
Contribute data to the Trovesaurus database or fix errors, work towards Reward Tokens. Use the tabs below or the Submit Correction button on database pages.
You must be logged in to use the contribution system.
Claim 1 Reward Token for 30 Accepted Contributions
Contributions - Rules
Welcome to Contributions!
Here you can contribute to our Trovesaurus Database, earn Contribution Points and exchange them for the Reward Tokens!
Please be sure to follow the guidelines listed below to ensure that your contributions will pass a check from moderators.
Contributions for Mastery, Geode Mastery, Power Rank and Obtained fields Ylva
Almost every page on Trovesaurus contains manual-input data. Over the years, hundreds of different users have contributed to our database!
There are special requirements for every field, but the overall rules for such data are:
- Do not input information unless you are absolutely sure it is correct. No guessing allowed! This applies to unreleased items too, we can only know for sure what mastery/power rank etc does a collectable have only after it becomes available for players.
- Only input up to date information! Overtime, some information gets outdated, something that was true 2 years ago is not necessarily correct now. You can also contribute by updating old and outdated fields with new info!
- Use English language! Spellcheck your text! If you are not 100% sure how to write a sentence in English - please consider other ways to contribute!
- Always input full information. If an item can be obtained in multiple ways - input ALL of them! If you do not know all the details - please skip the field completely!
- Use Tags! Input a name of the item in square brackets and it will create a link to an other page on the website.
- Only edit the fields that you need to update! A contribution that 'updated' a valid field to have the same value would be rejected!
To contribute Mastery, Geode Mastery, Power Rank or Obtained look for a Blue Submit Correction button (1).
Fill all the fields that you want to edit (2) - every field will be considered as a separate contribution worth 1 token!
You can edit any field that does not have information or does not have a contribution already waiting for review.
Once you are done, click the grey Submit button (3).
These fields indicate the amount of Trove Mastery Points and/or
Geode Mastery Points that a collectable gives once unlocked.
Please only ever input these values after the collectables have been released!
If a collectable does not give any Trove mastery (a Promo item for example) - you could input the value of -1 into the 'mastery' field. This will prevent the collectable from appearing on the 'Needs Mastery" list.
Do not input -1 for Geode mastery!
Every Approved Mastery/Geode Mastery contribution is rewarded with 1 Contribution Point.
You can find a list of collectables that do not have Mastery over here > https://trovesaurus.com/contributions/nomastery
This field indicates the amount of Power Rank that a player gets if the collectable is equipped. Currently PowerRank contributions are only available for Allies category of collections.
Please only ever input Power Rank after the collectables have been released!
Every Approved Power Rank contribution is rewarded with 1 Contribution Point.
You can find a list of collectables that do not have Power Rank set over here > https://trovesaurus.com/contributions/nopowerrank
A lot of users visit our database for just one most important reason - to find out how to get collectables they are missing. It is of most importance that we keep the Obtained information complete and up to date.
Please be sure to list ALL the possible ways to obtain a collectable.
Was the item made available in a new way or an old way to obtain is no longer possible? Upload a correction but keep the old way to obtain listed as "Previously obtainable by..."
Quite some collectables have an automatically-generated 'Source', if we can determine if the item is available through crafting/lootbox/store purchase etc. But even if there is such a form already existing on the page, there is still a possibility to input the human-written text. Purpose of this is to have ALL the ways to obtain something written down.
Usually a Form to submit an Obtained field contribution would look like this. Press the Blue button, input your text and hit Submit.
1) Ally, Sentient Slice - has a recipe displayed, but the automated part does not say that craft is an Unlock and does not give an item, and it also does not say that Ally is tradable and can be rarely looted from killing event mobs.
BAD contribution: loot event mobs
GOOD contribution:
Originally introduced during the Sunfest event in July 2023.
Can be Unlocked by crafting it on the [Sunfest Oven] during the Sunfest event.
Tradable version can be rarely looted from Chocolate and Strawberry cake slice NPCs that appear in Candoria during the same Sunfest event.
Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game marketplace.
Follow-up: during the next Sunfest event, this ally might get new way to be obtained, together with losing some previous ones. It might also end up in Event Vault, and in that case it would be unlockable by the Event Vault Stash. In such a case, the Obtained would need to be updated.
Be sure to keep the old ways of 'obtained'!
2) Mount, Last Taxi is unlocked by purchasing a store pack, and the pack is listed on the page, but a tradable version of this mount is also available in the time-limited event lootboxes.
BAD contribution: Store pack or lootbox.
