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Mod Comments
Showing all Comments posted on mod pages.
Roruan on
Raccoonus Costumus | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
Gj its a nice concept, do the lunancy trasformation!
FullBuster459 on
Balefire Dragon | Dragons Mod
8 years ago
Omg dude your the best i have a chloromancer balefire mod and hadavros and i wanted amod other then the christmas draon no offense tahnk you your the best
KnightPlaysTROVE on
Undertale Mod Pack | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
VishalDABOMBKumar on
♀ Magicalgirl | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
it seems like there is no difference between this and the super magical costume
VishalDABOMBKumar on
♀ Magicalgirl | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
iM so confused isnt this just the super magical costume?
Xerxes02 on
Novus/Advanced Tactical Mobile Suit(ATMoS) | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
This is truley amazing, the only thing missing is a custom set of wings
shinzabouzo on
Undertale Mod Pack | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
the mod didn't work with v1.2 update for me pls fix it D:
on this image you can read : the name of the mod file "undertale dracolyte" doesn't match with the name of the integrated achives "undertale sans for dracolyte". the mod will be ignored.
Please help me ! :c
lacario1417 on
Undertale Mod Pack | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
i know who you suld make next
"Ally" Flowey
boomeranger papyrus
lunar lancer undyne
revenant asgore
chloromancer toriel
Zirhaw on
[Costume] Pirate! | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
That looks really cool !
Too bad that this isn't on Neon Ninja, or the Knight :c
lucasbsmm on
Shadairn, Voice of Nightfall (first mod and brazillian mod) | Dragons Mod
8 years ago
é porque esse é o primeiro mod brasileiro do jogo
KnightPlaysTROVE on
Undertale Mod Pack | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
Right now I'm working on the costume's Ultimate transformation. It's going to look awesome, I promise.
KnightPlaysTROVE on
Undertale Mod Pack | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
By the way, the Gaster Blaster (a.k.a. the floating pet next to you) will look better if you inflate it (by hitting entities).
Customized club tag | GUI Mod
8 years ago
This comment has been removed
TheSymbol on
TheSymbols Chat Mod | GUI Mod
8 years ago
Hi WolyMix,
Sorry for the late reply (i do not get notified here about comments, so i might miss them)
What do you mean by "Command has to take the chat time?" could you ellaborate a bit more on what you mean, thanks.
If you want me to respond quickly send me a direct message here on trovesaurus and ill respond much faster.
aycfes on
Shadairn, Voice of Nightfall (first mod and brazillian mod) | Dragons Mod
8 years ago
Realy well made and cool looking, but why the "brazilian mod" hilight?
muito bem feito e bonito, mas porque o destaque em "mod br"?
Fockmedaddy on
Moonancer | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
Can you make a version that replaces the first or second outfit?
lacario1417 on Undertale Mod Pack | Costumes Mod
8 years ago
did yu get this? reply?
i know who you suld make next
"Ally" Flowey
boomeranger papyrus
lunar lancer undyne
revenant asgore
chloromancer toriel