City Pigeon
[Helmet] [Animal Head]

My favourite bird is a Pigeon, so i think creating it's head in Trove is good idea.
Created 5 years ago
Updated 5 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
City Pigeon status has been set to Added
Ylva 5 years ago
City Pigeon status has been set to Rewarded
entity 5 years ago
City Pigeon status has been set to Accepted
Meowser 5 years ago
City Pigeon status has been set to Approved
Ylva 5 years ago
City Pigeon status has been set to Needs Review
DycukGaming 5 years ago
Pigeon Head status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Pigeon Head status has been set to Needs Review
DycukGaming 5 years ago

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Looks incredible! Loving the changes, and your way of back-neck coloring turned out much better and more natural than mine, well done!
Happy to approve :)
Ps. With the model from your Troxel two head voxels were sticking out. Also you need to upload .blueprint, not the .qb. I fixed those two and uploaded blueprint for time saving purposes, please do it yourself next time :) Hoping to see more creations from you!
Oh, yeah, your version is actually better.
Idea to make his back of the head green/purple is very realistic(but I suck at colouring)
Gonna remake it today, thank you a lot.
What a lovely idea, pigeons are so weird and fun! A helmet like this could definitely find its place in trove :D
Great job on those grey colors, im very happy they are not bure black-white but have a hint of blue in them!
About the shape though, while pigeons, toucans and parrots are relatively close on the evolution board, i believe it should be possible to make a visual difference between their skulls/heads a bit more obvious. Pigeons have smaller eyes and beaks, and their heads are a bit more round.
City pigeons also have very interesting greenish-purple feather coloring on their necks, could be good to show that on helmet aswell.
I made a quick edit based on your model and those suggestions above. You dont need to copy it, just hoping it can give you some ideas or direction for adjustments :)
It might also help to use some Material Maps for neck feathers/any other places you d chose :)
Going to set status of this one to Active for now, change it back to Review if you upload new version!
Ps. Forgot to mention, please also include in-game screenshot of your creation :)