GOOD contribution:
Tradable, rarely unboxed from Spooklia's Treasure Box available during Shadows' Eve event in 2020.
Can be purchased from the in-game Marketplace.
As untradable Unlock included in the 2020's Shadowy Selection store pack.
That pack can be purchased from the in-game Store for 3000 Credits during Shadows' Eve event (October-November 2020).
Follow-up: Those lootboxes themselves are no longer obtainable, so a phrasing of 'Previously obtainable from ...' would also be acceptable. If a new method to obtain this mount becomes available it would need to be added to the page too.
3) Block - Primal Orange. It can be harder to specify methods to obtain for some items, like Primal color blocks for example. It is OK to generalize, but still try to be as specific as possible.
BAD contribution: This block can be obtained from destroying it in Worlds
GOOD contribution:
Can be obtained by destroying terrain in Adventure worlds. Dirt blocks from most biomes will turn into Primal Orange when picked up.
Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game marketplace.
Each Obtained contribution is rewarded with 1 Contribution Point when approved.
You can find a list of collectables that need Obtained information over here > https://trovesaurus.com/contributions/noobtained
Our website uses a system of tags to create user-friendly links to pages in the database.
Simply put a name of a desired item/crafting material/workbench/etc in square brackets:
, [Adventurer's Crafting Bench]
and [Penta-Forged Shadow Soul]
get turned into Flux ,
Adventurer's Crafting Bench and
Penta-Forged Shadow Soul.
You can also use the file paths to item prefabs to create same tags. This is useful if the database has more than one item of the exact same name. You can find the Path in the page URL:
So the [item/crafting/flux]
, [placeable/crafting/home_basic]
turn into Flux,
Adventurer's Crafting Bench and
Penta-Forged Shadow Soul.
Notice how the Tags need to be in a different paragraph from any other text editing! If a line with a tag contains an actual inserted URL, or a symbol like / or = or : , the tag likely will not work!
You can test if your tags will work on this page over here > https://trovesaurus.com/tags/test
Each separate field database info contribution is rewarded with 1 contribution point!
If your contribution was rejected it is likely we could not confirm the provided information.
If you have any questions, please ask them in the #trovesaurus channel on the Trovesaurus Discord server ,
Contributions for Stats, Effects and Abilities Ylva
This section is a work in progress! It is currently not possible to upload stats, effects or abilities as contributions.
Image Contributions Ylva
On our pages we offer in-game screenshots to illustrate items in their natural environment - in Trove game!
- Uploaded images should always show an item, an object or a collectable in an unobstructed and clear way.
There should be no question to what object is displayed or what does the image mean to illustrate. - Images should be of a sufficient quality - please do not upload images that are pixelated, taken in strange ways or stretched.
- Image dimensions should be at least 256x256 pixels!
- The uploaded images should not be edited - please do not adjust colors or add frames or use filters or make pretty renders.
The goal of uploaded images is to show how objects appear in game so please only upload screenshots.
You can Crop images to center on the item! - Make sure to take the screenshots in a light that shows the model and does not overexpose maps.
If the model has glowing blocks and looks sufficiently different during different time of day - its worth a separate screenshot.
It is also best to take screenshots on neutral backgrounds. - If you want to showcase VFX - record and upload a .GIF instead of multiple images. It is encouraged to keep your gif file sizes under 4MB!
- Do not upload images of items that only exist in the inventory!
Plenty of existing images on the website do not match the current requirements. Our long term goal is to replace them with quality content!
Please be sure to do your best! You can upload new images to improve your own older uploads, but continuous improvements of the same image will not be rewarded!
1) On an example of Prized Qubbage - no clutter - good, hard to tell where the Qubbage is - bad.
2) Decent size - good, super small size - bad.
256x256 image - good - https://i.imgur.com/OgCbHkw.png
97x84 image - bad - https://i.imgur.com/btG5txO.png
3) Decent quality - good, enlarged image to meet size requirements - bad.
4) Centered image - good, landscape screenshot of a whole game area - bad.
5) In-game screenshot - good, photo of the screen - bad.
IMPORTANT - If you are aiming to upload a whole lot of images - please start small and upload one-two first to make sure your images are of sufficient quality to pass the moderation and get Approved!
The easiest way to take a screenshot is to use F12 (default) button while in game - it will take a snapshot of your whole game screen.
The screenshot location will be output in the chat box - this is only visible to you.
However, this method is not ideal as it captures the whole screen and could capture all the unwanted clutter or could have an object of interest as a very small part of the image. Plus, F12 removes transparency from Glass blocks.
To avoid that, you could use a free software like Greenshot or any other screenshot-taking application.
