
[Melee] [Forbidden Spires]

5 years ago

by Marzes Home Files Download ZIP




Created 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Approved 5 years ago
This Creation was Approved by Creation Moderators and is waiting to be considered by Trove Developers for Acceptance.

Daemon status has been set to Approved

Ylva 5 years ago

Daemon status has been set to Needs Review

Marzes 5 years ago

Daemon status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago


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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Ylva 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Ylva 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

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Marzes 5 years ago

Daemon status has been set to Needs Review

Marzes 5 years ago

Comments and Likes Comments 34

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Nice looks similar to a katana. Cool detail

Daemon status has been set to Approved

Hello again!

I see you went back to previous design and improved that, looks great!

Happy to approve :)

Thank you for uploading the blueprint.


I got it, thanks

liked this!



It is not possible to put several creations of same type, im sorry if i didnt state that clear enough.

On your My Creations tab you have multiple slots for things, one for 3* dungeon, one for 1* dungeon, one for styles/decorations and one more for helmets (which should work together with styles/decorations actually). It is allowed to have one of each of those on review/inprogress, but not few 3* dungeons or few weapon styles at once etc. And that is what Erythra had, a dungeon and a hairstyle, not multiple things of same type.



I already asked you whether it is possible to put several creatures for verification, you said no, but a user with the nickname Erythra did it repeatedly, it’s very unpleasant when 1 person takes up 2 slots as you said

Daemon status has been set to Needs Review

Daemon status has been set to Active

Hello again!

The thing i meant was to literally take pommel from one version and combine that with a sword from other version, because i really thought that would create an attractive design. It might not be epic or grand but it does look elegant and unique.

Dont get me wrong, the latest (7th) version looks good too :) I do like those massive metal horns near the hand guard!

Although with current coloring they blend in with the blade (orange circle), making them hard to read. Having the edge of the blade of unique color (like in previous versions) or making horns use different color than the blade could work.

Please do keep an eye on amount of colors used too. You have quite a lot of color shades that are barely visible for the naked eye and only used on couple of voxels.

Changing status of  this one to Active for now.


thanks for your feedback,
it seemed to me that the old sword looks very damp and mediocre,
but if you say that you liked it,
I will try to do everything in my power
to make it better and you accepted it(google tranlsate : ) )

Hello again!

If i may ask, what made you change the blade and handle design? They were so elegant and good looking and really made the sword stand out from the rest of them melee designs.

The issue was about the pommel, its length and block pattern.

I believe 5th version of the blade would work best. Handle and pommel from 6th version do look really good though :) You think it would be possible to combine those or you d rather continue with current version 6?

Im not going to change the status of creation, let me know if you d want feedback on Version 6 instead of all the words i typed :)

For the image, it is probably a leftover from having that one set as a Featured Image. It should go away if you set some other image as Featured (first image you see when you open the creation page).

liked this!


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Daemon status has been set to Active

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Hello again!

I see you connected the floating bit :) However, the sword is still a bit out of dimensions. It has to be 9x9x35 around Attachment point, while in your design AP is moved to the front of the sword.

Another thing, while i do like the looks i think it could be worth it to put a bit more work into the pommel part. It seems quite busy in shape while being pretty much unicolor. May be a splash of orange like near the hand guard and somewhat simpler shape rather than chessboard pattern?

Hoping to see it back on review soon :)


Daemon status has been set to Needs Review

Daemon status has been set to Active

Hello again!

This sword has a style :D I like the subtle shading on the blade and those red horned elements, looks special!

Please do check with Lint and Export button in Troxel, at the moment your sword has corner connected part (the back red), those need to be connected to the rest of the sword.

Also it seems that part would need to be trimmed by a voxel or two. It might go in the ground when wielded by Knight.

I do think this one looks most promising from your sword designs for now. Would be good to see at least one of them finished.

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