with less transparent glass, it had more 'protected brain' look, rather then 'thin and fragile cover'. Would you consider counting that as final version? If not its no problem, version 2 does look good too :)