To take a good screenshot you also need to see a good image in the game itself. To achieve this you can:
- set your Field of View to smaller area to focus camera on an object in front of you - /fov 60 or /fov 20 etc will zoom in on a center of your screen. The default value is /fov 75 , if you want to revert your changes.
- disable your UI (health and abilities bar, crosshair etc) by pressing F7 . Press same F7 again to bring back the UI.
- hide your character so they are not blocking the view - /hideplayer - works best on classes without companions, like the Knight. To display player again use /showplayer
- hide the extra VFX by using /fxenable 0 . To enable vfx again use /fxenable 1
- if you want to take photos of allies - enter a Clubworld and use /freezecompanion to keep your ally from moving. To enable their movement again, use /feezecompanion false
To record GIFs, you could use a free software like GIFCam. It does not place a watermark on the gifs and allows for a good amount of settings and editing options.
Lets take the Cuppy Puppy ally for example. If the page does not have any images at all you will see the following form.
Usually you might have to scroll to the bottom of the page to see the Images section.
Click on the Grey Upload Image button to proceed - this will bring up the Upload form, you can chose images or .gif files
Navigate to the file you want to upload in the opened up Explorer window, select it and click the Blue Submit button - your image or .gif will enter the Contributions queue for moderators to check.
- Once Approved, Image Contributions are rewarded with 1 point per image.
- Good GIFs are rewarded with 3 points per gif file.
You can have multiple images in one static file - if they all are good you will be rewarded multiple points for such an image. However, if one of the images within the file is not good, it will be rejected as a whole too.
DO NOT make such multiple image files too big! These really need to be unified and proper. A good example of multi-image file can be found here > https://trovesaurus.com/images/uploads/9MBXD1H.png
You can find database entries for collections that need Images over here > https://trovesaurus.com/contributions/noimages
And database entries for decorations that need Images over here > https://trovesaurus.com/contributions/noimagesdeco
You are welcome to upload new images to pages that already have images, but if you do - please be sure that your image either shows an object from a different angle + in a different light or otherwise contributes to showing off a model in some new way, or that your image is of much better quality than already existing files.
If your image contribution was rejected, it is likely that the image was not uploaded to a right page or did not fulfill one or multiple requirements.
If you have any questions, please ask them in the #trovesaurus channel on the Trovesaurus Discord server ,
Troxel Contributions Ylva
On our pages we offer a 3d view of ingame models supported by Troxel - web browser voxel editor.
- Troxel links should always show a full model. Some entities like items or styles only have one piece, but mounts or costumes have multiple parts. Some of them have a full assembled model as their UI (User Interface) piece, but most of them do not.
- If the UI model is not full, please be sure to assemble the parts together in a voxel editor!
- Please be sure to ONLY use the original in-game models, no edits, recolors, mods etc are allowed!
- Export your model as LINK: use - Color Palette Compression, Resize to bounding box. DO NOT USE - ReadOnly.
You can find database entries for collections that need Troxel models over here > https://trovesaurus.com/contributions/notroxel
And database entries for styles that need Troxel models over here > https://trovesaurus.com/contributions/notroxel-styles
Lets take [Tiny Trash Panda] as an item that needs a Troxel Contribution.
If the page does not have a Troxel link already, there would be a red exclamation mark next to the Model Viewer and two options would be available:
To Submit Troxel we would need to obtain a Troxel link - this means that we upload a model to the web-based Voxel Editor - Troxel and then export it as a Link that can be shared.
First we need to get the appropriate game files - we can either extract the game files from a Trove game client (installed on PC), or we can downloand already extracted blueprints from the Trovesaurus website one by one.
The game files that we need are the Blueprints - models that are used by the game.
To know which blueprint(s) exactly do we need, we have to visit the page of an item - in this case a Tiny Trash Panda. Click on the Mod Info tab > Blueprint and find a UI model - 2023/allies/egg_trashpanda/c_c_egg_trashpanda_ui
- luckily this one is a full model!
On the same Mod Info page we can click a Blueprint button on a desired file and download this UI blueprint, or if we can find a local file by searching the name of the blueprint(s) in the extracted game files.
Items or styles would not have a Mod Info tab, but they always have and Identifier - name of a blueprint they use.
The Troxel does not accept raw Blueprints, so we need to convert the Blueprint to QB files.
Navigate to the Trove/Live
folder and create a new folder named qbexport .
The must be a an empty (for now) folder Trove/Live/qbexport
, otherwise the next step would not work!
