Wealth and death status has been set to Draft
Marleei 5 years ago
Wealth and death status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Wealth and death status has been set to Needs Review
Marleei 5 years ago
Wealth and death status has been set to Active
Marleei 5 years ago
Wealth and death status has been set to Draft
Marleei 5 years ago
Wealth and death status has been set to Active
Marleei 5 years ago
Wealth and death status has been set to Draft
Marleei 5 years ago
Wealth and death status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Wealth and death status has been set to Needs Review
Marleei 5 years ago

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Hello again!
So sorry for the delay.
Right, the gradient does not quite help with too-many-single-voxels issue nor does it add any depth to the design. It did reduce the amount of one voxel = one color, but there are still loads of them:
You can check yourself with https://trovesaurus.com/colours QB Color Tool.
I made an attempt of hand-painting on your design. It still far from perfect but hopefuly can illustrate what i mean.
That uses only 28 colors, yet looks cleaner and more convincing.
Issue of the gradient is that it indeed adds shading, but the shapes with it look more flat and all 'textures' look the same, be that metal or wood.
Again, great design and model, but really hoping to see non automated coloring.
Edit: Forgot to mention it again, with /weaponpreview Boomranger hold swords in both hands which would never happen in the game itself, thus screenshots with him and that command are not really valid. Please use Candy Barbarian, or Ninja or Knight for screenshots, they hold swords properly. With modding blueprints in Override all classes hold weapons in appropriate ways.
Thats one impressive sword :D Its super bulky and mean, but it fits in the dimensions nicely, good job!
I do have to complain about the coloring though. It would seem you used Noise function? (auto - applying darker\lighter shades to colors at random) That doesnt work too well for Trove. In short, game engine groups connected voxels of same color to render them as one 'element', more separate voxels/more colors > more resources needed to render.
Currently your model uses 153 different colors, while the only 'visible' ones are black, grey, white, gold and a bit of orange. Were you going for aged/worn look? Some thought-through spots of rust or dirt would be much better than automated mess.
Hoping to see it back on Review!