In the Trove/Live folder we need to locate an executable file called devtool_dungeon_blueprint_to_QB.bat
Then we going to use that. .bat file by dragging the 2023/allies/egg_trashpanda/c_c_egg_trashpanda_ui.blueprint
from the Extracted game files onto the bat.
If done right, this will output 5 new files into the Trove/Live/qbexport
If done right, we should have something like this in the qbexport:
Every single .blueprint converted to .qb will create 5 files:
- is a main QB file, this one contains color
- is an Alpha material map (_a) for the main QB file, it contains data about transparency of blocksc_c_egg_trashpanda_ui_s.qb
- is a Specular material map (_s) for the main QB file, it contains data about metallic/waxy/etc blocksc_c_egg_trashpanda_ui_t.qb
- is a Type material map (_t) for the main QB file, it contains data about glowing/glass/etc blocksc_c_egg_trashpanda_ui_entities.blueprint
- this new blueprints is only used for Dungeon blueprints! it is safe to discard this file, it is not used for Troxel.
Now that we have the files needed, we can go to the https://troxel.js.org/ and upload all the 4 QB files that were created:
Click on Open Model and we should be able to see the model right away. There should also be two new buttons on top, Export and Open:
For Troxel, we need to use the Export Model As and chose Link (share).
Please use the same settings as on the image below! - Color Pallet Compression and Resize to Bounding Box are checked, everything else is unchecked!
Using those options should give a link - double-click to select it all or click and Ctrl+A . Copy and paste the link into the Submit Troxel field on the same page that we started with - https://trovesaurus.com/collections/pet/egg_trashpanda/troxel :
Once we click the Submit button the Contribution will be added to the Moderation queue - Troveaurus Contribution moderators do their best to check these as soon as they can, but it might take a few days.
Contribution can get Approved - this gives you Contributions Points - good Troxel links are rewarded with 2 points!
Or a Contribution can get Rejected - if this happens, your Contribution was either uploaded to a wrong page, or did not have the right model, or the model was not featuring a full model.
- Once Approved, Troxel Contributions are rewarded with 2 points per link.
If your Troxel contribution was rejected, it was likely uploaded to a wrong page, or did not contain a full model.
If you have any questions, please ask them in the #trovesaurus channel on the Trovesaurus Discord server ,
QBCL Contributions Ylva
On some pages for our collectables we offer QBCL files - these contain all parts of the models and are very helpful for Modders.
QBCL file is a file format used by Qubicle - a Voxel editor that is used by Trove Developers to create 3d models for the game.
Qubicle is available on Steam, the Demo version should be sufficient for Contributions.
- To make a QBCL file you need to extract (or download) the game files, find ALL the parts of the desired model, convert them to QB and put them all together in one Qubicle scene file.
- Please be sure that your QBCL contribution shows a correct model. Do not recolor, remove Attachment Points or otherwise alter the models. No edits are allowed, just the raw game files! Do not rotate the parts! When viewed in Qubicle they will appear to face backwards, but this is the proper way!
- All parts of the model AND all different models that belong to one object should be included within a single QBCL file. This means that all the minions/ability models/styles etc should be included in the file!
- The parts within a QBCL file should be properly arranged. Meaning all the limbs and other body parts should be approximately where they would appear in game. In some cases it is not possible to achieve as in-game parts would be angled, but please put them as close as possible to their in-game location.
- Optionally, you could name the parts - but if you do, be sure to use correct blueprint names! This is not required for an upload though.
- Optionally, you could include Material Maps - but if you do, be sure to either name them properly or position them relative to the main Color parts. You do not need to include blank material maps.
First we need to get the appropriate game files - we can either extract the game files from a Trove game client (installed on PC), or we can downloand already extracted blueprints from the Trovesaurus website one by one.
The game files that we need are the Blueprints - models that are used by the game.
To know which blueprint(s) exactly do we need, we have to visit the page of an item - lets take a Fiammit costume for a Shadow Hunter for this example.
Click on the Mod Info tab > Blueprints to see the Costume parts - at the moment this page only shows actual parts of the costume, but not the abilities.
BUT in most cases you can get the name identifier and look up other blueprints using it. In this case it is 'sunburn'.
If you search Blueprints for 'sunburn' you will see all the parts of the costume, including helmet, bow, bomb trap and whisp:
You can download costume parts from the Costume page, but if you want to download blueprints for skins and abilities you would need to go check the https://trovesaurus.com/trove/blueprints . It is MUCH easier to have your own client extracted.
Once you have the blueprints, you need to convert them to QB files to be able to open them in Qubicle.
Navigate to the Trove/Live
folder and create a new folder named qbexport .
The must be a an empty (for now) folder Trove/Live/qbexport
, without the folder the next step will not work!
In the Trove/Live folder locate an executable file called devtool_dungeon_blueprint_to_QB.bat
Use that. .bat file by dragging our Shadowhunter costume blueprints from the Extracted game files onto the bat.
If done right, this will output 5 (per file) x 23 (total amount of our files for the costume )new files into the Trove/Live/qbexport
In the video i look up all blueprints that have 'sunburn' in their name in my Trove/Live/Extracted folder, and convert them all to QB - the black console window closes once every blueprint is processed.
Once every blueprint is processed, you should be able to see 5 new files (per blueprint converted) in the Trove/Live/qbexport folder.
Every single .blueprint converted to .qb will create 5 files:
- is a main QB file, this one contains color - this is the main file we need for Qubicle!
- is an Alpha material map (_a) for the main QB file, it contains data about transparency of blocks c_p_shadow_hunter_sunburn_ui_s.qb
- is a Specular material map (_s) for the main QB file, it contains data about metallic/waxy/etc blocksc_p_shadow_hunter_sunburn_ui_t.qb
- is a Type material map (_t) for the main QB file, it contains data about glowing/glass/etc blocksc_p_shadow_hunter_sunburn_ui_entities.blueprint
- this new blueprints is only used for Dungeon blueprints! it is safe to discard this file, it is not used for Qubicle!
The Alpha, Type and Specular maps can be optionally included in the qbcl file.
Drag the .qb files into the Qubicle one by one or all together - it would be harder to tell which part is which if you open them in bulk.
You do not need to include material maps if they are blank. The blueprint to qb converter will always generate all the maps, but in a lot of cases they do not actually contain any materials and only show up as 'default' color.
Once you are done with all the pieces, your file should look somewhat like this:
Save your file as .qbcl - this would be the only file type that Demo version of Qubicle would allow you to save as.
Back on the costume page, click on QBCL button on the Mod Info tab - the yellow buttons show that there is a .qbcl file uploaded for the same rig, but not for the same costume.
Click on Choose file, navigate to the qbcl file you made in the Explorer window popup and click Submit.
After your file has been Reviewed and Approved by moderators it will appear as downloadable on the page.
You can navigate to Models that do not have a QBCL file through here > https://trovesaurus.com/contributions/noqbcl
- Once Approved, a QBCL contribution will be rewarded with 5 Contribution Points.
If your QBCL contribution was rejected, it is likely it was uploaded to a wrong page or did not contain all the model parts.
If you have any questions, please ask them in the #trovesaurus channel on the Trovesaurus Discord server ,
or reach out to Etaew or
Ylva through the website emails.
As another example of a good Qubicle upload but without extra elemets - take a look at Chaos Hound
All the separate parts of the model are present in the scene and placed appoximately where they would appear in game.
Important! - Rejected Contributions Ylva
Please be mindful of what you upload! If a certain amount of your Contributions get rejected you will not be able to upload more!
If you are not certain if your contribution is good or bad - UPLOAD ONE first and see if it passes the moderation before uploading more! It takes time and effort from our team to verify every contribution, so getting through continuous low-quality contributions makes it much harder to keep up with the amount of uploads.
If you have been blocked but wish to continue contributing - send an email to Etaew. We would need to confirm that you understand why your contributions were rejected and how to make them pass the moderation, and also that you know the guidelines and are willing to follow the rules.
Repeated blocking will not be revoked.
Important! - Contribution Points and Reward Tokens Ylva
You can earn Contribution Points for uploading various types of information and images to the website.
Each contribution is rewarded with:
- Image - 1 point
- Gif - 3 points
- Mastery/Geode Mastery - 1 point
- Power Rank - 1 point
- How to Obtain - 1 point
- Troxel model - 2 points
- QBCL file - 5 points
For 30 Contribution Points you can claim 1 Trovesaurus Reward Token - you can use these to claim rewards from currently available list - https://trovesaurus.com/rewards
Claiming Rewards gives you a Code that you can apply to your Glyph account - https://trovelive.trionworlds.com/commerce/voucher/redeem-voucher-flow
The codes we offer are provided by the Trove Team and are not generated by us or on request.
You are allowed to give the codes you earned to your friends instead of using them yourself, but we as Trovesaurus will not provide any support in case the code that was not applied to your own account did not work!
Users that get caught or reported to us for publicly selling our codes will be blocked from contributions. We aim to offer rewards to people who help us make our database better, selling codes means that someone would not be able to claim a hard-earned reward they want for themselves while other person made a bit of Flux.